People and Culture Dashboard Widgets
- 1 People and Culture Dashboard Option
- 1.1 People and Culture Widget - Search Team Member Personal Details
- 1.2 People and Culture Widget - Time Off and Pay
- 1.3 People and Culture - Tasks and Notifications Widget
- 1.4 People & Culture - Company Policies Widget
- 1.5 People & Culture Widget - Announcements and Acknowledgements Widget
- 1.6 People & Culture – Training Widget
- 1.6.1 People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Analysis Folder
- 1.6.2 People & Culture - Training Widget – Mandatory Training Folder
- 1.6.3 People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Records Folder
- 1.6.4 People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard
- 1.6.5 People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Who Is This Request For?
- 1.6.6 People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Job Training Guide
- 1.6.7 People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Job Training Guide
- 1.6.8 People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Training Record
- 1.6.9 People & Culture - Training Widget – e-Learning Folder
- 1.6.10 People & Culture - Training Widget – e-Learning Catalogue Folder
- 1.6.11 People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Catalogue Folder
- 1.6.12 People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Events Folder
- 1.6.13 People & Culture - Training Widget – CPD Folder
- 1.6.14 People & Culture - Training Widget – Skills Folder
- 1.7 People & Culture - Talent Profile Widget
- 1.8 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget
- 1.8.1 How to Navigate to the Performance Management Widget
- 1.8.2 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Review Cycle Wizard for Cycles based Performance Reviews
- 1.8.3 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Review Cycle Wizard for Start Date based Performance Reviews
- 1.8.4 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – + Create New Wizard
- 1.8.5 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Goals Tab: + Create Goal Wizard
- 1.8.6 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Skills Tab: + Create Skill Wizard
- 1.8.7 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Catch-Ups Tab: + Create Catch-Up Wizard
- 1.8.8 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Reviews Folder
- 1.8.9 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Goals Folder
- 1.8.10 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Catch Ups Folder
- 1.8.11 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Acknowledgements Folder
- 1.8.12 People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Skills Folder
- 1.9 People & Culture - Timesheets Management Widget
- 1.10 People & Culture - Time Off Management Widget
- 1.11 People & Culture – HR Surveys Widget
- 1.12 People & Culture – Compliance Management Widget
- 1.13 People & Culture – WHS Incident Widget
- 1.14 People & Culture – HR Questions Widget
- 1.15 People & Culture - Change Request
People and Culture Dashboard Option
To Navigate to this Dashboard and the Widgets (and access People & Culture Manager functionality) follow these steps:
- Click on Dashboard ---> Home (In the menu on the left-hand side of the system/screen).
- Click on the "Dashboards Menu" Dropdown (the second dropdown menu from the top of the system/screen).
- Scroll down and select "People & Culture."
- When the People & Culture Dashboard opens, scroll down to the Widget you need in order to manage the entire Employee Management process.
This Dashboard contains the following Widgets:
1. 4 Small Information Display Widgets:
- Active employees.
- Leavers.
- Total absence hours.
- New starters.
2. Personal Details (Access to All Business).
3. Time Off and Pay (Access to All Business).
4. Tasks and Notifications (Access to All Business).
5. Company Policies (Access to All Business).
6. Performance Management (Access to All Business).
7. Announcements & Acknowledgements (Access to All Business).
8. Timesheets Management (Access to All Business).
9. Time Off Management (Access to All Business).
10. HR Surveys (Access to All Business).
11. WHS Incident (Access to All Business).
12. Compliance Management (Access to All Business).
13. HR Questions (Access to All Business).
14. Training (Access to All Business).
These widgets can be moved around in the Dashboard. They can also be removed from the Dashboard. This can be done in Maintenance --> Groups --> Permissions --> Select a Group and Go to Widgets.
Note: Notifications about Core-HR and Performance Management related Tasks and Reminders can be accessed via two locations:
- System Inbox: click on the small envelope in the top right corner of the System - just to the left of your name (after you click on it a menu opens - scroll down and select 'See all Alerts' - which will open the inbox).
- The Tasks & Notifications Widget on the People & Culture Dashboard.
People and Culture Widget - Search Team Member Personal Details
The following information is displayed in the "Personal Details" Widget:
1. Employee photo.
NOTE: Photos/impages can be saved in different locations - on the User record and/or on the Employee record. The System displays the photo based on the following logic:
- If there is a photo saved on the User record this will be displayed.
- If there is no photo saved on the User record, the photo saved on the Employee record will be displayed.
- If there is no photo on either the User or the Employee record, then the photo will be blank/empty.
2. Name.
3. Email address.
4. Phone Number. With Country prefix. E.g. +61...
5. View Team.
6. Change Password.
7. Change Work Email.
8. Change Phone Number.
9. View Internal Vacancies.
10. Job Description.
- To display the Job Description -and it will be displayed in a popup/lightbox. This assumes that a Job Description has been created for the Job that the Employee holds.
- If the Job Description has been added to the 'Notes' field on the Job Description record, then this will appear under the 'General' Tab in the pop up (if there's no Job Description added to the 'Notes' field then the 'General' Tab won't appear).
- If the Job Description has been attached as a .PDF on the Job Description record, then this will appear under the 'PDF' Tab in the pop up (if there's no PDF/file attached to the Job Description then the 'PDF' Tab won't appear).
- If the Job Description has been added to the 'Notes' field and also attached as a .PDF on the Job Description record, then both Tabs will appear.
- If the Employee has more than two Jobs, then the main/primary Job will appear at the top/first (listed as the 'Primary' Job) and any additional/subsequent Job/s will appear underneath (listed as 'Current' Job/s).
11. Job Name.
11. Department.
12. Location.
13. Salary.
14. Manager.
People and Culture Widget - Time Off and Pay
The following information is displayed in the "Time off and Pay" Widget:
1. Annual leave. This information is linked to Employment Country which is assigned to an Employee in the New Employee Wizard or against their Employee Masterfile Record. If this is selected as New Zealand, Leave Information will be displayed differently. Based on Entitled and Number of Hours Accrued for New Zealand. Available and Taken for Australia.
2. Personal leave. If Employment Country is New Zealand, this will be labelled Sick Leave.
3. Time in Lieu.
4. Timesheets.
5. Away Today.
6. Next Holidays.
7. Start Date.
8. Forecast.
9. Long Service Leave.
10. Accrual Rate.
11. Last Personal Leave Length.
12. Last Annual Leave Length.
- Hours Taken This Year equals calendar year.
- Hours Taken This Year will only display hours related to Leave/Time Off requested directly in Subscribe-HR. If the Employee requests Leave/Time Off outside of Subscribe-HR (e.g. via T&A), that Leave/those hours will not be displayed here.
- 'Last Personal/Annual Leave' displays are also linked/related to Leave/Time Off requests made directly in Subscribe-HR.
People and Culture - Tasks and Notifications Widget
The Tasks and Notifications Widget for People and Culture allows the People and Culture user to have access to "Team Dashboards" to receive, send and interact with "Quick Tasks" and automatically triggered workflows based on all people. These Task and Notification items are also delivered into the System "Inbox." "Quick Tasks" can be sent from the Quick Tasks Wizard, or from the "Tasks and Notifications" Widget itself. If a Manager has Delegated their Tasks and Notifications to System Administration Users/People & Culture Users , People & Culture Users will see those Tasks and Notifications in this Widget.
Because the number of notifications can be quite high (especially for Managers and System Administrators/People & Culture Users), notifications emails (that go to the User's personal email inbox) have to be manually activated via System settings. However, all notifications (for Tasks and Reminders) will appear in the online/System "Inbox" for each User. This Inbox can be accessed via the envelope in the top right-hand corner of the System, next to the User's name and photo. People & Culture Users can access a complete history of all Tasks & Notifications (current and previous) assigned/sent across the organisation via the 'Workflow History' Tab in the Inbox. Alternatively, Users can choose to activate a "Summary" email to their email Inbox (see below for instructions).
NOTES: There are two types of 'Notifications' sent by the System:
- Notifications that are 'Read' or 'View' only (and don't require any actions to be taken).
- Notifications that are associated with an 'Action' required by the Recipient (which will contact a 'Click Here' link relating to the 'Action' required).
The 'General' Tab displays both of these types of Notifications. If/when a Notification relates to an 'Action' and that action is 'Completed,' then the notification will move to the 'Completed' Tab. If the 'Action' is not taken, then it will move to the 'Overdue' Tab. However, general View/Read only Notifications will remain under the 'General' Tab permanently.
All Tasks, Notifications and Reminders that are sent to the actual email inbox of Employees will contain a link that says: 'Please Click Here to login and view this notification.' The text 'Click Here' contains a hyperlink that will take the User directly to this notification in their System Inbox. It will also open the relevant/associated notifications and tasks for review.
Tasks & Notifications will appear in this Widget in the following manner:
- My Info Dashboard - Users see Tasks & Notifications that relate to them as an Employee only.
- Manager Dashboard - Users see Tasks & Notifications that relate to their role as a Manager. Therefore only Tasks & Notifications for actions the Manager needs to take in relation to their Team Members appear in the Widget on this Dashboard.
- People & Culture Dashboard - Users see Tasks & Notifications that relate to them as a People & Culture User. Therefore Tasks & Notifications related to their management of all Employees appear in the Widget on this Dashboard.
Field Name | Description |
Notifications | This functionality allows the User to trigger a "Summary" email re Tasks and Notifications relevant to them/their User Group. To enable a notification summary email:
1. Click on "Notifications" (top right-hand corner of the Widget). The standard setting in the System is for all Users to receive an Email Summary Daily at 8:00am. This can be changed using the options below. The settings options for Tasks & Notifications Emails are:
2. Click "Activate" to activate these settings. 3. To change or deactivate the summary email, click on "Notifications" to reopen the Wizard.
Depending on the Employee's User Group/Permissions (Employee, Manager, HR/People & Culture Manager), the User will receive the following information in their Summary Email:
Manage Delegation | Employees can delegate authority to someone else in their absence. Delegations work as follows:
Search | This is a text field which you can use to enter keywords to search for. The list below will display tasks and notification relating to the keywords entered. |
Today | This Tab displays current Tasks & Notifications (due today - that is the date that the User/Employee is logged into the System). Once completed, Tasks (and their associated notifications) move to the 'Completed' Tab. |
Upcoming | This Tab displays Tasks & Notifications due on any day/date after 'today' (see above). Once completed, Tasks (and their associated notifications) move to the 'Completed' Tab. |
General | This Tab displays a list of all Notifications that are triggered/sent by the System.
NOTE: There are two types of 'Notifications' sent by the System:
Overdue | This Tab displays all Tasks & Notifications that are past their due date. |
Completed | This Tab displays all Tasks that have been completed. |
My Sent Tasks | This Tab displays tasks that the User has sent (either to themselves or someone else). |
Workflow History | Displays a list containing the history of all actions, tasks and notifications (including a record of Authorisations, Cancellations and Rejections where relevant). The Workflow History includes actions, tasks and notifications currently in progress and those completed in the past. Each line item/record has a status. The action/task is either pending or completed. The history is arranged based the following icons:
Filter | You can select filters to apply so that specific tasks and notifications will be displayed. You can filter the list by Solution (HR, Recruitment, Onboarding etc.) and/or delegated tasks. |
Task Name | The subject of the task will appear under here. |
Assigned To | The Employee the task or reminder was assigned to will appear here. |
Relates To | The Employee the task or reminder relates to will appear here. |
Due Date | Task due date will appear here. This determines if the task should appear in the today, upcoming or overdue section. |
Filter (Column) | Filters selected against the task will appear under here. |
Actions | Different Tasks and Notifications have different actions associated with them. The options are:
People & Culture - Company Policies Widget
The People & Culture Company Policies Widget allows HR/People & Culture Managers to access their Team's Company Policy Activity. The HR/People & Culture Manager can search for a Team Member and then use Filters to see which Company Policies Need to be attended to. Managers can Resend a notification to an Employee if that person has unopened/unread policies. The Company Policy Widget respects the User Group Permissions on the person accessing the system.
NOTE: Company Policies can be associated with 'Jobs,' 'Departments,' or 'Locations,' although Jobs are the primary association used. If a Job you're creating for a New Employee for doesn't have (a) Company Policy/(ies) assigned to it, you will not be able to complete this step in the New Employee Wizard and will be required to send Company Policies later via the Company Policies Widget (from the 'No Policies' Tab). It is therefore recommended that Users create and assign (a) Company Policy/(ies) to the Job (or Department/Location) via the Company Policies Wizard before you create a New Employee and place them in a Job.
The '+Create New' Link on the People & Culture version of the Company Policies Widget opens the Company Policies Wizard and allows them to create 'New,' edit/update 'Existing' or send 'Current' Company Policy/ies to Employee/s, Job/s, Department/s or Location/s.
- For compliance purposes, the primary/preferred way to send Company Policies is to 'Link' them to 'Job/s' (as opposed to sending them individual Employee's on an 'Ad Hoc' basis), then either Location/s and/or Department/s.
- When each Company Policy record is created in the System, they should be 'Linked' to Job/s, Department/s and Location/s via the Company Policy Record (General > Core-HR > Company Policies > select a 'Company Policy' and update these fields.
