SHaRe Survey Solution - Form / Survey / Document Builder
[hide]- 1 SHaRe Solution Overview
- 1.1 Workbench Canvases for Non-Team Dashboard Users
- 1.2 Deploy New - Deploying Canvases through Wizard
- 1.3 Dashboard Widgets - Non-Team Dashboard Users
- 1.4 Navigating a Canvas
- 1.5 Open a Canvas
- 1.6 Clone a Canvas
- 1.7 Create a Canvas
- 1.8 Navigation Icons and Tab Colours
- 2 Build Canvas Overview
- 2.1 Canvas Customization
- 2.2 Logo Change
- 2.3 Colour Changes
- 2.4 Canvas Items
- 2.5 Multiple Choice Item
- 2.6 Multiple Select Item
- 2.7 Rating Matrix Item
- 2.8 Rating Matrix (Multiple Select)Item
- 2.9 Short Answer Item
- 2.10 Long Answer Item
- 2.11 Paragraph Item
- 2.12 Availability Item
- 2.13 Form Field
- 2.14 File Item
- 2.15 Signature
- 2.16 System Form
- 2.17 Preview Canvas
- 2.18 Scheduling
- 2.19 Creating the Workflow
- 2.20 Reminder
- 2.21 Survey Reports
- 2.22 Survey Results in Standard Reports
- 2.23 Generic Recruitment Questions
- 2.24 Tax Declaration Submission and Super Choices Capture
SHaRe Solution Overview
The purpose of the SHaRe Tool is to enable the creation of Canvases (Surveys) for the Recruitment, Human Resources or the Performance Management solution. The primary use in Recruitment is for the gathering of information on Applicants. SHaRe canvases are created and linked to a Vacancy, so that Applicants can respond and submit answers to questions. Scoring can be assigned for answers to questions in the SHaRe Canvas, so that Applicants are given a score that can then be used to rank the Applicants and then process them. Canvas Questions can have a flow to either another question or page, which allows for an efficient process for getting information from Applicants. Please note that to link the SHaRe Canvas to a Vacancy, you need to access the relevant Vacancy and then select the canvas in the drop-down field, Link Questionnaire. Please see Vacancy Information for more details. Please note that with SHaRe, you can engage people through surveys, videos, questionnaires, document-signing, contract signing etc. For Team Dashboard Users, SHaRe Canvases are Deployed/Sent from the HR or Recruitment Surveys Widget which are available in both Manager and People and Culture Dashboards. Please see the [[Dashboard-Widgets|Team Dashboard] Widgets option or both the Recruitment Surveys and HR Surveys.
Workbench Canvases for Non-Team Dashboard Users
This is a feature in the Subscribe-HR Workbench, called Canvases. This area will allow for Canvases to be managed based on Security access. Employees, Managers and HR staff can only access Canvases that relate to them. Based on current canvases that are being completed and historical Canvases that have been completed.
There are 3 tabs within the Canvas Workbench (Non-Team Dashboard Users), these include:
- My Canvases. This tab that contains all a User's specific Surveys/Forms that have been received/responded too. If you are a manager or in HR, these canvases will also be available in All Canvases
- All Canvases. This is where users are able to see all the canvases that they have permission to view. e.g. Managers will be able to see their canvases and the employees they manage, whereas HR Staff will have access to all canvases for all employees.
- Sent Canvases. This is where users are able to view all the canvases they have deployed. ******
For more information on how to edit/set the permissions of canvases please Click Here.
Deploy New - Deploying Canvases through Wizard
This is done from the Workbench for Non Team Dashboard Users. The DEPLOY NEW button allows users to send SHaRe Forms/Surveys/Canvases to recipients for completion. Once Sent, they will be able to be seen in the SENT CANVASES tab. Deloying Canvases can be done through the HR and Recruitment Survey Widget in Manager and People and Culture Widgets in Team Dashboards.
To Deploy a new canvas using the Canvas Deployment Wizard - This can be done through the Workbench - Canvases option for Non Team Dashboard Users and through the HR / Recruitment Surveys Widget in Team Dashboards:
- Select Canvases from the main navigation menu on the left.
- Within any tab, select the green Deploy New button on the top left
- Enter the Name of this specific deployment.
- Search for an existing canvas/template you wish to send with your deployment, and select it from the drop down.
