Tools and Widgets

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Tools and Widgets Explained

Subscribe-HR development platform allows users and third party developers to create extensions (Apps). Apps can include a number of simple components e.g. Objects, Fields, Actions etc. In addition Apps can have complex components with rich dynamic content. The following component types can be created through the platform:

  1. Widget - dashboard widget that is rendered as one of the tiles on the dashboard.
  2. Wizard - a start wizard that contains a number of steps to take the user through.
  3. Workbench - a workbench specific application.
  4. Tool - an application within tools area.

Creating New Tools and Widgets Item

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Development TAB.
  2. Select the Tools and Widgets folder.
  3. Select the [Add new record] button.

The following table describes all available fields.

Field Name Description
UUID Unique identifier for the tool or widget.
Active Indicates whether tool is active or not.
Name Tool or widget name.
Type One of the following: Widget, Wizard, Workbench or Tool.
Size Only available if type is Widget. Options are Stat, Half or Full. "Stat" is a small tile at the top of the dashboard. "Half" is a half sized tile. "Full" is a full sized tile.
Icon Font awesome class to use as the tool icon.

Development Components


This section allows developers to create RESTful API end points which can then be called from front end to provide data and content. For full documentation please refer to our developer portal.


Defines an initial template that will be shown on first render. For full documentation please refer to our developer portal.

Front End Javascript

This section contains all the client side javascript code. For full documentation please refer to our developer portal.


This section contains CSS stylesheet. For full documentation please refer to our developer portal.


Developers can define permissions required by their application in JSON format here. This definition will extend permissions that are available in Group permissions area. For full documentation please refer to our developer portal.

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