- Even though these 'Linked' fields aren't 'Mandatory,' to ensure that Company Policy features work correctly in the System (in the Onboarding Welcome packs/Workflows, the Crossboarding Workflows, and the No Policies Tab of the People & Culture User's Company Policies Widget, Users are advised, at a minimum, to 'Link' all Company Policies to a 'Job' as a minimum.
- When each Company Policy record is created in the System, they should be 'Linked' to Job/s, Department/s and Location/s via the Company Policy Record (General > Core-HR > Company Policies > select a 'Company Policy' and update these fields.
Navigation Option | Description |
Search | Allows People & Culture Users to search Team to see the Company Policy Information for the Team Member being searched for. |
Incomplete Tab | Shows Policies for the User that are not yet Opened and Read. |
Completed Tab | Shows Policies that have been Opened and Read. |
No Policies Tab | Shows Employees that have not been assigned any Company Policies to complete. |
Filter | Allows you to Filter the Company Policies Table based on: Opened, Unopened, Read, Unread. |
Policy | Allows you to Search all Policies based on the Filters you have applied. |
People & Culture Widget - Company Policies – Incomplete Tab
Field Name | Description |
Assigned To | The name of the Employee that a Company Policy has been assigned to. |
Policy Name | The name of the Company Policy assigned to the Employee. |
Opened | If the Employee has opened the Company Policy they have been assigned, a tick will be displayed in this column. If they’re haven’t opened it, a cross will be displayed. |
Read | If the Employee has read the Company Policy they have been assigned, a tick will be displayed in this column. If they’re haven’t read it, a cross will be displayed. |
Type | This column indicates what type of Company Policy it is E.g. Onboarding, Existing Employee, New Policy Update, New Employee, Auto Renew etc. |
Link | This column displays a link to the Company Policy. |
Received | This column specifies the date when the Company Policy was sent to the Employee. |
Reminder | If the Company Policy is not yet complete, this column will display a recommended Action, e,g, Send Reminder. |
People & Culture Widget - Company Policies – Completed Tab
Field Name | Description |
Assigned To | The name of the Employee that a Company Policy has been assigned to. |
Policy Name | The name of the Company Policy assigned to the Employee. |
Opened | If the Employee has opened the Company Policy they have been assigned, a tick will be displayed in this column. If they’re haven’t opened it, a cross will be displayed. |
Read | If the Employee has read the Company Policy they have been assigned, a tick will be displayed in this column. If they’re haven’t read it, a cross will be displayed. |
Type | This column indicates what type of Company Policy it is E.g. Onboarding, Existing Employee ,New Policy Update, New Employee, Auto Renew etc. |
Link | This column displays a link to the Company Policy. |
Received | This column specifies the date when the Company Policy was sent to the Employee. |
Read Date | This column specifies the date on which the Company Policy was read by the Employee. |
People & Culture Widget - Company Policies – No Policies Tab
The 'No Policies' Tab is where Employees who have not been sent any Company Policies (that is, the Employee wasn't Onboarded, or they weren't sent any Company Policy/ies after their Employee record was created and there was no Company Policies 'Step' including in the Onboarding Welcome pack/Workflow) are listed. People & Culture users can 'Send Policies' to Employees, however, to send Policy/ies via this pathway requires that these Company Policies are 'Linked' to the Job the Employee holds, the Department the Employee works in, or the Location the Employee works at. The Onboarding Wizard Wiki contains more information about 'Linking' Company Policies to Jobs, Departments, or locations. It is not possible to send Company Policy/ies directly to an Employee. via this 'Send Policies' action/link. 'New' or 'Current/Existing' Company Policy/ies can be sent to (an) Employee/s via the Company Policies Wizard.
People & Culture Users can 'Send Policies' to 'All Employees,' whereas Managers can only 'Send Policies' to their Direct Reports.
Field Name | Description |
Employee ID | The Employee ID for the User who has not been assigned any Company Policies. |
Employee Name | The name of the Employee who has not been assigned any Company Policies. |
User Account | This column will specify if the Employee has a User Account (it is not possible to send Company Policy/ies to Employees via the 'Send Policies' action/link if that Employee doesn't have an 'Active' user Account). |
Send Policies and Send Reminder | If the Employee has not received any Company Policies, they will show up in this tab. E.G. They have been Onboarded without Company Policies, or they have not been Onboarded at all (E.G. if the Employee record was created via a Data Upload, or imported from/via a Payroll integration). Employee/s can be sent Company Policy/ies (Send Policies). This will send the Policy/ies and that have been 'Linked' to that Employee's Job, Department or Location. Company Policy/ies can be resent (Send Reminder) if the Employee has not opened/read/ and 'Agreed' to them (and a reminder needs to be sent). If you use the 'Send Policies' option to send Company Policies to an Employee who has not received any Company Policies previously (and who does not have an 'Active' User Account), you will be asked to 'Activate' their 'User Account' (by assigning ESS/Employee Service Service User Group (plus others if required)) before sending. All Employees/Users need a an Active User Account to be able to 'Open,' 'Read' and 'Accept' the Company Policy/ies. |
People & Culture Widget - Announcements and Acknowledgements Widget
This widget allows for HR/People & Culture Managers to receive and view their relevant Announcements and Acknowledgements, as well as those for all other Employees. Recipients can view relevant Announcements, complete Surveys and view Employees who have been linked to their related Announcements and Acknowledgements. All Announcements and Acknowledgements, once completed/sent, will appear in the Announcements & Acknowledgements Widget for both Mangers and Employees to whom they were addressed. They will also appear in the Inbox of all addressees/recipients.
Field Name | Description |
Announcements Tab | This tab displays all active and expired announcements posted by users. |
Active (Under Announcements Tab) | Displays all announcements that have not exceeded their expiry date. Number in brackets displays the total number of active announcements |
Expired (Under Announcements Tab) | Displays all announcements that have exceeded their expiry date. Number in brackets displays the total number of expired announcements. |
Search Title (Under Announcements Tab) | This is a free text field that you can use to search Announcements based on keywords you enter in the search field. |
Attachment (Under Announcements Tab) | Attach a Photo. This will appear on the Feed in the Announcements Dashboard. |
Title (Under Announcements Tab) | This is the title of the created Announcement. |
Type (Under Announcements Tab) | This is the type of the Announcement. E.g. Business Object, Highlight, People Related, Innovation, Policy. |
Create Date (Under Announcements Tab) | This is the date and time the Announcement was created. |
Expire Date (Under Announcements Tab) | The Announcement's expiry date. Once this date has passed, the announcement will move over to the Expired section. |
Acknowledgement Name (Under Announcements Tab) | Acknowledgements made to employees and/or locations and/or departments will be displayed here. You can select/add specific recipients for your Acknowledgement here, or you can leave these fields blank. |
Survey (Under Announcements Tab) | If a Survey has been linked, you can click "Check Answers" to view the status of answered Surveys. If no Survey linked, "N/A" will display. |
Acknowledgements Tab | Clicking this tab will display all acknowledgements posted by users. |
All Received Sub-Folder | Contains acknowledgements sent to/received by the Employee. |
All Sent Sub-Folder | Contains acknowledgements sent by Employees. |
Create Acknowledgement (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | Top Right of the Widget. Starts the New Acknowledgement Wizard, for you to be able to create a new acknowledgement. This is also available from the "START" menu. |
Search Keyword (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | This is a free text field that you can use to search Announcements based on keywords you enter in the search field. |
Create Date (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | This is the date and time the Acknowledgement was created. |
Title (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | Displays the Title of the Acknowledgement. |
Likes (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | Clicking the "thumbs up" icon will Like the Acknowledgement. The number beside it displays the total number of likes the Acknowledgement has received. |
Comments (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | Clicking the speech bubble icon will allow you to enter in comments related to the Acknowledgement. The number beside it will display the total number of comments made against the Acknowledgement. |
Sent To (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | Employees, locations and/or departments that have been acknowledged will be displayed here. |
Sent By (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | The name of the individual who sent this Acknowledgement will be displayed here. |
Actions (Under Announcements Tab) | Use this dropdown to action the following:
Actions (Under Acknowledgements Tab) | Use this dropdown to action the following:
People & Culture – Training Widget
The People and Culture Training Widget allows People & Cultures users to access and manage Training Activity for all Employees. People & Culture Users can access Training Course, Event Information, Current Training and CPD Records for their team members. People & Culture Users and/or System Administrators can also create/set up Training related content (whereas Manager can't).
The Training Widget provides access to the following Training information and related features:
- Training Analysis.
- Mandatory Training.
- Completed Training Records.
- e-Learning (if the Go1 App is installed).
- e-Learning Catalogue (if the Go1 App is installed).
- Training Catalogue.
- Training Events.
- CPD Training.
The new Training Widget has been designed to do all the heavy lifting related to managing Face-to-Face and e-Learning Training.
People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Analysis Folder
The Training Analysis Folder provides a status of all the Training for each Employee at a glance. People & Culture users can also view the Training Guide for the Job that each Employee holds to compare it to their Training Analysis.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
Employee | This column contains the Employee name associated with that Training Analysis record. |
Overdue | This column shows any Overdue Training. Refresher required and Mandatory Training can become Overdue. |
Renewal Required | This column contains the number of Training Courses or Certificate/Licences that require the Employee to attend ‘Renewal’ Training. |
To Do | This column contains the number of Training related ‘To Dos’ (Face-to-Face, Content or e-learning) for that Employee. |
Mandatory | This column contains the number of ‘Mandatory’ Training Courses (Face-to-Face, Content, or e-learning) assigned to that Employee. |
In Progress | This column contains the number of ‘In Progress’ Training Courses (Face-to-Face or e-learning) assigned to that Employee. |
Waiting List | This column contains the number of Face-to-Face Training Courses that Employee is ‘Waitlisted’ for. |
No Show | This column contains the number of ‘No Show’ Training Event (Face-to-Face) assigned to that Employee. |
Completed | This column contains the number of ‘Completed’ Training Courses (Face-to-Face or e-learning) assigned to that Employee. |
Actions | The options are:
People & Culture - Training Widget – Mandatory Training Folder
There are two types of Mandatory Training requirements:
- Face-to-face: this requires an Employee to attend face-to-face training conducted by either the Employer, or a third-party. Employees are usually first placed on a waiting list a Course type, and then when the Course/Event is scheduled, they are added to the waiting list for the Course/Event and then booked to attend.
- e-Learning: if a third-party e-Learning App is installed, then e-Learning is available within Subscribe-HR and all e-Learning content can be viewed and completed via the Training Widget.
- Content: relates to Content Type that has been assigned as the Training Method. Allows for Content to be sent to the Persons Mandatory Training Tab in the Training widget so they can Acknowledge or Reject it. Content can be reissued if it's rejected. Certificate & Licence can be created from completed Content Acknowledgement via "Actions". A Training Record will show in the Employee Training Sub Folder and the Training Tab in the Training Widget, when the Content has been Acknowledged.
Mandatory Training can be assigned to an Employee in two ways:
- Via the Job they hold: Mandatory Training can be assigned to Jobs via the Activation Hub > Core-HR Widget > Training Manager > Action > Assign Training > Create New > Tick ‘Mandatory at Start of Employment.’
- Directly against the Employee Record: Mandatory Training can be assigned to the Employee via ‘Create New Mandatory Training Requirement’ in the Mandatory Training Folder of the Training Widget.
The Mandatory Training Folder in the Training Widget contains all the 'Mandatory Training Requirements' assigned to the Job held by an Employee, or to the Employee directly. Note that ‘Mandatory Training Requirements’ are not actual ‘Training Records.’ A Mandatory Training Requirement only becomes a 'Training Record' when the Employee has been scheduled to attend a Training Course Event (with a start date assigned). The Employee must then attend the Course Event and complete the Training for a Training Record (for that Mandatory Training Requirement) to appear on their Employee Training Records sub-object. Upon Renewal of the Mandatory Training being completed, the Renewal record for the Mandatory Training, will be shown in "To Do" in the Mandatory Training Tab.
For Training to be recognised as Mandatory - it must be flagged/marked as such. There are multiple ways to mark Training as 'Mandatory' (either when creating a Training type, or retrospectively if needed)
- Via the Activation Hub > Core-HR Widget > Training Manager > Action > Assign Training > Create New > Tick ‘Mandatory at Start.’
- Via the Activation Hub > Core-HR Widget > Training Manager > Face-to-Face Training > Select Training Record > Action > Assign Training > Action > 'Make Mandatory.'
- Via the Activation Hub > Core-HR Widget > Training Manager > e-Learning Training > Select Training Record > Action > Assign Training > add Course/s to the 'Mandatory Training' field.
All Face-to-Face Mandatory Training 'Requirements' must be actioned (to create an actual Training Record) by the People & Culture User or System Administrator in one of two ways:
- The Employee attends (and completes) an ad-hoc/one-off Course (usually with a third-party provider).
- The Employee is added to a Course Waiting List (and then enrolled to attend the Face-to-Face Training Event) when that Course is next scheduled by the business.
Only when an Employee has completed a Face-to-Face Course/Event will a Training Record be assigned to their Employee/Training Record sub-object.