- Search and select the Employee(s) you wish to generate a canvas for, from the drop down.
- Search and select the Group(s) you wish to send the canvas from the drop down. Note: This will generate a canvas for every employee that has been assigned to the group(s) you select, as well as the individual employees you chose in step 5.
- Search and select the Department(s) you wish to send the canvas from the drop down.Note: This will generate a canvas for every employee in the department(s) you select, as well as the group(s) and individual employees you chose in steps 5 and 6.
- Select who will actually receive and answer the generated canvases.
- Selecting Employee, Will send the generated canvas to the employee to fill out.
- Selecting Manager, Will send the generated canvas to the manager of the employee(s) selected.
- Selecting Field, Will send the generated canvas to the Field on form you select. e.g. Selecting "E-mail Address Work", will send the canvas to the employee(s) work email, and Selecting "E-mail for Payslip" will send the canvas to the employee(s) E-mail they have nominated for their payslips to go.
- Selecting Anonymous,Will send the generated canvas to all the outlined employee(s), however the responses will be anonymous, this is most useful for manager feedback or other topics of that nature.
- Selecting External Will allow the generated canvas to be sent to a recipient outside of Subscribe-HR.
- Review the Canvas being sent to the outlined recipients and make any changes as needed. Note: Any edits made will only be applied for this specific deployment and will not permanently save your changes.
- Select when the canvas will be sent to the outlined recipients. Selecting Now will immediately send the canvas, Selecting Later, will allow the user to select a time and date for the canvas to be sent.
- Select Requires Approval if required. This will prevent the canvas from being sent until approval from the user nominated in the workflow.
- E-mail Template. Select an e-mail template. This can be modified by you. The template will come from Maintenance Correspondence.
- Review the summary of the deployment. Click Submit to send the canvas.
Dashboard Widgets - Non-Team Dashboard Users
There are two main dashboard widgets HR Active Canvases and Recruitment Active Canvases
Each of these widgets shows a summary of the Answers provided with a click-through to the canvas.
Below is a table with an explanation of each field in the widgets.
HR Active Canvases
Field Name | Description |
Canvas | The name of the HR Survey |
Tested | Indicates if the Survey was tested |
Sent | Indicates how many people the Survey was sent to |
Started | Indicates how many people started the Survey |
Completed | Indicates how many people completed the Survey |
Summary | Shows the Report on the results of the Survey |
Recruitment Active Canvases
Field Name | Description |
Canvas | The name of the Recruitment Canvas |
Not answered | The Number of People who have to finish the canvas |
Answered | Indicates how many people have finished the Canavs |
Summary | Shows the Report on the results of the Canvas |
Vacancies | Shows the vacancies that link to this canvas |
Canvases now have three tabs, General, Build, and Usage.
Canvas – General Tab
The General Tab contains a general overview of what this Canvas is about, including a description of the Survey. This is where you can also upload your Company logo and view a sample Survey name, subtitle, and the questions included in the Survey.
Canvas – Build Tab
The Build Tab contains the tools to create Canvases/Surveys as outlined in the table below.
Question Type | Description |
Create New | Allows Users to create a new Canvas/Survey. |
Save | Saves the changes you’ve made to the Canvas/Survey. |
Delete | Deletes the Canvas/Survey. |
Clone | Allows Users to clone the Canvas/Survey. |
Preview | Allows Users to preview the Canvas/Survey. |
General | Allows Users to add a series of question types to the Survey. |
Multiple Choice | This option displays a question with a list of choices. Only one option can be selected. |
Multiple Select | Displays a question with a list of choices. Multiple options can be selected. |
Matrix (Multiple Select) | Displays a matrix with a list of options. Multiple items can be selected. |
Rating Matrix | Displays a matrix with a list of choices. Only one rating option can be selected per item. |
Short Text | Displays a question with single line free text answer box.<). |
Long Text | Displays a question with multi-line free text answer box. |
Pulse | Available is your are setting up Pulse Type Survey. Short Text option is also available which allow for a comment to be inserted to work in conjunction with the selection. Comment can be set-up to follow when the initial / selection - rating is done. Pulse Icon Types are: Smiley Faces - Happy is Yes. Neutral is Neither. Sad is No. Thumbs up and Thumbs Down it the other option. Thumbs Up is - Like/Agree. Thumbs Down is - Dont Like/Disagree. |
NPS | Available is your are setting up NPS Type Survey. Short Text option is also available which allow for a comment to be inserted to work in conjunction with the selection. Comment can be set-up to follow when the initial / selection - rating is done. |
File | Add the ability to upload files. |
Paragraph | Add basic text, html content or rich text to your canvas. |
Signature | Add signature field. |
Forms | Enables the Users to map Form fields and Link Records. |
Form Field | Map a field from a form in a related module. |
System Form | Link records from system sub-folders. Will allow users to create and save records directly into system forms. |
Canvas – Usage Tab
The Usage Tab allows Users to view and manage Canvases/Surveys that are currently Active or 'In Progress.'
