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Defining Skills

When setting up the Skills, you are essentially creating a list of all Skills required to perform all jobs within the company.
When you create a new job you can then define the required skills for this job from this list.

Creating Skills

  1. Select the Maintenance TAB.
  2. Select the Skills Folder.
  3. You should see a list of Skills, if this list is empty then no Skills have been added at this point in time.
  4. Select the [Create] button.
  5. Enter the Skill Name, this is a Description of the Skill.
  6. Enter the Skill Assessment Procedure.
  7. Select from drop down the Job type that this skill is specific for. (This association to a Job type is for nothing more than grouping.
  8. Select the [Save] button.

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Assigning Skills to a Job

  1. Select the Human Resources TAB.
  2. Select the Job folder.
  3. You should see a list of Jobs, select a Job.
  4. Select the Skills SubFolder.
  5. Select the [Create] button.
  6. Select if Current or not.
  7. Enter the From Date.
  8. Enter the Until Date.
  9. Select from drop down the Skill required for this Job.
  10. Select if this Skill is Mandatory for this Job.
  11. Select from the drop down the Assessment Type.
  12. Enter who the assessment is Performed By.
  13. Enter any Notes regarding the Skill.
  14. Select the [Save] button.

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Skill Fields Explained

Field Name Description
Skill Name Mandatory Field. Type the name of the skill here
Skill Assessment Procedure Type text notes here about the assessment procedure
Job You can link the skill to a Job so when you assess skills against the job, the related skills can be accessed in the Drop Down Field

Please also refer to these links for details relating to Skills and their relationships to other parts of the system:
Applicant Skills
Vacancy Skills
Searching for Skills
Employee Skills
Job Skills

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