All Mandatory e-Learning Training requirements appear in the 'Mandatory Training' Folder and if e-Learning content has been assigned to the 'Mandatory Training' content Group for the Job that the Employee holds, then those Courses will also appear in the e-Learning Folder.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New Mandatory Training Requirement | Allows the User to create a new Mandatory Training Requirement for an Employee. That ‘requirement’ needs to be actioned – either by enrolling the Employee in an e-Learning Course (which is only possible if a third-party e-Learning App is installed/integrated), creating a one-off Training Record, or by adding the Employee to a Course Waiting List. User can also create Content based Mandatory Training by Selecting the Training Method as Content. This allow for the person who the Training is being created for, to Acknowledge or Reject this from the Mandatory Training Tab. |
To Do Tab | Displays the current Mandatory Training Requirements that need to be actioned for all Employees. Records that appear on this Tab are only ‘requirements,’ not actual Training Records. Training 'requirements' only become active, or ‘In Progress’ Training once the requirement is actioned. This is done either by an Employee (because the Training Requirement has been assigned to them and they have started it), or, when a People & Culture User or Manager enrols the Employee on an internal Training Course Event, an external one-off Training Course/Event, or they enrol the Employee in an e-Learning Course. |
In Progress Tab | Displays all Mandatory Training Requirements that are in progress, that is, the Employee has either started their e-Learning training so as to fulfil that requirement, or they’ve been placed on a Course Waiting List/scheduled for a Course/Event. |
Completed Tab | Displays all Mandatory Training Requirements that have been completed and for which a Training record has now been created. |
All Tab | Displays all of the Mandatory Training Requirements listed above. |
Employee | This column contains the Employee name that the mandatory training requirement is assigned to. |
Mandatory Training Guide | This column contains the Training/Course type that has is assigned to the Employee as a 'Mandatory Training Requirement.' This requirement needs to be actioned, either by adding the Employee to a Course/Event Waiting list (for Face-to-Face Training), completing the 'Training Content,' or enrolling them in e-Learning Training. |
Delivery Method | This column specifies if the Mandatory Training Requirement is e-Learning or Face-to-Face. |
Record Created | This column indicates how many days have elapsed since the Mandatory Training Requirement was assigned to the Employee. If more than 90 days have elapsed, the date on which the requirement was created will be displayed. |
Start Date | This column indicates the Training start date if/when the Employee has been booked on a Course/Event or enrolled on an e-Learning Course. |
End Date | This column indicates the Training end date if/when the Employee has been booked on a Course/Event or enrolled on an e-Learning Course. |
Record Created | This column specifies the number of days since the Mandatory Training Requirement was created. |
Actions | The options are:
Statuses |
Note: Mandatory Training Required is what is called a filtered record and will not show as a Completed Training record until there is an outcome for the Requirements which is a completed Training Record. From either creating a Training Record - No Event or attending a Training Event.
People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Records Folder
There are Four types of Training Records:
- One-Off Face-to-Face Training: this relates to ad-hoc/one-off Training attended and completed by the Employee.
- Face-to-Face Training Course/Event: this relates to Training scheduled and provided by the business and completed by the Employee.
- e-Learning: if a third-party e-Learning App is installed, then e-Learning is Training is completed via the Subscribe-HR Training Widget.
- Content: based on PDF's, Text Information or Videos that have been linked to Mandatory Training which can be Acknowledged or Rejected.
The Training Records Folder contains all the current Training assigned to and completed by Employees. Training Records are not created until the Employee has completed the Training requirement (attended the Course Event, or completed the e-Learning Training).
Once completed, People & Culture Users can, where relevant, create a Certificate/Licence based on the Training Record.
People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard
People & Culture Users can also create 'Ad Hoc' Training Records. This option is available for Users/Organisations that don't send Employees on Training Courses/Events Managed via Subscribe-HR's Core-HR Training Solution. The Ad Hoc '+Create New Training Record' Wizard provides a more efficient way to create and keep track of Training Records and 'Requirements.'
The '+Create New Training Record' Wizard is accessible via the 'Training Records' Tab of the Training Widget for People & Culture Users and Managers only (not Employees).
People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Who Is This Request For?
1. Requesting for – the options are:
- Myself - enables the User to create an Ad Hoc Training Record for themselves.
- Team Member - enables the User to create an Ad Hoc Training Record for a Team Member.
1. Team Member - appears if 'Team Member' selected in the previous/above field. Search and select the Team Member you're creating the Ad Hoc Training Record for. NOTE: People & Culture Users can create an Ad Hoc Training Record for anyone/all Employees in the organisation. Managers can only create Ad Hoc Training Records for their Team Members. Click "Next.'
People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Job Training Guide
1. Job Training Guide - This Step in the Wizard displays the ‘Training Guide,’ which provides a summary of all the Training assigned to that Employee/Employee’s Job, which therefore makes that Training either a requirement or a suggestion for the Employee to complete. Click "Next.'
People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Job Training Guide
1. Mandatory Training Guide (non-editable) – provides a list of the ‘Mandatory Training’ assigned to the ‘Job’ that the Employee holds (and therefore that the Employee is required to complete as part of their Employment)
People & Culture - Training Widget – +Create New Training Record Wizard - Training Record
1. Course – When creating an ‘Ad Hoc’ Training Record (that is a Training Record for Training completed outside of an officially run Course/Training Event via Subscribe-HR’s Core-HR Training features. E.G. by a third party provider, or for an historical Training Course that was completed in the past), Course = the name of the Course the Employee completed.
2. Start Date – the date when the Course started.
3. Finish Date – the date when the Course finished.
4. Renewal Required – if the Training needs to be repeated/renewed in the future, tick this box.
5. Renewal Date – a new ‘Training Requirement’ will be generated when this anniversary date is met. This will assign a new ‘Mandatory Training’ requirement (if ‘Mandatory for Job’ is ticked), or the same ‘Non-Mandatory’ Training requirement if ‘Mandatory for Job’ is not ticked):
- If the Training requirement is ‘Mandatory’ – when the renewal date occurs, the ‘Requirement’ will appear in the Training Widget under ‘Mandatory Training’ Tab > ‘To Do’ Subtab.
- If the Training requirement is ‘Non-Mandatory’ – when the renewal date occurs, the ‘Requirement’ will appear in the Training Widget under the ‘Training Records’ > Tab > ‘To Do’ Subtab.
6. Notify Days Before Renewal – a notification will go out to the Employee’s Manager when this date is reached.
7. Training Reason – Specify the reason for the Training. E.G. selecting ‘CPD’ will result in the Training Record appearing in the CPD Tab of the Training Widget.
8. Status – this is locked to ‘Completed’ for Ad Hoc Training Records (in progress training records will have to be created via the LHS (General > Core-HR > Employees > [Select Employee] > Training Records > Create New) menu.
9. Mandatory for Job – If checked/ticked, this Training Record will appear on the ‘Mandatory’ Tab of the Training Widget and be considered/classified as a ‘Mandatory Training Requirement’ for the Employee (until that requirement is completed/fulfilled by completing a Course/attending a live Course/Event).
10. Type – specify a Training type.
11. Attachment – add Attachment/s here (proof of completion for example).
12. Notes – use this field to record notes about the Training/Employee/attendance etc. Click "Next."
13. Summary – the final screen for the New Training Record Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to complete your "New Training Record Wizard" click “Submit.”
14. Success – if your New Training Record Wizard has been submitted correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New Training Record | Allows the User to create a new Training Record – either by creating a one-off Training Record, or by adding the Employee to a Course Waiting List. |
To Do Tab | Displays the Training that has been assigned to an Employee, but not yet commenced. |
In Progress Tab | Displays the Training that has been the Employee has started and is now in progress. |
Completed Tab | Displays all the Training that has been completed by the Employee and for which a Training Record has now been created. |
Did Not Attend Tab | Displays all the Face-to-Face Training the Employee was assigned/booked to attend, but did not. No Training Record is created if the Employee is scheduled but does not attend a Training Course/Event. |
All Tab | Displays all of the Training Records listed above. |
Employee | This column contains the Employee name that the Training is assigned to. |
Course Name | This column contains the Course Name that was assigned to the Employee – either as a Face-to-Face or e-Learning requirement. |
Start Date | This column contains the date the Course started. |
End Date | This column contains the date the Course ended. |
Type | This column contains the type of Training assigned to the Employee. The options are:
Delivery Method | This column specifies if the Training requirement is e-Learning or Face-to-Face. |
Actions | The options are:
Statuses |
People & Culture - Training Widget – e-Learning Folder
If a third-party e-Learning App is installed, then the e-Learning Folder will appear in the Training Widget (if not, this Tab will be absent).
The e-Learning Folder displays all e-Learning courses that have been assigned to Employees across one of four content Groups:
- General Training - this Group contains standard e-Learning Training that all Employees must complete as part of the Employment.
- Induction Training - this Group contains e-Learning Induction Training that is specific to the job the Employee holds.
- Mandatory Training - this Group contains e-Learning Mandatory Training that is specific to the job the Employee holds.
- Job Training - this Group contains e-Learning Job Training that is specific to the job the Employee holds.
NOTE: Managers and People & Culture users are only able to ‘View’ e-Learning Courses that they have enrolled other Employees in. For Compliance reasons, Managers and People & Culture users can’t start/play the Course. The only e-Learning content they can play/start is content assigned to them.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
Assigned Tab | This Tab displays all the e-Learning Courses that have been assigned to the Employee (that they’ve been enrolled in), but not yet started. |
In Progress Tab | This Tab displays all the e-Learning Courses that the Employee has started (but not yet completed). |
Completed Tab | This Tab displays all the e-Learning Courses that the Employee has completed. |
Employee | This column contains the Employee name that the e-Learning Training is assigned to. |
Course Name | This column contains the e-Learning Course name that has been assigned to the Employee. |
Assigned Date | This column specifies the date that the e-Learning Course was assigned to the Employee. |
Completed Date | This column specifies the date that the e-Learning Course was completed by the Employee. |
Type | This column contains the type of Training assigned to the Employee. The options are:
Actions | The options are:
NOTE: for compliance reasons, only Employees can ‘Play’ e-Learning content via the ‘My Info’ Training Widget. Managers and People & Culture Users can’t ‘Play’ (or ‘Resume’) any e-Learning content assigned to other Employees.
People & Culture - Training Widget – e-Learning Catalogue Folder
If a third-party e-Learning App is installed, then the Online Training Catalogue Folder will appear in the Training Widget (if not, it will be absent).
The e-Learning Catalogue Folder displays a list of all courses in the third-party e-Learning provider’s course catalogue. The content Table for this Tab will appear blank unless/until the User searches for content. After searching the e-Learning Catalogue using a keyword search, a list of relevant Training content will be displayed. Managers and People & Culture users can enrol Employees in Courses, or Employees can enrol themselves in a Course.
Once an Employee is enrolled in a Course, that Course will appear under the e-Learning Folder on the ‘To Do’ Sub-Tab until the Employee starts/plays the Course, at which time it will move to the ‘In Progress’ Tab.
NOTE: Managers and People & Culture users are only able to ‘View’ e-Learning Courses that they have enrolled other Employees in. For Compliance reasons, Managers and People & Culture Users can’t start/play the Course. The only e-Learning content they can play/start is content assigned to them.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. Note: Users must enter a search term to generate a list of results in the Widget (otherwise this Tab will remain empty). |
Course Name | This column contains the name of the Course that is related to the search term used. |
Description | This column displays the thumbnail for the Course provided by the third-party e-Learning provider. Click on the thumbnail and a popup window appears including a Course description. |
Type | This column specifies the type of Course. The options are:
Duration | This column displays the duration of the Course content, or the time it will take to completed the Course (both in minutes). |
Actions |
People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Catalogue Folder
The Training Catalogue Folder enables Users to create and manage Face-to-Face Courses run by the Organisation (either in-house or by an external third-party provider).
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. Note: Users must enter a search term to generate a list of results in the Widget (otherwise this Tab will remain empty). |
+ Create New Course | Allows the User to create a new Face-to-Face Course type to be run by the Organisation (either in-house or by an external third-party provider). Employees can be added to a Course Waiting List, and when Courses meet minimum attendee requirements, a Course Event can be created and Employee confirmed to attend. |
Course Name | This column contains the name of the Training Course. |
Max Attendee | This column displays the maximum number of attendees allowed for that Course type. |
Min Attendee | This column displays the minimum number of attendees required to run a Face-to-Face event for that Course type. |
Desired Attendee Count | This column shows the desired level/number of attendees at which point the Course can be run as an Event. |
Waiting List Count | This column displays the current number of attendees wait listed for that Course type. |
Actions: |
Note: System e-mails will send to Employees, Managers and People and Culture users notifying of Course Wait List bookings.
People & Culture - Training Widget – Training Events Folder
The Training Events Folder enables Users to create and manage Face-to-Face Training Events run by the Organisation (either in-house or by an external third-party provider).