When Canvases/Surveys are sent to Employees, a record of each Survey will appear under the 'Usage' Tab. If the Survey is sent manually from either the Recruitment Surveys Widget or the HR Surveys Widget, it will appear under the General Tab. If the Canvas/Survey was picked up by a Workflow and sent to Employees, it will appear under the Workflow Tab. If an On/Cross/Offboarding Canvas/Survey is sent (without a Contract/Letter of Offer), it will appear under the Survey Tab (available for these Survey types only). Canvases/Surveys with Contracts & Letters of Offer will appear under that Tab.
Canvas - Usage Tab - Team Dashboards Users
Different types of Canvases/Surveys have slightly different Tabs available under “Usage,” which are as follows:
- Human Resources Canvases/Surveys: General & Workflow Tabs.
- Recruitment Canvases/Surveys: General & Workflow Tabs.
- Performance Canvases/Surveys: General Tab.
- On/Cross/Offboarding Canvases/Surveys: Contracts & Letters of Offer & Survey Tabs.
The information and functionality available via the General, Workflow, Contract & Letter of Offer and Survey Tabs are outlined below. Each Tab provides sightly different information depending on the Canvas/Survey type:
- Recruitment and Core-HR Canvas/Survey:
- General - the Survey is sent via deployment e.g. HR or Recruitment Surveys Wizard/s.
- Workflow - the Survey was sent via a workflow task (linked to the Survey).
- Performance Canvas/Survey:
- General - the Survey is sent via deployment of a Performance Review. Note: In Team Dashboards, Performance Reviews (Canvases/Surveys) are sent/deployed People & cultures Users via the Performance Management Widget only. They can't be sent via a Workflow.
- Workflow - [To be confirmed].
- Onboarding Canvas/Survey:
- Contracts & Letters of Offer - the Onboarding Welcome Pack, or other On/Cross/Offboarding Survey contains a Contract or Letter of Offer.
- Survey - the Onboarding Welcome Pack, or other On/Cross/Offboarding Survey does not contain a Contract or Letter of Offer.
Canvas – Usage Tab - General (Recruitment, Core-HR & Performance) or Contracts & Letters of Offer (On/Cross/Offboarding)
Field Name | Description |
General Tab | Allows Users to View and Manage Canvases/Surveys. |
In Progress Tab | Lists all Canvases/Surveys currently 'In Progress.' |
Completed Tab | Lists all Canvases/Surveys that have been 'Completed.'” |
Search | Allows Users to search Canvases/Surveys for Participants and Canvases/Surveys. |
ID | This column contains the ID assigned to that Canvas/Survey. |
Name | This column contains the Name assigned to that Canvas/Survey. |
Participants | Users can view a list of all the participants who have received and are either in the process of or have completed that Canvas/Survey by clicking on the two squares. The number in brackets indicates how many participants there are in that Canvas/Survey. If the HR Survey was "Anonymous" there will be no Names in here based on the Respondents. |
Repeating | This column indicates if the Canvas/Survey repeats or not. |
Date Closing | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey will close/end. |
Date Sent | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey was sent to Participants. |
Date Start | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey was started by Participants. |
Date Completed (Completed Tab only) | This is the date that Canvas/Survey was completed by Participants. |
Actions | Users can view the following information about the Canvas/Survey:
Canvas – Usage Tab - Workflow
Field Name | Description |
General Tab | Allows Users to View and Manage Canvases/Surveys. |
In Progress Tab | Lists all Canvases/Surveys currently 'In Progress.' |
Completed Tab | Lists all Canvases/Surveys that have been 'Completed.'” |
Search | Allows Users to search Canvases/Surveys for Participants and Canvases/Surveys. |
ID | This column contains the ID assigned to that Canvas/Survey. |
Participants | This column contains the Participants that Canvas/Survey has been assigned to. |
Date Sent | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey was sent to Participants. |
Date Start | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey was started by Participants. |
Actions | Users can view the following information about the Canvas/Survey:
Canvas – Usage Tab - Survey
Field Name | Description |
General Tab | Allows Users to View and Manage Canvases/Surveys. |
In Progress Tab | Lists all Canvases/Surveys currently 'In Progress.' |
Completed Tab | Lists all Canvases/Surveys that have been 'Completed.'” |
Search | Allows Users to search Canvases/Surveys for Participants and Canvases/Surveys. |
ID | This column contains the ID assigned to that Canvas/Survey. |
Participants | This column contains the Participants that Canvas/Survey has been assigned to. |
Date Sent | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey was sent to Participants. |
Date Start | This is the date and time that Canvas/Survey was started by Participants. |
Actions | Users can view the following information about the Canvas/Survey:
Open a Canvas
To get access to an existing Canvas follow these steps. Canvases that have been previously created will be listed.
