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Applicant Skills

By adding skills for the applicant you are enabling the ability to compare all other applicants for the same vacancy.
If an applicant has applied through the Online Portal, or Intranet some of these details may already be filled out for you.
If an applicant has submitted an application off-line then some data entry maybe required to be of benefit.

Creating Applicant Skills

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Recruitment TAB.
  2. Select the Applicant Folder.
  3. Select the desired applicant from the applicants list.
  4. Select the Skills SubFolder.
  5. Select the [Add new record] button.
  6. Fill in the fields.
  7. Select the [Save] button.

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Skills fields explained

Field Name Description
Assessment Date The date and time the assessment was performed
Vacancy Skills Select the check box if this skill is one of the required or desired skills for the vacancy they have applied for.
Skill The skill the applicant has
Assessment Reason Reason for the assessment
Assessment Type The type of assessment performed / who performed the assessment
Assessor The name of the person who performed the assessment
Comments Notes on the assessment
Compliant Is the applicant compliant with the skill

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