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. Note: Users must enter a search term to generate a list of results in the Widget (otherwise this Tab will remain empty). |
+ Create New Course Event | Allows the User to create a new Face-to-Face Course Event to be run by the Organisation (either in-house or by an external third-party provider). Employees can be added to a Course Waiting List, and when Courses meet minimum attendee requirements, a Course Event can be created and Employee confirmed to attend. |
Upcoming Tab | Displays a list of all upcoming Course Events. |
In Progress Tab | Displays a list of all Course Events currently in progress. |
Completed Tab | Displays a list of all completed Course Events. |
All Tab | Displays a list of all Course Events related activity across the Organisation. | ]
Calendar | Displays a calendar view of all Course Events across the Organisation. |
Event Name | This column contains the name of the Course Event. |
Provider | This column displays the Course Event Provider. |
Start Date | This column displays the start date of the Course Event. |
Finish Date | This column displays the finish date of the Course Event. |
Actions: |
Note: System e-mails will send to Employees, Managers and People and Culture users notifying of Event Wait List bookings. They will also be sent if someone is moved from the Wait List to the Attendee List. As well as notifications being sent notifying of successful attendance of the Event, or No Show if the person was recorded as not showing up. There are buttons on the Attendee list. The "Invitation Button", will be available prior to the start date of the Training Event. The "No Show" and "Confirmation" buttons will show following the completion of the Training Event.
People & Culture - Training Widget – CPD Folder
The CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Folder provides a status of all the CPD Training for each Employee at a glance. People & Culture users can also view the CPD requirements for the Job that each Employee holds to see how much of their annual CPD Training requirement that Employee has completed.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
Points Dropdown/Filter | Filter CPD Training Hours based on total points (options provided). |
Timeframe Dropdown/Filter | Filter CPD Training Hours based on CPD points in a specified timeframe. |
Employee | This column contains the Employee name that the CPD Training is assigned to. |
Current CPD | This column contains the total current CPD hours the Employee has completed in the annual cycle. The annual cycle options are:
Total Required CPD | This column contains the total annual CPD requirement for that Employee during the annual CPD cycle. |
CPD Training Cycle | This column contains indicates the following:
Action: |
People & Culture - Training Widget – Skills Folder
The Skills Folder contains the current Skills that all Employees have been assessed for during a Performance Review Cycle, or which have been assigned/assessed on an Ad Hoc basis. A 'current' skill is defined as the 'most recent' record of a Skill that has been created/assigned to an Employee. The Employee may have 'previous' records of assignment/assessment for a particular Skill (for example if they were assessed for that Skill in a previous/older Performance Review Cycle). Older versions of Skills are not displayed in the Tab and can be found via the Employee's Skills record in Performance Management.
People & Culture Users are the only Users who can create 'Ad Hoc' Skills (outside of a Performance Review Cycle) for Employees. However, if there is a 'Performance Review Cycle' (Cycles or Start Date-based) activated in the System, the '+Create New' option on the Skills Tab will be deactivated. Users can only create Skills using one method or the other (not both at the same time).
When enrolling Employees in Courses, Events or e-Learning based on 'Skills' - the Skill/s will be 'matched' to Courses/Course Events. However, for e-Learning (if a third-party App is installed/integrated), the User will need to search the 'Catalogue' to find e-Learning Courses related to the Skilled then enrol Employees in an e-Learning Course.
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Skill | Top Right of the Widget. Starts the Skill Wizard, and allows the User to select a Skill from the 'Skills Library' and assign it to an Employee. |
Search Keyword | This is a free text field that you can use to search the Skill s Tab for an Employee name, or for a Skill Type. |
Current Sub-Tab | Displays the Skills that the Employee was assigned/assessed for during the current/most recent Performance Review Cycle. |
Gaps Sub-Tab | Displays the gap/s between the Skills that Job requires and the Skills that Employee currently does/does not have. |
Employee | This column contains the Employee name that the CPD Training is assigned to. |
Skill Name | The name of the Skill assigned to/for which the Employee was assessed. |
Date Created | Displays the Date that the Skill was assigned to the Employee for assessment. Or, if the Skill was created Ad Hoc by a People & culture User (not via a Performance Review Cycle), the date the Skill was created/assigned to the Employee. |
Linked Cycle | If the Skill was assigned to an Employee and assessed by the Employee/Manager as part of a Performance Review Cycle - a link to the most recent/current Performance Review Cycle will appear here. There will be a record for the Skill assessed by the Employee, and another for that Skill assessed by their Manager. |
Score | Displays the Score that the Assessor gave to the Employee for that Skill Type. |
Date Created | The date the the Skill listed for the Employee was created. |
Assessed By | The name of the Individual who assessed the Employee for that Skill Type. |
Assessed Date | Displays the Date that the Skill was assigned to the Employee and assessed (as part of a Performance Review Cycle). |
Skill Gap | Specifies if the Employee has a 'Gap' for the Skill listed. |
Required for Job | Specifies Job that the 'Skill/Gap' relates to. |
Actions | Use this dropdown to action the following:
People & Culture - Talent Profile Widget
The Talent Profile widget contains summary information for all of the key areas of an Employee Talent based information. Including: Certificates and Licences, Goals, PDP, Catch-ups and so on. There is also a Summary View and PDF available which is located at the top right of the Talent Profile Widget. The Talent Profile Widget can work in conjunction with the Compliance Widget, Performance Widget and the Training Widget. The data listed in the Talent Profile Widget is an aggregation of all the data in these Widgets. There are functions within the Light Boxes to take the user to the respective widgets so that processing of data can occur. E.g. Certificate and Licences drill down - opens a light box which allows you to see all data, then you can open the widget for that data by clicking the button at the Top Left. This works regardless if the User has that widget in their Dashboard. People and Culture users can search any Employees to view the information available in the Talent Profile Widget.
Field Name | Description |
Certificates And Licences | This number represents the number of ACTIVE Certificate and Licence Records. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing ALL Certificate and Licence records. Grouped by Active, Expiring and Expired. Click the "View Compliance Widget", button to be taken to the Compliance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Background Checks | This number represents the number of "Background Check" records for the Employee. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing Past Background Checks. Grouped by Past. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Education And Qualifications | This number represents the number of ACTIVE Education and Qualification Records. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing ALL Education and Qualifications records. Grouped by Active, Expiring and Expired. Click the "View Compliance Widget", button to be taken to the Compliance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Training | This number represents the number of Training Records. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing ALL Training records. Grouped by To-do, In Progress and Completed. Click the "View Training Widget", button to be taken to the Training Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Catch-ups | This number represents the number of "Active and Upcoming" Catch-ups. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing Active and Upcoming Catch-ups. Grouped by Active and Upcoming. Click the "View Performance Widget", button to be taken to the Performance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Acknowledgements | This number represents the number of "Received and Sent" Acknowledgements. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing Received and Sent Acknowledgements. Grouped by Received and Sent. Click the "View Performance Widget", button to be taken to the Performance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Work History | This number represents the number of "Work History" records for the Employee. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing Past Work History. Grouped by Past. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Goals | This number represents the number of "Not Started, On Track, Behind, At Risk, Completed" Goals. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing Not Started, On Track, Behind, At Risk, Completed Goals. Grouped by Not Started, On Track, Behind, At Risk, Completed. Click the "View Performance Widget", button to be taken to the Performance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. Click the "Update Status" button to update the "Goal" status. |
Skills | This number represents the number of "Current and Gaps" for Skills. If you click on the Icon or Number a light Box will appear showing Current and Gap Skills. Grouped by Current and Gap. Click the "View Performance Widget", button to be taken to the Performance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Performance Score | There is no drilldown here. It just displays the most recent Performance Review Score. Based on how the formula being used in the Review. E.g. Average of all assessment criteria. Like Skills, Goals, Values and Behaviours. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. |
Current PDP | This will show the current PDP including current GOALS. You can update the status of the Goals by using the Update Status button. Click the "View Performance Widget", button to be taken to the Performance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. The Employee and Manager have the ability to send a Summary on Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly basis. The summary function will work within the Period of the PDP. To Cancel the Summary, Press Cancel. If you are an Employee you can choose to send a Summary to yourself and or your Manager. If the send summary is not on, it will say "Send Summary - Off". Goals can only be linked to a PDP, through the PDP step or through the Performance Review if a Performance Review / Cycle is Active. PDP can only be used if there is a PDP Step in the Performance Cycle - Review process. E-mail notifications for Reminders will be sent to the Subscribe-HR inbox and e-mail. Recipients can click on the URL to view the PDP in Subscribe-HR. NOTE the e-mails sent are system e-mails not workflow e-mails. Only S-HR developers can use manage these. |
Next Review Date | This will show the next review date for the Person. There is no Drill Down. |
Talent Profile Summary PDF
The Talent Profile Summary contains the following Employee Summary Information. This Summary can be PDF'd. People and Culture users can PDF any Talent Profile summary for any Employee. Search the Talent Profile Widget for the Employee. Then View Summary and Export the Profile from there.
Field Name | Description |
First Name and Surname | Name of the Employee |
Photo | Shows Photo of the Employee |
Role | The Role of the Employee |
Employee ID | The Indentification Number for the Employee which can be used to find the Employee in Subscribe-HR |
Department | The Department the Employee is in |
Location | Location of the Employee |
Start Date | The Start Date of the Employee |
Manager | The Primary Manager of the Employee |
Length of Service | The time which the Employee has been employed |
Annual Leave Balance | Current Balance for Annual Leave for the Employee |
Personal Leave Balance | Current Balance for Personal Leave for the Employee |
Roles | Lists the Roles of the Employee. Current Role/Job is at the Top. Dates Represent the Start and End Date for the Roles/Jobs |
Work History | List of Previous Jobs prior to Employment with your Company. This information could have been entered during the Recruitment Process and or it is stored against the Employee - Work History Sub Folder. |
Certificates and Licences | List of Current Certificates and Licence Records. This information could have been entered during the Recruitment Process and or it is stored against the Employee - Certificates and Licences Sub Folder. |
Background Checks | List of Current Background Check Records. This information could have been entered during the Recruitment Process and or it is stored against the Employee - Background Check Sub Folder |
Education and Qualifications | List of Active Education and Qualifications Records. This information could have been entered during the Recruitment Process and or it is stored against the Employee - Education and Qualifications Sub Folder |
Acknowledgements | List of received Acknowledgements.This information comes from the Performance Widget - Process |
Top Right - Reviews | Shows current Review which is active. It shows the Progress of the current review. Shows the Final Score. Shows Next Review Date if there is one |
Skills | Shows Current Skills. No Scores |
Goals | Shows Current Goals. No Scores. Shows the Status of the Goals |
Export PDF Button | Bottom Left of Screen. Allows you to Export the PDF to Print. Save to Desktop. |
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget
The Performance Management Widget allows People and Culture users to view, create and manage Employee Performance Reviews within the System.
This widget allows for Users to quickly and easily manage Performance through each of the following processes by clicking on the relevant “Folder”:
- Reviews - view/create/manage Performance Reviews and Performance Workflow process/es.
- Goals - view/create/manage Employee Goals related to the Performance Review and Performance Cycles, (or those created on a one-off/ad hoc basis). Goals can be linked to Business Objectives also. Completed Goals can also be brought into a current Goal Define step to be used again in a Review.
- Catch-Ups - view/create/manage Catch-Ups related to the Performance Review and Performance Cycles, (or those created on a one-off/ad hoc basis).
- Acknowledgements - view/create/manage Acknowledgements related to the Performance Review and Performance Cycles, (or those created on a one-off/ad hoc basis).
- Skills - view/create/manage Skills related to the Performance Review and Performance Cycles, (or those created on a one-off/ad hoc basis).
In each of these Folders, there are a series of 'Tabs' that provide different functionality for managing Performance Reviews and Performance Review Cycles (related to Reviews). Within each Tab, there is a table that contains different columns. The Folders, Tabs, and Columns are explained below.
From within the Performance Management Widget itself, there are a series of buttons (that launch Wizards) related to creating or managing Performance Reviews, or specifying and activating Performance Review Cycles. These Wizards include:
- Select Review Process - this button allows Users to select which type of Performance Review Process they want to use/activate. The two options are:
- Based on Cycles - this will tie individual and /or Groups of Employees to the same Performance Review Cycle/s so that everyone assigned to that Cycle gets Reviewed at the same time.
- Based on Start Date - this will tie the Performance Review Cycle to the Start Date of the Employee.
NOTE: you must "Select" and then "Activate" the Review Process you want to use. Instructions on how to do this can be found below.
- Send Review - allows HR/P&C Managers to create and send a new Performance Management Review.
- Stop Review Process - allows HR/P&C Managers to stop the Performance Review process currently being used and choose the other option (swap between Cycles/Start Date).
- + Create Goal - allows HR/P&C Managers to create Goals for all Employees. New Goals can also be created from the Employee Goal Wizard which is available via the Wizards "START" menu. Goals can be linked to Business Objectives also.
- + Create Skills - allows HR/P&C Managers to create Skills for all Employees. Skills are linked to Jobs or Employees.
- + Create Catch-Up - allows HR/P&C Managers to create Catch-Ups for all Employees. New Catch Ups can also be created from the Catch Up Wizard (coming soon) which is available via the Wizards "START" menu.
These Widgets can be moved around in the Dashboard. They can also be removed from the Dashboard. This can be done in Maintenance --> Groups --> Permissions --> Select a Group and Go to the Widgets.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Review Cycle Wizard for Cycles based Performance Reviews
How to use the Performance Review Cycle Wizard for ‘Cycle’ based Performance Reviews:
1. Click on "Select Review Process" button which is located on the top right corner of the Performance Management Widget. If a Review Cycle is already in progress, you will instead see a red "Stop Review Process" button which enables you to stop/cancel the current Review Cycle being used and select another option by following the instructions below.