- Once Logged into Subscribe-HR select the SHaRe Tool from the main navigation menu on the left.
- Select the Canvases Tab from the Drop-Down list.
- Select a Canvas of interest.
- Select the Build tab on the top left to see the canvas content.
Clone a Canvas
This function allows you to start a new canvas from one that has already been created. This gives you an easy way to update a canvas without losing the original format and content.
- After logging into Subscribe-HR, select the ShaRe Module from the main navigation menu on the left.
- Select the Canvases Tab.
- Open the Canvas you wish to duplicate.
- Select the clone button on the top left.
- The Cloned canvas will be opened automatically with the text -copy appended to the end of the canvases name. You may wish to rename the canvas at this point.
- The text You are now on the cloned survey. The record has been cloned successfully. is displayed.
Create a Canvas
This option allows the creation of a new blank canvas. Please note that Canvases will be locked when they are in use - when they are sent out. Via Performance Management, HR or Applicant. The reason for this is that when they have been deployed, reporting is currently being performed on that Canvas. You can Clone a Canvas that is locked.
1. After logging into Subscribe-HR, select the SHaRe Module from the main navigation menu on the left.
2. Select the Canvases Tab.
3. Select the green Create New button on the top left to create a blank canvas.
4. On the General Tab you must type a Canvas Name, however the Description is optional.
5. Specify if the Canvas should be made available as a Document in the System.
Note: If the Canvas is something like a Contract, Letter of Offer or Tax Declaration, then these types of Canvases/Documents usually require actions to be taken in relation to them (for example a signature on a Contract) as part of the On/Cross/Offboarding process. For these types of Canvases, you need to select "Yes" in the 'Is Document' field. If you select "Yes" that Canvas will then be available in the System as a document that can be added to relevant/associated On/Cross/Offboarding Workflows. If you select "No" in the 'Is Document' field, the Canvas will be available in other relevant/ associated Workflows (Human Resources, Performance, Recruitment).
6. Select Human Resources, Recruitment, Performance, or On-Boarding as the canvas type. The option you select here will determine where that Canvas/Document type will be available to add to Workflows. E.G. Recruitment Canvases will only appear as options to add to Recruitment workflows etc.
7. As an example, to create a Canvas/Document that is available for use in an Onboarding Pack, follow these steps:
- Type - select "On/Cross/Offboarding."
- Is Document - select "Yes."
- Document Type - specify if the document is a Letter (e.g. Letter of Offer), Contract, Tax Declaration (or leave blank). For the purpose of this example, let's say you selected "Contract."
8. Selecting Contract will make this available as a contract in the Onboarding/Crossboarding/Offboarding solution, as well as in the On/Cross/Offboarding Wizards and Widgets.
9. Selecting Letter will make it available as a Letter template in the Onboarding/Crossboarding/Offboarding solution, as well as in the On/Cross/Offboarding Wizards and Widgets.
10. Click "Save" to save the Canvas and then proceed to the "Build" tab to create your Canvas/Document.
As there are multiple sections to populate through the Canvas, there are Navigation Icons to progress through each stage of the creation of the Canvas.
- Select the Next Icon to move forward one Tab in the Process. The Tab contents will be Saved when selecting forward.
- Select the Back Icon to go back to the previous Tab.
- Notice the Tabs change colour to indicate the progress through the Canvas.
Please Note:
- A Red Tab indicates the Tab currently being editing. Green indicates a Tab that has been Saved. Pink Indicates a Tab that is yet to be opened.
- An Auto-Save function has been enabled on the Build Tab. So if you add item(s) and then select Next or click to another page the Auto-Save feature will Save the canvas. A Green Status Message will appear Automatically Saved-->
Build Canvas Overview
The Canvas is built or updated by the tasks listed below. For each task it is assumed you already have your canvas open.
- Select the text, "Click here to set the page name." .This allows you to name the page.
- Select Add page at the bottom of your canvas to put a blank page into the Questionnaire at the point of insertion.
- Select Adding a heading to insert a Heading at the top of the page. Optionally Click Save or Cancel.
- Select Insert an item which opens a pop-up to select the canvas items as listed below.
- Select the Edit Icon to update the items already saved on the page.
- Select the Delete Icon to remove an item on the page.
- Select the Move Icon to move the item on the canvas relative to other items.
Canvas Customization
The Human Resources Canvas can be customized in the following ways.
Logo Change
The logo of the Canvas can be customized by adding a logo to the Form
- Select the General tab on your new canvas.
- Select Logo Upload
- Select the logo in image format from your PC to upload.
- Notice the Logo Change on the Preview .
- Select the Logo Alignment from the menu on the right; either Left, Center, or Right.
- Click the green Save button on the top right.
Colour Changes
Canvases can be changed in appearance through the Canvas Customization section. Selectors for the change of the appearance are displayed. A Preview of the Canvas is shown to the left of the Selectors. To visually change any of the items follow these steps.
- Click in the Customization item of interest; e.g. Page Title, Paragraph.
- Move to the slider to the Primary Colour Band of interest.
- Select the detailed Colour of interest by clicking in the Rectangular Colour Selector.
- Notice the Colour Number Changes on the item of Interest. Alternatively if you know the colour number then you can paste it straight over the existing colour number.
- Notice the item of interest change on the Canvas Preview.
- Click the green Save button on the top right.
Canvas Items
The Items are the building blocks of the canvas. Each item has its own set of features that can be used to create a complete questionnaire. When you insert or edit an item you will always have the option to save or cancel the task.
For each item, there is a "Only show when another question is answered" checkbox. This allows you to hide a question until another question is answered. It can also be configured so that the question only appears if the question required has a specific answer.
In Performance canvases, each item has either one or two dropdowns labelled “Who Will [See/Answer] This [Item]”. These denote which participants in a Performance Review will interact with the item. For more information, see (link to the Role-Based Access section below).
There are also options to flag answers as important, or to nominate one or more answers to be "Killer" answers, ending the survey there. A rejection message can be embedded if an killer answer is chosen.
Multiple Choice Item
This Item allows the insertion of a question with a list of choices. Applicant scores can be linked to each option created with action flow to another question. The options here appear as Radio buttons.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Multiple Choice to insert a question with a list of choices. Only one option can be chosen.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Enter the Options and Scores you wish to be applied to the question.
- To add multiple options, select Add Option and enter the score value that option carries in the Score field.
- Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
- Select Rejection Answer if required.
- Compose the message you would like the employee to see after selecting the rejection answer.
- Select Alert Flag if required.
- Select Undesirable. if this option is chosen, a flag will be placed against the applicants record labeling them undesirable.
- Select Save to set the item on the page.
- Select Cancel to Abort the addition.
Multiple Select Item
This Item enables the insertion of a question with a list of choices, multiple options can be selected. This allows applicants scores to be linked to each option created, with action flow to another question or page.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Multiple Select to insert a question with a list of choices. Multiple options can be selected.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Enter the Options and Scores you wish to be applied to the question.
- To add multiple options, select Add Option and enter the score value that option carries in the Score field.
- Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
- Select Rejection Answer if required.
- Compose the message you would like the employee to see after selecting the rejection answer.
- Select Alert Flag if required.
- Select Undesirable. if this option is chosen, a flag will be placed against the applicants record labeling them undesirable.
- Select Save to set the item on the page.
- Select Cancel to Abort the addition.