2. A lightbox will appear prompting you to select from a dropdown the Review type. Select "Based on Cycle."
3. Click "Submit."
4. The System will take you back to the Performance Management Widget. "Current Review Method = (Cycles)" with a green "On" status will display on the top right of the widget. NOTE: you must click "On" again, which will open another popup, and then select "Activate" to activate that Review Cycle type (this step must be completed for the remainder of the process to work).
5. To create a 'Cycle' based Performance Review, click on "Create Review."
6. A popup appears confirming the review method being created is based on 'Cycles.’ Click "Delete" to remove the 'Cycle' method. Otherwise click "Activate" to turn it on and start sending Reviews.
7. You can now click "Send Review" to send a new Performance Review based on Cycles. This will guide the User through the "New Performance Review" Wizard. The Cycles Wizard the following to be specified:
- Name: the name of the Performance Review.
- Template: select the Performance Review Canvas that will be used for the Review. This needs to have been set up prior to creating the Performance Review.
- Workflow: select the Performance Cycle/Workflow. This needs to have been set up prior to creating the Performance Review.
- Copy From Previous Review: you can choose to copy Skills and/or Behaviours from a previous review. Note that Goals from previous Reviews and Ad Hoc that have not yet been completed are copied over by default.
- Review Cycle Scope:
- Employees: allows the User to specify which Employee/s (all, or selected) the Review will be sent to as part of the Review Cycle.
- Groups: allows the User to specify which Group/s the Review will be sent to as part of the Review Cycle.
- Departments: allows the User to specify which Department/s the Review will be sent to as part of the Review Cycle.
8. People & Culture Users can remove the Cycle method by clicking on "Stop Review Process." Confirmation will appear allowing you to cancel, or the User can click "OK" to remove the method.
1. If the Review Type (Cycles or Start based) is stopped and/or changed, any active Review/Cycles will remain active until all participants have completed that Review/Cycle.
2. The System only allows each Employee to have one active Performance Review/Cycle assigned to them at any given time.
4. If changing from a Cycles to Start Date based Cycle ‘Type’ – if an Employee still has a live Review/Cycle assigned to them at the date when their start date anniversary is reached, then they will not be assigned a Start Date Review/Cycle until their next Start Date (only after completion of the previously active Review/Cycle).
5. If a Review Type is cancelled and/or changed, it is recommended that the Review/Cycle is also cancelled (so that the new Review Type and any associated Review/Cycle is assigned to nominated Employees straight away.
6. If the Review Type and the Review/Cycle are not both cancelled at the same time, then point #3 above applies.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Review Cycle Wizard for Start Date based Performance Reviews
How to use the Performance Review Cycle Wizard for ‘Start Date’ based Performance Reviews:
1. Click onto "Select Review Process" button which is located on the top right corner of the Performance Management Widget. If a Review Cycle is already in progress, you will instead see a red "Stop Review Process" button which enables you to stop the current Review Process being used and select another option by following the instructions below.
2. A popup will appear prompting you to select from a dropdown the Review type. Select "Based on Start Date."
3. Click "Submit."
4. The System will take you back to the Performance Management Widget. "Current Review Method = (Start Date)" with a green "On" status will displayed on the top right of the Widget. NOTE: you must click "On" again, which will open another popup, and then select "Activate" to activate that Review Cycle type (this step must be completed for the remainder of the process to work).
5. To create a 'Start Date' based Performance Review, click on "Create Review."
6. You will then be prompted to enter details for the Review. This includes:
- Name: the name of the Performance Review.
- Template: select the Performance Review Canvas that will be used as the main form for the Review. This needs to have been set up prior to creating the Performance Review.
- Workflow: select the Performance Cycle definition. This needs to have been set up prior to creating the Performance Review.
- Copy From Previous Review: you can choose to copy Skills and/or Behaviours from a previous review. Note that Goals from previous Reviews and Ad Hoc that have not yet been completed are copied over by default.
7. When complete, click "Activate" or "Delete" to remove the 'Start Date' method.
8. You can click "Stop Review Process" to remove the 'Start Date' method. Confirmation will appear allowing you to cancel or proceed.
1. If the Review Type (Cycles or Start based) is stopped and/or changed, any active Review/Cycles will remain active until all participants have completed that Review/Cycle.
2. The System only allows each Employee to have one active Performance Review/Cycle assigned to them at any given time.
3. If changing from a Cycles to Start Date based Cycle ‘Type’ – if an Employee still has a live Review/Cycle assigned to them at the date when their start date anniversary is reached, then they will not be assigned a Start Date Review/Cycle until their next Start Date (only after completion of the previously active Review/Cycle).
4. If a Review Type is cancelled and/or changed, it is recommended that the Review/Cycle is also cancelled (so that the new Review Type and any associated Review/Cycle is assigned to nominated Employees straight away.
5. If the Review Type and the Review/Cycle are not both cancelled at the same time, then point #3 above applies.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – + Create New Wizard
The "Create Review" (Start Date based Reviews) or "Send Review" (Cycles based Reviews) button/s (which are located on the top right-hand corner of the Performance Management widget) starts the process of creating a new Performance Review. This will open the Performance Review Wizard, which allows People & Culture Users to create Performance Reviews based on the Review type selected (Cycles Versus Start Date) and send those Reviews to Employees.
For Cycles Based Reviews input the following information:
1. Name: name the Performance Review.
2. Template: click in the Template field (or start typing) to trigger the menu of Performance Reviews currently available in the System. Select the Performance Canvas/Review that will be used for this Performance Review.
3. Workflow: click in the Workflow field (or start typing) to trigger the menu of Performance Cycles/Workflows currently available in the System. Select the Performance Cycle/Workflow that will be used for this Performance Review.
4. Copy From Previous Review: Users can choose to copy Skills and/or Behaviours from a previous Review. Note that all Goals that were assigned to the Employee as part of the Goals ‘Define’ Step in any previous Review, or that have been created ‘Ad Hoc’ (since/after the ‘Define’ Step was completed) are copied over/included by default. An Employee’s Goals that have already been completed will not be included, but can be added back into an assessment/rating/s Step if needed. Values, if set up in the System, will also be included in the assessment/ratings Step automatically.
5. Select Recipients – specify which Employee/s, Group/s, or Department/s you want to send the Performance Review to. The options available are:
- Employee/s: click in the Employees field (or start typing) to trigger the menu of Employees. Select the Employee/s (all, one or multiple) who will be sent this Performance Review.
- Group/s: Select the Group/s (one or multiple) that will be sent this Performance Review.
- Department/s: Select the Department/s (one or multiple) that will be sent this Performance Review.
6. Sample PDF in the bottom left-hand corner of the popup window, there is a red button “Sample PDF.” Please download a copy of the Sample PDF and check it to confirm that it contains all the information you want to include in your Performance Review. If there is anything missing, repeat previous steps. If the Sample PDF is accurate/complete, ‘tick’ the “I have checked the sample PDF template” checkbox.
7. When to Send: click on the downwards pointing arrow (right-hand side of the popup window) to open the dropdown list. Choose between sending ‘Now’ or ‘Later.’
8. Send Date: if you select ‘Later,’ a date field will appear. Click on the calendar on the far right and specify the date and time you want to trigger the send of the Performance Review.
9. Frequency: Choose between sending ‘Once’ or ‘Indefinite.’ 'Indefinite‘ will repeatedly send the Review on the anniversary of the initial send date unless/until cancelled.
10. Upon Submission, all Employees, Groups or Departments nominated will then be sent that Review based on the ‘When to Send’ (‘Now’ or date) specified.
For Start Date Based Reviews input the following information:
1. Name: name the Performance Review.
2. Template: click in the Template field (or start typing) to trigger the menu of Performance Reviews currently available in the System. Select the Performance Canvas/Review that will be used for this Performance Review.
3. Workflow: click in the Workflow field (or start typing) to trigger the menu of Performance Cycles/Workflows currently available in the System. Select the Performance Cycle/Workflow that will be used for this Performance Review.
4. Copy From Previous Review: Users can choose to copy Skills and/or Behaviours from a previous Review. Note that all Goals that were assigned to the Employee as part of the Goals ‘Define’ Step in any previous Review, or that have been created ‘Ad Hoc’ (since/after the ‘Define’ Step was completed) are copied over/included by default. An Employee’s Goals that have already been completed will not be included, but can be added back into an assessment/rating/s Step if needed. Values, if set up in the System, will also be included in the assessment/ratings Step automatically.
Upon Activation, all Employee will then be sent that Review on the anniversary of their Start Date with your Organisation.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Goals Tab: + Create Goal Wizard
People & Culture Users, Managers and Employees can create 'Ad Hoc' Goals (outside of a Performance Review Cycle). Goals created/assigned as part of a Performance Review Cycle will appear in and be assessable as part of the Review Cycle in which they were created. Ad Hoc Goals will be included in any subsequent Performance Review Cycles (assuming that Goals are Defined/Assessed (rated) as part of the Performance Review).
Managers can create ‘Ad Hoc’ Goals for their direct reports throughout the year. These Goals will appear in the ‘Goals’ Step of subsequent Review Cycles/Performance Reviews for the Employee to whom the Goal was assigned (if there is a ‘Define Goals’ or ‘Ratings’ Step included).
People & Culture Users can create ‘Ad Hoc’ Objectives/Goals for all Employees throughout the year. These Objectives/Goals will appear in the ‘Goals’ Step of subsequent Review Cycles/Performance Reviews for the Employee to whom the Goal was assigned (if there is a ‘Define Goals’ or ‘Ratings’ Step included).
Note: if a Goal is assigned to an Employee, either as part of the ‘Define’ Step in a Review Cycle, or on an ‘Ad Hoc’ basis, and that Goal is ‘completed’ – it will no longer continue to appear in the Goal Define/Rate Step of subsequent Review Cycle Steps. However, it is possible to ‘add’ the Goal back into the Define/Rate Step if required (so that the Employee and/or Manager can rate the Employee’s performance per that Goal).
To create a Goal input the following information:
1. Employee: Select the Employee to create the Goal for (if creating it for someone else).
2. Business Objectives: select a Business Objective from the dropdown menu.
3. Goal Type: select the Goal type from the dropdown menu.
4. Goal Name: specify a Goal name.
5. Description: provide a description of the Goal.
6. Target Date of Completion: specify a target date for the completion of the Goal.
7. Goal Completed Date: specify the actual date the Goal was completed/achieved (this can be completed at a future point in time).
8. Notes: add notes regarding the Goal including feedback, process, experience etc. if required.
9. Goal Status: specify the status of the Goal. Click “Next."
10. Summary: the final screen for the Employee Goal Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to complete the Goal, click “Submit.”
11. Success: if your Employee Goal Wizard has been submitted correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Skills Tab: + Create Skill Wizard
People & Culture Users are the only Users who can create 'Ad Hoc' Skills (outside of a Performance Review Cycle) for Employees. However, if there is a 'Performance Review Cycle' (Cycles or Start Date-based) activated in the System, the '+Create New' option on the Skills Tab of both the Performance Management and the Training Widgets will be deactivated (even for People & Culture Users). Users can only create Skills using one method or the other – as part of the ‘Define step’ of a Performance Review, or ad hoc (not both at the same time).
To create a Skill input the following information:
1. Employee: Select the Employee to create the Goal for (Self or Team Member).
2. Skill: select the Skill from the dropdown menu.
3. Assessed by: specify who can validate/has assessed the Skill to be assigned to the Employee.
4. Score: Provide a ‘Score’ for the Skill.
5. Current: confirm if the Skill is current or not.
6. Summary: the final screen for the Employee Skill Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to complete the Skill, click “Submit.”
7. Success: if your Employee Skill Wizard has been submitted correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.
NOTE: Ad hoc Skills can’t/won’t be added to a subsequent Performance Review/Cycle (for Rating/Assessment).
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Catch-Ups Tab: + Create Catch-Up Wizard
The Catch-Up Wizard allows Users to create a Catch-Up with other Employees in the following ways:
- Manager to Employee.
- Employee to Manager.
- People & Culture to Manager or Employee (essentially all Users).
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Catch-Up | People & Culture User can create Catch-Ups with all Employees - between the Employee and P&C User. New Catch Ups can also be created from the Catch Up Wizard which is available via the Wizards "START" menu. |
Search | This is a free text field that allows user to filter down the list to specific keywords entered here. |
Active Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all currently active Performance Goals. The number in brackets displays the total number of active Goals. |
Upcoming Tab | Clicking this Tab will display Catch-Ups that are yet to happen at a future date. |
Cancelled Tab | Clicking this Tab will display the Cancelled Catch-Ups. Use the Action: Cancel Reason, to see the reason the Catch-Up was Cancelled. |
Completed Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all completed Performance Goals. The number in brackets displays the total number of completed Goals. |
Topic | The relevant topic of the Catch Up will be displayed here. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Catch-Up has been assigned to. |
Catch Up Date | The date of the Catch-Up will be displayed here. If the Catch-Up has been rescheduled, Rescheduled from Text and the Date it was rescheduled from will show next to this Date: Time. |
Next Catch-up | Select the date of the next Catch-Up if you want to schedule one for the future. |
Comments/Notes/Questions | Free type text here. |
Attachments | Link attachments here. NOTE: Both participants in the Catch-Up can upload additional attachments (after the initial creation of the Catch-Up) as part of the ongoing Catch-Up 'Conversation'). |
Actions | This dropdown allows user to perform either of the following:
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Reviews Folder
Within the Reviews Folder, there are a series of “Tabs” where HR/P&C Managers can manage the Performance Reviews of Employees. Those Tabs are:
- Active.