Rating Matrix Item
This item allows for a large set of options to be created in a Matrix style with Radio button selectors. Applicants scores are linked to each option created with action flow to another question or page, for one option only. A scale is set that applies for each of the options created. Only one option can be selected by applicants across the rating scale. This is useful for obtaining information on applicants, for example in a set of skills with an associated experience in months or years.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Rating Matrix to insert a matrix with a list of choices. Only one rating option can be selected per item.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Enter the Rating Scales, Options, and Scores.
- Select Add Option to add more Rating Scales, Options, and Scores.
- Select Rejection Answer if required.
- Compose the message you would like the employee to see after selecting the rejection answer.
- Select Alert Flag if required.
- Select Undesirable. if this option is chosen, a flag will be placed against the applicants record labeling them undesirable.
- Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
- Select Action on answer if required.
- Select Save to set the item on the page.
- Select Cancel to Abort the addition.
Rating Matrix (Multiple Select)Item
This item allows for a large set of options to be created in a Matrix style with check box selectors. Multiple options can be selected. Applicant scores are linked to each option created with action flow to another question or page, for one option only. This is useful for obtaining information from applicants, for example in a specific skills as the options and using the rating scale with a broader skill type.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Rating Matrix to insert a matrix with a list of choices. Only one rating option can be selected per item.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Enter the Rating Scales, Options, and Scores.
- Select Add Option to add more Rating Scales, Options, and Scores.Multiple options can be selected.
- Select Rejection Answer if required.
- Compose the message you would like the employee to see after selecting the rejection answer.
- Select Alert Flag if required.
- Select Undesirable. if this option is chosen, a flag will be placed against the applicants record labeling them undesirable.
- Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
- Select Action on answer if required.
- Select Save to set the item on the page.
- Select Cancel to Abort the addition.
Short Answer Item
This item allows for a short text answer to be written into the text box that is inserted. Use this item to get brief answers from applicants.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Short Answer to insert a question with a single line of free text as the answer box.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
- Select Limit Size to allow the user to create a minimum or maximum restriction on an item. This is set in characters.
- Select Validation to restrict the employee's answer to a certain format e.g. An ABN is a 9 digit identifier with two leading check digits.
- Select Save to set the item on the page.
- Select Cancel to Abort the addition.
Long Answer Item
When it is anticipated a larger amount of text answer is required to be entered by your applicant, use this item.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Long Answer to insert a question with multi-line free text answer box.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered.
- Select Limit Size to allow the user to create a minimum or maximum restriction on an item. This is set in characters.
- Select Validation to restrict the employee's answer to a certain format e.g. An ABN is a 9 digit identifier with two leading check digits.
- Select Save to set the item on the page.
- Select Cancel to Abort the addition.
Paragraph Item
This item allows you to enter a large formatted text statement onto the page. This can be used to describe a background to questions. This can also be used to give details of the vacancy itself with text pasted from any existing Vacancy descriptions that are held in Word or PDF format.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select the Paragraph item.
- Select the text Click here to add some text ...
- View the inserted text area.
- A simple text editor will open to allow the addition of formatted text. You can paste into the text box from other documents.
- When copying from a word document, a prompt will appear, giving you the option to Keep or Clean the formatting of the document.
- It is recommended that you select Clean, as this will reduce the formatting workload for the user and will also increase mobile responsiveness.
- To make the text editor area larger, select the Fullscreen button; This is the button with 2 arrows pointing outwards and is located on the bottom row of the editor menu. This will make managing the text easier.
- To preload text styles, select the Inline Style button; This button looks like a paintbrush and is located on the top row of the editor menu.
Merge Fields
Fields from the record that the survey is linked to, can be automatically merged into the canvas inside the paragraph item where you have selected. This is done by selecting the search box; Start typing the name of merge field at the top of the editor menu. Here, fields can be searched for then added by clicking on the desired field.
Availability Item
This item allows the applicant to indicate when they are available to work. A non-modifiable matrix of options is inserted when you select this option. The options for applicants to select are Monday to Sunday; versus Morning, Afternoon, and Night.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Availability Matrix
- Enter the question name.
- Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered. Note: Mandatory doesn't apply to Availability Matrix as applicant can be never available during the week or not at specified slots.
- Select Highlight Questions in Management Tool if you would like this question to be highlighted when steping the employee through the recruitment process. This will allow you to show the answer to the question in the Manage Tool space which is available on the left hand side in the slider, under the Applicant Name. You can have a maximum of 4 answers selected to be shown here.