- Completed.
- Overdue
- Not Started.
- New Review.
- Review Cycle.
The Reviews Folder contains all Employee Reviews.
Field Name | Description |
Current Review Method | This displays the type of Review process currently being used e.g. Review Cycle or Based on Start Date. |
+ Send Review | If your Review process is based on Cycle, the green “Send Review” button will enable HR/P&C Managers to create and send Performance Review/s. If your Review process is based on Start Date, the green “Send Review” button will enable HR/P&C Managers to create and send Performance Review/s. |
Stop Review Process | The red “Stop Review Process” Button allows HR/P&C Managers to STOP the review process being used (this applies to both Start Date or Cycle Method. Please note that this will complete all Reviews as of that date. Information in the review can be seen up until that date. |
Search | This is a free text field that allows user to filter down the list to specific keywords entered here. |
Active Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all currently active Performance Reviews. The number in brackets displays the total number of active Reviews. |
Completed Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all completed Performance Reviews. The number in brackets displays the total number of completed Reviews. |
Overdue Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Reviews that are incomplete and/or past their due date. The number in brackets displays the total number of overdue Reviews. |
Not Started Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Reviews that have not been started by the Employee. |
No Review Tab (Only Relevant to Cycle – Review Cycle) | Clicking this Tab will display all Employees who currently have no Performance Review assigned to them. The number in brackets displays the total number of Employees with no current Reviews. |
Review Cycle Tab | Clicking this will display all Performance Workflows that have been created. The number in brackets displays the total number of Workflows that have been created and sent to Employees. |
Search | This is a free text field that allows user to filter down the list to specific keywords entered here. |
ID | This is the ID of the Performance Review that has been sent to the Employee. |
Review Name | The name of the Performance Review will be displayed here. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Performance Review has been assigned to. |
Current Step | The current step of the Performance Review process that Employee is currently at will be displayed here. Clicking on the name of the 'Step' will display an outline of all the steps in the Review Cycle. If the current step is a Peer Review step, another link will appear here that, when clicked, will show the status of each individual Peer (indicating whether the Peer has completed the Step or not). |
View Status | Click on “View Status” in this column and a window will open that displays which part of the Performance Workflow the Review is at, e.g. with Employee with Manager etc. and the Due Date of the Review. |
Start Date | The date the Performance Review/Workflow was sent/triggered. |
End Date | The due date of the of the Performance Review. |
Progress | The percentage bar here represents the progress of the Review starting from 0% (not started) to 100% (complete) |
Department | The Department of an Employee sent a Review. |
Participants | The Participants to which that Review has been sent. |
Cycle | The name of the Review that was sent to Participants/Employees. |
Scheduled Date | The date the Review was created and sent. |
Frequency | The frequency with which the review is sent - quarterly, semi-annually, annually (or other). |
Status | Indicates if the Review Cycle is complete, cancelled, in progress etc. |
Action | The options are:
People & Culture - Performance Management – Advanced Performance Management Reports
The following Advanced Reports are available as ‘Standard’ in Subscribe-HR:
1. Skills Audit by Department: Showing Employee Skills by Department and the latest Review Score. Self and Manager assessment. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
2. Goals Audit by Department: Showing Employee Skills by Department and the latest Review Score. Self and Manager. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
Values Audit by Department: Showing Employee Skills by Department and the latest Review Score. Self and Manager assessment. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
3. Behaviour Audit by Department: Showing Employee Skills by Department and the latest Review Score. Self and Manager assessment. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
4. Skills Final Score by Department: Showing the Average of Self and Manager Rating. Final Score per person by department. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
5. Goals Final Score by Department: Showing the Average of Self and Manager Rating. Final Score per person by department. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
6. Values Final Score by Department: Showing the Average of Self and Manager Rating. Final Score per person by department. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
7. Behaviours Final Score by Department: Showing the Average of Self and Manager Rating. Final Score per person by department. Based on the most recent/last Performance Review.
7. Final Score by Department: Showing average of skills goals values and behaviours – Final Score for all.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Review Cycle Consolidated Reports
Consolidated Reports for each Performance Review/Cycle are available via the Performance Management Widget > Reviews Tab > Cycle Subtab > Action > View Reporting. These Reports contain:
- Results Tab: For Goals, Skills, Behaviours, and Values, the average Score entered for each assessable item by each type of Responder (Employee, Manager, Peer); for multiselect questions, the number of times each possible answer was selected by each type of Responder.
- Text Tab: Responses to all text-based questions included in the Review.
- Score Tab: The average of each participating Employee’s average Score for each assessable category and of their Overall Performance Scores.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Individual Summary Reports
Individual Reports for each Employee’s Performance Review/Cycle are available via the Performance Management Widget > Reviews Tab >Active/Completed Subtab > Action > View Review Report. These Reports contain:
- Results Tab: Scores for each of the Skills, Values, Goals and Behaviours assessed in the Review.
- Text Tab: Responses to all text-based questions included in the Review.
- Score Tab: Average Scores for each of the Skills, Values, Goals and Behaviours assessed in the Review, plus the Overall Performance Score.
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Goals Folder
Within the Goals Folder, there are a series of “Tabs” where HR/People & Culture Managers can manage the Goals of Employees. Those Tabs are:
- Not Started.
- On Track.
- Behind.
- At Risk.
- Completed.
- All.
The definitions for these statuses are:
On Track: This is the default status.
Behind: Overall progress is less than 60% complete.
At Risk: Overall progress is less than 25% complete with 30 days remaining.
Completed: Overall goal progress is 100%.
The Goals Folder contains all Employee Goals. New Goals can also be entered without using a Review Cycle. If your Performance Workflow Cycle includes a “Goals Define” step, you can create the Goals within the Review Process or directly from this Tab using "Create Goal.” If you have a PDP step in your Performance Workflow Cycle, Goals which are created as part of the Review process can be linked to the PDP. They will show up in this Widget as having a relationship. If you are using a PDP step in the Review Cycle, and you enter a Goal through the Widget, you can link this Goal to the PDP and create Training Intervention. Completed Goals can also be brought into a current Goal Define step to be used again in a Review.
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Goal | The “Create Goal” Wizard allows HR/P&C Managers to create Goals for all Employees. New Goals can also be created from the Employee Goal Wizard (coming soon) which is available via the Wizards "START" menu. Business Objectives can be entered against Goals |
Search | This is a free text field that allows user to filter down the list to specific keywords entered here. |
Not Started Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all currently active Performance Goals that have not yet been started by the Employee they've been assigned to. The number in brackets displays the total number of active Goals. |
On Track Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Goals that are 'On Track' for completion by the Due Date. The number in brackets displays the total number of On Track Goals. |
Behind Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Goals that are 'Behind' for completion by the Due Date. The number in brackets displays the total number of Behind Goals. |
At Risk Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Goals that are 'At Risk' of not being completed by the Due Date. The number in brackets displays the total number of At Risk Goals. |
Completed Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Goals that have been 'Completed.' The number in brackets displays the total number of Completed Goals. |
All Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all Performance Goals, including their Status. The number in brackets displays the total number of Performance Goals currently assigned to Employees. The All Tab also contains a filter that allows Users to filter Goals based on their Status. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Goal has been assigned to. |
Business Objective | The Name of the Business Objective |
Goal Name | The Name of the Goal. |
PDP | The related Performance Development Plan in which this Goal was create will be displayed here (if/when relevant). This will show the current PDP including current GOALS. You can update the status of the Goals by using the Update Status button. Click the "View Performance Widget", button to be taken to the Performance Widget - Full: Maximized View. Click Export PDF to export a PDF version of the data. The Employee and Manager have the ability to send a Summary on Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly basis. The summary function will work within the Period of the PDP. To Cancel the Summary, Press Cancel. If you are an Employee you can choose to send a Summary to yourself and or your Manager. If the send summary is not on, it will say "Send Summary - Off". Goals can only be linked to a PDP, through the PDP step or through the Performance Review if a Performance Review / Cycle is Active. PDP can only be used if there is a PDP Step in the Performance Cycle - Review process. E-mail notifications for Reminders will be sent to the Subscribe-HR inbox and e-mail. Recipients can click on the URL to view the PDP in Subscribe-HR. NOTE the e-mails sent are system e-mails not workflow e-mails. Only S-HR developers can use manage these. |
Review | If a Review Cycle us being used, when the Goal is created, it will show the relationship to the Review it was created for. |
Status | The status of the Goal will display here. This can beNot Start, On Track, Behind, At Risk or Completed.. |
Due Date | The Goal's due date will be displayed here. |
Target Completion Date | The Date the Goal is supposed to be completed. |
Enable Reminder | Select this to be able to send a reminder based on the Target Completion Date. |
Target Date Completion Reminder (Mandatory) | You can select one or multiple of: 1, 2, 7, 14, 30 Days before the reminder date arrives. Pre-defined e-mail templates will send based on these triggers. |
Target Date Completion Recipients (Mandatory) | Manager and or Employee can select to send to Manager and or Employee. |
Description | Notes field for the Description of the Goal. |
Notes | This is a field for making notes. |
Action | This dropdown will allow Managers to view and edit Employee Goals. Update Status Action can be used to update the Goal Status. The options are:
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Catch Ups Folder
Within the Catch Ups Folder, there are a series of “Tabs” where HR/P&C Managers can manage Catch Ups for Employees. Those Tabs are:
- Active.
- Upcoming.
- Completed.
The Catch Ups Folder contains all Employee Catch Ups. Catch Ups can be added as a Step in a Cycle/Review or as an Ad Hoc Catch Up.
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Catch Up | Allows HR/P&C Managers to create Catch Ups for all Employees. New Catch Ups can also be created from the Catch Up Wizard (coming soon) which is available via the Wizards "START" menu. |
Search | This is a free text field that allows user to filter down the list to specific keywords entered here. |
Active Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all currently active Performance Goals. The number in brackets displays the total number of active Goals. |
Upcoming Tab | Clicking this Tab will display Catch-ups that are yet to happen at a future date. |
Completed Tab | Clicking this Tab will display all completed Performance Goals. The number in brackets displays the total number of completed Goals. |
Topic | The relevant topic of the Catch Up will be displayed here. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Catch Up has been assigned to. |
Catch Up Date | The date of the Catch Up will be displayed here. |
Comments/Notes/Questions | Free type text here. |
Attachments | Link attachments here. NOTE: Both participants in the Catch-Up can upload additional attachments (after the initial creation of the Catch-Up) as part of the ongoing Catch-Up 'Conversation'). |
Actions | This dropdown allows user to perform either of the following:
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Acknowledgements Folder
The Acknowledgements Folder contains all Acknowledgements that have been sent to Employees, Locations, or Departments. People & Culture Users can see Acknowledgements for the entire organisation. Users can also create new Acknowledgements from this Tab on the Performance Management Widget, via '+Create Acknowledgement' on the 'Acknowledgements' Tab in the Announcements & Acknowledgements Widget, or by triggering the Acknowledgement Wizard via the ‘START’ menu.
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Acknowledgement | Top Right of the Widget. Starts the New Acknowledgement Wizard, for you to be able to create a new acknowledgement. This is also available from the "START" options |
Search Keyword | This is a free text field that you can use to search Announcements based on keywords you enter in the search field. |
All Received Sub-Folder | Contains acknowledgements sent to/received by the Employee. |
All Sent Sub-Folder | Contains acknowledgements sent by Employees. |
Create Date | This is the date and time the Acknowledgement was created. |
Title | The Title of the Acknowledgement is displayed here. |
Likes | Clicking the "thumbs up" icon will Like the Acknowledgement. The number beside it displays the total number of likes the Acknowledgement has received. |
Comments | Clicking the speech bubble icon will allow you to enter in comments related to the Acknowledgement. The number beside it will display the total number of comments made against the Acknowledgement. |
Sent To | Employees, locations and/or departments that have been acknowledged will be displayed here. |
Sent By | The name of the individual who sent this Acknowledgement will be displayed here. |
Actions | Use this dropdown to action the following:
People & Culture - Performance Management Widget – Skills Folder
The Skills Folder contains the current Skills that all Employees have been assessed for during a Performance Review Cycle, or which have been assigned/assessed on an Ad Hoc basis. A 'current' skill is defined as the 'most recent' record of a Skill that has been created/assigned to an Employee. The Employee may have 'previous' records of assignment/assessment for a particular Skill (for example if they were assessed for that Skill in a previous/older Performance Review Cycle). Older versions of Skills are not displayed in the Tab and can be found via the Employee's Skills record in Performance Management.
People & Culture Users are the only Users who can create 'Ad Hoc' Skills (outside of a Performance Review Cycle) for Employees. However, if there is a 'Performance Review Cycle' (Cycles or Start Date-based) activated in the System, the '+Create New' option on the Skills Tab will be deactivated. Users can only create Skills using one method or the other (not both at the same time).
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Skill | Top Right of the Widget. Starts the Skill Wizard, and allows the User to select a Skill from the 'Skills Library' and assign it to an Employee. |
Search Keyword | This is a free text field that you can use to search the Skill s Tab for an Employee name, or for a Skill Type. |
Current Sub-Tab | Displays the Skills that the Employee was assigned/assessed for during the current/most recent Performance Review Cycle. |
Gaps Sub-Tab | Displays the Employees that have Gaps in their Skills (in relation to the Skills required for the Job they hold). |
Employee Name | The name of the Employee that the Skill (or Skills Gap) relates to. |
Skill Name | The name of the Skill assigned to/for which the Employee was assessed. |
Skill Gap | The name of the Skill the Employee has a Gap for (in relation to the Job they hold). |
Required for the Job | The name of the Job the Skill is required for. |
Date Created | Displays the Date that the Skill was assigned to the Employee for assessment. Or, if the Skill was created Ad Hoc by a People & culture User (not via a Performance Review Cycle), the date the Skill was created/assigned to the Employee. |
Linked Cycle | If the Skill was assigned to an Employee and assessed by the Employee/Manager as part of a Performance Review Cycle - a link to the most recent/current Performance Review Cycle will appear here. There will be a record for the Skill assessed by the Employee, and another for that Skill assessed by their Manager. |
Score | Displays the Score that the Assessor gave to the Employee for that Skill Type. |
Date Created | Displays the date that the Skill record wa created. |
Assessed By | The name of the Individual who created/assessed the Employee for that Skill Type. |
Date Assessed | Displays the Date that the Skill was assigned to the Employee and assessed (as part of a Performance Review Cycle). |
Current | Specifies if the Skill is current (Yes) or not (No). |
Actions | Use this dropdown to action the following:
People & Culture - Timesheets Management Widget
This widget display information regarding all timesheets related to the logged-in HR/People & Culture Manager.
Submitting requests for Timesheets works as follows:
- System Administrators and People & Culture Users can create/submit/apply for Timesheets for all Users.
- To do so, the User must be on the People & Culture Dashboard (and can then use the Timesheet Wizard vis the 'Start' Wizard menu, or via the Timesheet Wizard that is accessible via the Timesheet Widget on the People & Culture Dashboard).
- Managers can submit Timesheets on behalf of their direct reports only (such Managers need to have 'Line Manager' User Group assigned, they have to be set in the System as a 'Manager,' and specified as the Employee's Manager to be able to do this). Other Line Managers can't submit Timesheets on behalf of Employees for whom they are not the specified/assigned Manager. Only one Manager can/has the capacity to do this.
- To do so, the User must be on the Manager Dashboard (and can then use the Timesheet Wizard vis the 'Start' Wizard menu, or via the Timesheet Wizard that is accessible via the Timesheet Widget on the Manager Dashboard).
Field Name | Description |
In Progress Tab | Displays all saved but not submitted timesheets. The number in brackets indicates the total number of "In Progress" Timesheets (currently being worked on, but not yet submitted for authorisation). |
Requested Tab | Displays all Timesheets that have been submitted but are have yet to be authorised/rejected. The number in brackets indicates the total number of Timesheets requiring authorisation. |
Authorised Tab | Displays all Timesheets that have been authorised by the authoriser. The number in brackets indicates the total number of Authorised timesheets. |
Rejected Tab | Displays all Timesheets that have been rejected by the authoriser. Rejected Timesheets can not be edited and resubmitted, however, if/when a new Timesheet is started (after one has been rejected), the new Timesheet will pick up/include the entries from the most recently saved/submitted Timesheet (the rejected one). If a new Timsheet is submitted after the rejection of a previously submitted Timesheet - that Timesheet record will disappear from the 'Rejected' subtab (however, there will be a record of it in the 'Workflow History' (via the System Inbox or the Tasks & Notifications Widget). The newly created/submitted Timesheet will then appear on the 'Requested' subtab. The number in brackets indicates the total number of Rejected Timesheets. |
Resubmit Tab | Displays all Timesheets that have been cancelled. Cancelled Timesheets can be edited and resubmitted. The number in brackets indicates the total number of cancelled Timesheets. |
+ Create Timesheet | Clicking this button will allow users to quickly create a timesheet through the New Timesheet Wizard. P&C user can "Create" and "Submit" a Timesheet for any Employee. |
Search by name | This is a free text field which allows you to specifically search for timesheets by employee name. |
Name | Employee name will appear under here. |
Period | Duration of Timesheet/Pay period will display here in DD/MM/YYY - DD/MM/YYYY format. Depending on the 'Timesheet Settings' in the Core-HR Widget on the Activation Hub, this will either be:
Submitted Date | The date the timesheet was submitted will appear under here. |
Total Hours | Total number of hours recorded within the timesheet will appear under here. |
Authoriser | The name of the timesheet's authoriser will appear here as a hyperlink. Clicking the link will open a popup window that displays the Timesheet history, including:
The Authorisation request will appear in both the Inbox and Tasks & Notifications Widget of the Authorisers. It will also appear on the 'Requested' subtab of the Timesheets Widget on either their Manager or People & Culture Dashboard.
Actions | This dropdown allows user to perform either of the following:
People & Culture - Time Off Management Widget
This Widget displays information regarding absence requests related to the logged-in HR/People & Culture Manager and their team.
Submitting requests for Time Off/Leave works as follows:
- System Administrators and People & Culture Users can create/submit/apply for Time Off/Leave for all Users.
- To do so, the User must be on the People & Culture Dashboard (and can then use the Time Off Wizard vis the 'Start' Wizard menu, or via the Time Off Wizard that is accessible via the Time Off Widget on the People & Culture Dashboard).
- Managers can apply for Time Off/Leave on behalf of their direct reports only (such Managers need to have 'Line Manager' User Group assigned, they have to be set in the System as a 'Manager,' and specified as the Employee's Manager to be able to do this). Other Line Managers can't apply for Time Off/Leave on behalf of Employees for whom they are not the specified/assigned Manager. Only one Manager can/has the capacity to do this.
- To do so, the User must be on the Manager Dashboard (and can then use the Time Off Wizard vis the 'Start' Wizard menu, or via the Time Off Wizard that is accessible via the Time Off Widget on the Manager Dashboard).
Field Name | Description |
+ Create Time Off | Logged in employee will be able to create an absence request. Clicking this will take them through the Time Off Wizard. |
Requested Tab | Displays all absence requests that have been submitted but are have yet to be authorised/rejected. Number in brackets outline the total number of pending requests. |
Authorised Tab | Displays all absences requests that have been authorised by the authoriser. Number in brackets outline the total number of Authorised absence requests. |
Rejected Tab | Displays all absence requests that have been rejected by the authoriser. Number in brackets outline the total number of Rejected absence requests. |
Cancelled Tab | Displays all absences requests that have been cancelled. Number in brackets outline the total number of cancelled absence requests. |
Search Team Member | This is a free text field which allows you to specifically search for absence requested by employee name. |
Employee Name | Employee's full name will appear under here. |
Requested Date | Date the request was made will display here in DD/MM/YYYY format. |
From Date | The date the absence begins will display here in DD/MM/YYYY format. |
Until Date | The date the absence ends will display here in DD/MM/YYYY format. | Absence Type | E.g. Sick - Personal Carers, LSL, Annual. If Personal (Sick Leave): You can attach a Doctors Certificate or Self Certify. If Personal (Carer's Leave): You can record Illness and also link a Dependent. |
Days/Hours | This will outline whether the employee has taken the whole day off or part of the day off. |
Authoriser | The name of the absence request's authoriser will appear here. |
Actions | This dropdown allows user to perform either of the following:
People & Culture – HR Surveys Widget
This Widget allows for HR/People & Culture Managers to View and Action HR Surveys that have been assigned to Employees across the organisation.
Field Name | Description |
Employees Tab | This tab displays all Active and Completed HR Surveys. |
Active (Under Employees Tab) | Displays all HR Surveys that are currently Active within the System. |
Filter | Allows the user to "Filter" items by Tag or Filter: E.g. Human Resources, HR Anonymous etc. |
Date dropdown | Allows the user to specify a date range that will then list only HR Surveys that match that date range: E.g. 1 day, 1 week, fortnight, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, custom etc. |
+ Create New | Allows the User to create a new HR Survey using the HR Survey Wizard. |
Search (Under Employees Tab) | This is a free text field that you can use to search HR Surveys based on keywords you enter in the search field. |
Survey (Under Active Tab) | This lists the HR Survey ID number. |
Created On (Under Active Tab) | This specifies the date on which that HR Survey type was created. |
Canvas Name (Under Active Tab) | This specifies the type of Canvas/Survey that this particular HR Survey is. |
Type (Under Active Tab) | This specifies whether the Survey is an Onboarding, HR or Recruitment Survey. |
Relates To (Under Active Tab) | This specifies the Employee to whom that HR Survey has been assigned. |
Date Started (Under Active Tab) | This specifies the date on which that HR Survey was started by the Employee listed in the previous column. |
Date Completed (Under Active Tab) | This specifies the date on which that HR Survey was completed by the Employee. |
Actions (Under Active Tab) | This dropdown allows user to perform any/all of the following:
Completed (Under Employees Tab) | Displays all HR Surveys that have been completed. |
Survey (Under Completed Tab) | This lists the HR Survey ID number. |
Created On (Under Completed Tab) | This specifies the date on which that HR Survey type was created. |
Canvas Name (Under Completed Tab) | This specifies the type of Canvas/Survey that this particular HR Survey is. |
Type (Under Completed Tab) | This specifies whether the Survey is an Onboarding, HR or Recruitment Survey. |
Relates To (Under Completed Tab) | This specifies the Employee to whom that HR Survey was assigned. |
Date Started (Under Completed Tab) | This specifies the date on which that HR Survey was started by the Employee listed in the previous column. |
Date Completed (Under Completed Tab) | This specifies the date on which that HR Survey was completed by the Employee. |
Actions (Under Completed Tab) | This dropdown allows user to perform any/all of the following:
Actions (Under All Tab) | This dropdown allows user to perform any/all of the following:
People & Culture – Compliance Management Widget
The Compliance Management Widget allows People and Culture users to view, track and manage Employee compliance in relation to Certificates & Licences, Background Checks and Education & Qualifications. P&C Users can validate (or reject) the records supplied by Applicants during the application process (and transferred to the Employee Record when a New Employee was created from Applicant), as well as creating new records.
This widget allows for Users to quickly and easily manage Employees through the each of the following processes by clicking on the relevant “Folder”:
- Certificates & Licences.
- Background Checks.
- Education & Qualifications.
Depending on which of the above Folders you’re in, “Create New” (top right of the “Compliance Management” Widget) will trigger the Wizard for Certificates & Licences, Background Checks or Education & Qualifications, and enable you to create a new compliance record for the Employee you nominate at the start of that particular Wizard.
Within each of the above Folders, there are a series of “Tabs,” which are:
- Expiring.
- Expired.
- Active.
- Pending.
- From Applicant.
- Failed.
On each of these Tabs, there is a table that contains different columns. The Tabs and Columns are explained below.
The preferred document/file types that can be uploaded in the System for Compliance documentation are:
- Word (docx).
- Pdf.
- Rich Text (rtf).
- Png.
Compliance Management Widget – Certificates & Licences Folder
This Folder displays all the Certificates & Licences held by Employees and their current status. It also allows Users to create new and/or validate Certificates & Licences for Employees. If you are using Recruitment, Certificates and Licences can be moved through from the Applicant to Employee. You would use the From Applicant Tab, which is outlined below, to Validate the From Applicant Records. On Validating you can enter an Expiry Date. Certificate and Licences, need to be Mapped to CVCheck items in the CVCheck APP to allow for any current Certificate and Licence Data, in Subscribe-HR to be selected to then run a CVCheck. Without this Mapping the CVCheck option will not appear in the "Action".