Please Note: This is only available if the canvas type has been set to "Recruitment"
Form Field
This item allows the linking of a data entry field in the canvas, to a field in the Subscribe-HR system. This can be used in either the Human Resources or Recruitment Modules. The answer form will adapt to the type of field being populated.
- Please Note, any value already in the field will be over-written when the question is answered.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Form Field to add the item.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Select the Entity in the drop-down list.
- Select the Field in the drop-down list.
- Select Leave Blank if you do not want the answer automatically attributed to the linked field.
- Select Enable Autocomplete. This option allows drop-down fields to be condensed into a searchable item. Which is useful for large amounts of data like a list of countries.
- Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered.
- Select Highlight Questions in Management Tool if you would like this question to be highlighted when stepping the employee through the recruitment process
- Select Limit Size to allow the user to create a minimum or maximum restriction on an item. This is set in characters.
- Select Validation to restrict the employee's answer to a certain format e.g. An ABN is a 9 digit identifier with two leading check digits.
The Form Field item will automatically use any minimum or maximum settings used by the field it is linked to. Note: Autocomplete will automatically activate if the chosen field has over 1000 items to display.
File Item
This item allows the upload of files of the file types that are shown listed. An example usage of this is for applicants to upload specific documents/pictures or examples of work that are not shown in other sections of the Applicants Profile.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select File to add the option to upload files.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Select the file types allowed to be uploaded. File types can be limited to PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or an Image.
- Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered.
- Select File Size Limit to limit the size of the file the user is able to upload, This limit is specified in Kilobytes. There are 1024KB in one MB.
- Please note this includes video files types, for e.g. audition videos.
This item allows the embedding of a signature field, so that the answered can digitally sign off on the canvas.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select Signature to insert a question with a signature box.
- Enter the Question Name.
- Users can either draw their signature with their mouse, or have it auto-filled by selecting Autofill
- Select Clear to erase the current signature entry and try again.
System Form
This item allows the linking of records from system sub-folders, adding this item will allow users to create and save records directly into system forms.
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select Insert Item
- Select System Form
- Enter the Question Name.
- Enter the Question Description. This is optional, and acts as a set of instructions for the employee answering the question.
- Select the Entity in the drop-down list.
- Select the Layout in the drop-down list.
- Select Highlight Questions in Management Tool if you would like this question to be highlighted when steping the employee through the recruitment process
Preview Canvas
- Select the Build tab at the top of an existing canvas.
- Select the Preview button on the top right of the screen.
This will create a pop up window in which you can preview the appearance and layout of the canvas. This view mimics the view the employee will see when filling out the canvas.
Survey Scheduling is configured through the Development Module's workflow system.
Creating the Workflow
Workflow to send surveys will need to be created in the Employee object, or one of it's child objects.
Creating Workflow Tasks in Subscribe-HR
This section establishes the recipients of any correspondence from the workflow.
Here you can set up which users will receive the survey, whether the employee who has triggered the workflow will receive the survey, and link the emails received and the survey to the workflow.
Survey Reports
Below are the main features of the Survey Reports.
- This is the output of the Survey that has been sent out and the results of the completed Survey.
- The results are divided up by questions on each page that have been setup in the survey.
- Where there are options in an answer a count and a percentage are shown.
- Every Applicant or Employee that has completed a Questionnaire or Survey will be shown in the results.
There are several functions that are available for use on the Survey shown listed below:
- Select the blue Summary link to display the results of the Survey.
- Show/Hide text Answers This display or Removes text answers from the Survey Report.
- Export To PDF Clicking this link will Download display or Removes text answers from the Survey Report.
- Export to Excel This display or Removes text answers from the Survey Report.
Survey Results in Standard Reports
You can report on Surveys by creating a Standard Report through Tools in My reports.
- In My Reports Select the Create Record option.
- Select the Survey Summary Object.
- Type the name of the canvas item into the fields section.
Generic Recruitment Questions
There is a default canvas setup in the system titled ‘Generic Recruitment Questions’. It contains 5 pages of generic questions for hiring applicants.
Pages of the canvas represents the following categories:
- Generic Questions
- Administrative Questions
- Sales Questions
- Marketing Questions
- Technical Questions
This provides HR users a set of generic questions to use. HR users can clone this canvas and delete/add questions or pages to match their preferences.