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
Filter | Allows the User to "Filter" Certificates/Licences records by Tag or Filter: E.g. Licence name/type, Certificate name/type. |
Date/Timeframe Search | Allows the User to "Filter" Certificates/Licences records based on the timeframes in the dropdown menu, which include: one day, one week, two weeks, one month. When active/a date range search parameter/filter is being applied, the looking glass square will be green. |
Expiring Filter | Contains a dropdown list of timeframe filters. The default is set to three months, but Users can also change the view to display what's expiring in different timeframes (up to a year). |
Expiring Tab | Displays all the Certificates & Licences that are expiring within the next three months.< |
Expired Tab | Displays all the Certificates & Licences that have expired and need renewing. |
Active Tab | Displays all the Certificates & Licences that are current (and don’t fall under the other two tabs/categories above). |
Pending | This Displays any Certificates and Licences, which have been entered by an Employee, or Manager which need to be Verified before they become Active. Verification is an "Action". If the User "Rejects" the Check, it moves to the "Failed" Tab. If the CVCheck APP is installed, when the CVCheck is sent to CVCheck for New Checks or Renewal Checks, the check will be in Pending, until the results come back and the P&C user either "Activates" or "Rejects". If they Activate, they will be asked to enter an Expiry Date, so that the Check can be placed into Expiring and Expired based on the Expiry Date. The Results are available from the CVCheck list by clicking on the Document Image. Any Check that is not validated will end up in pending. |
From Applicant Tab | Displays all the Certificates & Licences that need to be validated by HR to ensure that all Certificates/Licences nominated by the Applicant during the recruitment process are in fact valid. If a CVCheck is done against the Applicant Record, the CVCheck results for that check will flow into From Applicant. |
Failed | Any Check that has been "Rejected" will end up in the "Failed" Tab. The is a "Validate" Action against the "Failed" items in the Failed Tab. |
ID | This is the ID of the Certificate/Licence. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Certificate/Licence relates/belongs to is displayed here. |
Status | The status of the Certificate/Licence is displayed here. |
Checked By | The name of the Employee who validated/rejected the Certificate/Licence is displayed here. |
Checked Date | The date on which the Certificate/Licence was validated is displayed here. |
Certificate/Licence Name | The name of the Certificate/Licence is displayed here. Users can click on the name and this will open/display the Certificate/Licence in a pop-up/lightbox. |
Expiry Date | The date on which the Certificate/Licence expires is displayed here. |
Previous | If the current Certificate/Licence has been renewed based on a previously existing Certificate/Licence, the ID of the previous Certificate/Licence record is is displayed here. |
Current | If the Certificate/Licence has expired and a new Certificate/Licence record created based on renewing that Certificate/Licence, the ID of the new record is is displayed here. |
From Applicant | The name of the Applicant (from which the Employee record was created) that this Certificate/Licence relates/belongs to is displayed here (on the 'From Applicant' Tab only). |
Cost | The cost (if any) of the Certificate/Licence is displayed here. |
Actions |
Compliance Management Widget – Background Checks Folder
This Folder displays all the Background Checks held by Employees and their current status. It also allows Users to create new and/or validate Background Checks for Employees. If using the CVCheck APP, CVCheck Background checks need to be Mapped into the relevant Subscribe-HR folders and fields. So that Applicant and Employees can be used for running Background Checks. This is needed for Employee checks otherwise the "Action" for CVCheck will not Display.
The types of Background checks include:
- Visa - VEVO.
- Police checks.
- Working with Children checks.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New | Allows the User to create a new Background Check record for an Employee using the Compliance Management Wizard. It is mandatory as part of this step for Users to attach a copy of the Background Check to validate/keep a record of it. |
Filter | Allows the User to "Filter" Background Check records by Tag or Filter: E.g. Visa, Police check etc. |
Date/Timeframe Search | Allows the User to "Filter" Background Check records based on the timeframes in the dropdown menu, which include: one day, one week, two weeks, one month. When active/a date range search parameter/filter is being applied, the looking glass square will be green. |
Expiring Tab | Displays all the Background Checks that are expiring within the next three months. |
Expired Tab | Displays all the Background Checks that have expired and need renewing. |
Active Tab | Displays all the Background Checks that are current (and don’t fall under the other two tabs/categories above). |
Pending Tab | Displays all the Background Checks that need to be conducted/completed. Any New Background Checks that are Created, will flow into Pending. So that they can then be Activated, or Rejected. If a P&C User Enters a Background Check, they still need to Validate it from Pending. Any CVChecks that are done, will go to Pending, and when the results are back, the user can either Validate to send it to Active or Reject it to Fail the Check. Prior to Activation, the Use needs to enter an Expiry Date. |
From Applicant Tab | Displays all the Background Checks that need to be validated by HR to ensure that all Background Checks nominated by the Applicant during the recruitment process are in fact valid. |
Failed Tab | Displays all the Background Checks that have resulted in a negative/failed result. Use can Validate from this Tab via the Validate "Action". |
All Tab | Displays all the Background Checks (from each of the above categories) on one tab. |
ID | This is the ID of the Background Check. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Background Check relates/belongs to is displayed here. |
Status | The status of the Background Check is displayed here. |
Checked By | The name of the Employee who validated/rejected the Background Check is displayed here. |
Check Date | The date the Background Check was passed or failed is displayed here. |
Background Check Type | The type of Background Check is displayed here. Users can click on the name and this will open/display the Background Check in a pop-up/lightbox. This needs to be Mapped into the CVCheck APP in the Mapping area. |
Expires In | The number of days until the Background Check expires. |
Cost | The cost (if any) of the Background Check is displayed here. |
Supplier | The organisation or governing body from which the Background Check was sourced is displayed here. |
Actions |
Compliance Management Widget – Education & Qualifications Folder
This Folder displays all the Education & Qualifications held by Employees and their current status. It also allows Users to create new and/or validate Education/Qualifications for Employees. For Employees you can run a Membership Check through CVCheck if the CVCheck APP is installed. You do this through the Renewal "Action" against the Education and Qualifications Record. It will create a New Education and Qualification Record with the same data as the previous, but it will allow you to update the Membership Expiry. So you are not checking the Education and Qualifications, you are rechecking/renewing the Membership.
The types of Education/Qualifications include:
- Degrees.
- Diplomas.
- Certificates.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New | Allows the User to create a new Education/Qualification record for an Employee using the Compliance Management Wizard. |
Filter | Allows the User to "Filter" Education/Qualification records by Tag or Filter: E.g. Degree, Diploma etc. |
Date/Timeframe Search | Allows the User to "Filter" Education/Qualification records based on the timeframes in the dropdown menu, which include: one day, one week, two weeks, one month. When active/a date range search parameter/filter is being applied, the looking glass square will be green. |
Expiring Tab | Displays all the Memberships related to Education & Qualifications that are expiring within the next three months. |
Expired Tab | Displays all the Memberships related to Education & Qualifications that have expired and need renewing. |
Active Tab | Displays all the Education/Qualifications that are current and have been validated. |
Pending Tab | Displays all the Education/Qualifications records that have been entered into the System and are awaiting validation. |
From Applicant Tab | Displays all the Education/Qualifications that need to be validated by HR to ensure that all Education/Qualifications nominated by the Applicant during the recruitment process are in fact valid. |
Failed Tab | Displays all the Education/Qualifications that failed to be validated. |
ID | This is the ID of the Education/Qualification. |
Education/Qualification Name | The name of the Education/Qualification is displayed here. Users can click on the name and this will open/display the Education/Qualification in a pop-up/lightbox. |
Education/Qualification Institute | The name of the Institute at which the Education/Qualification was gained is displayed here. |
Employee | The name of the Employee that this Education/Qualification relates/belongs to is displayed here. |
Status | The status of the Education/Qualification is displayed here. |
Checked By | The name of the Employee who validated/rejected the Education/Qualification is displayed here. |
Check Date | The date on which the Education/Qualification was validated is displayed here. |
Qualification Type | The type of the Education/Qualification is displayed here. |
Previous | If there was a previous Education/Qualification, a link to it is displayed here. |
Actions |
People & Culture – WHS Incident Widget
The WHS Incident Widget allows People and Culture users to view, track and manage WHS Incidents to ensure compliance with Work, Health and Safety regulations.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New | Allows the User to create a new WHS Incident for an Employee using the WHS Incident Wizard. |
Active Tab | Displays all the currently active WHS Incidents. |
Resolved Tab | Displays all the WHS Incidents that have been resolved. |
Filter | Allows the User to "Filter" WHS Incident records by level of importance: E.g. high, medium, low. |
Date/Timeframe Search | Allows the User to "Filter" HR Questions based on the timeframes in the dropdown menu, which include: one day, one week, two weeks, one month. When active/a date range search parameter/filter is being applied, the looking glass square will be green. |
Date/Timeframe Search | Allows the User to "Filter" WHS Incident records based on the timeframes in the dropdown menu, which include: one day, one week, two weeks, one month. |
Employee Name | Displays the name of the Employee who was injured. |
Incident Details | Displays a description of Incident reported. |
Incident Type | Displays the type of Incident reported. |
Level of Importance | Displays the level of importance related to the Incident. The options are:
Date Reported | Displays the number date on which the Incident was reported. |
Days Open | Displays the number of days the Incident has been open (if not yet resolved). |
Reported By | Displays the Employee by whom the Incident was reported. |
Attachment | Displays any attachments related to the Incident. |
Actions |
People & Culture – HR Questions Widget
The HR Questions Widget allows People and Culture users to view, track and manage HR Questions to ensure they are sent to the right person and responded to in a timely manner. People & Culture Users can also create FAQs, which are then available to all Users via the FAQs Folder.
HR Questions Widget - Questions Folder
Allows People and Culture Users to create and assign Questions to other Employees, or to Reassign Questions that they are not the best placed person to answer.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New | Allows the User to create a new HR Question for an Employee using the HR Questions Wizard. |
Active Tab | Displays all the currently active HR Questions (that have not yet been responded to and Completed). |
Completed Tab | Displays all the HR Questions that have been responded to and Completed. |
All Tab | Displays all the HR Questions - both Active and Completed. |
Reassigned to Me | Displays all the HR Questions that have been Reassigned to that User. If an HR Question is initially sent to someone who is not the most appropriate person to respond to that Question, the Receiver can Reassign it to someone more appropriate to respond. |
Filter | Allows the User to "Filter" HR Questions by level of importance: E.g. high, medium, low. |
Date/Timeframe Search | Allows the User to "Filter" HR Questions based on the timeframes in the dropdown menu, which include: one day, one week, two weeks, one month. When active/a date range search parameter/filter is being applied, the looking glass square will be green. |
Employee Name | Displays the name of the Employee who submitted the Question. |
Ticket Number | Displays a ticket number for each HR Question submitted, the higher the number, the more recently the Question was submitted. |
Question Type | Displays the type of Question asked. The options are:
Question Details | Displays a snippet of the Question asked (approximately 15 characters) |
Days Open | Displays the number of days the Question has been open (without being answered). |
Level of Importance | Displays the level of importance related to the Incident. The options are:
Date Sent | Displays the date on which the Question was sent. |
Attachments | Displays any attachments associated with the Question. |
Actions |
People & Culture - HR Questions Widget - FAQs Folder
Allows People and Culture Users to create FAQs that are then available as a resource for all Employees.
Field Name | Description |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
+ Create New | Allows the User to create a new FAQ. |
Active Tab | Displays all the currently Active FAQs. |
Unpublished Tab | Displays all the draft/unpublished FAQs. |
Archived Tab | Displays all the Archived FAQs. |
Category | Displays the type of the FAQ. The options are:
Details | Displays a short summary of the FAQ. |
Owner | Displays the Departmental owner of the FAQ. The options are:
Created Date | Displays the date the FAQ was created. |
Updated Date | Displays the date the FAQ was updated (if it has been updated). |
Actions |
People & Culture - Change Request
The Change Request Widget allows Employees the ability to Create New Records and Update Existing Records via a Change Request process, which sends the request through an Authorisation process prior to the Record being Change or Created. Upon Authorisation, the records get created or updated depending on the Request.
Field Name | Description |
Create New | At the Top Right of the Widget there is a "New Change" option. This can be used to Create a Change Request. Create New you can do a Max of 4 Records at a time (this option will be available if there are no existing records in that Object". Create and Replace you can do this with a Max of 4 Records. Add Additional you can do this with a Max of 4 records at a time. |
Search | This is a free text field that allows Users to filter the list based on specific keywords entered here. |
Inprogress | This will show Requests that are sent to the Manager for Authorisation. |
Authorised | Shows Authorised Change Requests for Team Members. |
Rejected | Shows Rejected Change Requests for Team Members. |
Employee | Which Employee was the Change Request for. |
Requested Date | Date the Change Request was done. |
Change Request For | Which Object / Employee Information the Change Request for for. |
Authorizer | Who was the Change Request Sent to for Authorisation. |
Change Date | If Authorised, this is that date for when the Change Request will take place. |
Actions | Authorise - Forward - Reject. These are options for the P&C Users which are available in the Inprogress Tab. These options are available until the Request has been Actioned. Once Authorised, The "Action", Start Crossboarding will appear for Job and or Salary Changes. If you start Crossboarding, The Crossboarding Wizard will appear. Any change to Salary or Job, will be able to be selected from the Crossboarding Wizard and used to merge into the templates (Contract - Letter) and used in the Crossboarding Pack. You can choose to Crossboard based on a Job Change, Salary Change, or you can choose to include Job and Salary in the same Crossboarding, based on what has been authorised. To Crossboard based on Job, Select the Action Menu and then Start Crossboarding. Make sure you use the Job based Pack which caters for Job Change only. If you want to Start Crossboarding based on Salary only, select Start Crossboarding from the Salary Record. If you want to do both Job and Salary, select the Check Boxes on the left for both and then you will see the “Start Crossboarding” Item appear top right of the Widget. Or Select the Action, Start Crossboarding on either record. Changes made to Job or Salary can be used in this way in relation to Crossboarding Packs. Note: Authorising a Job / Salary Change Request at the same time from two separate Salary Job Changes Requests at Authorisation Stage: If you perform a Change Request for a Job or Salary, upon Authorisation of either the Job or Salary Change Request, you will be able to select the alternate Authorisation to include in that Authorisation, So if you select the Authorise Salary, you can choose to also authorise the relevant Job Change Request at the same time. |