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Creating a Mentor for an Employee

  1. Note: This should be done by adding the PDP step into a Performance Cycle. Once this is done, during the Performance Review
  2. Select the PDP Intervention "Mentoring".
  3. Select the Start Date from the date picker. This is Mandatory.
  4. Select the 'End Date from the date picker. This is the Date the Mentoring will end.
  5. Related to Jobs. Which Job does this mentoring relate to. Current Job or Future Job. Future Job allocation can also then be recorded against Employee Mentor.
  6. Select the Mentor Reason. This is the reason for the Mentoring. E.g. PDP, Review.
  7. Select the best Day Mentor Day. This will define the best Day and Time for Mentoring.
  8. Select the Number of Hours Hours. This will define number of hours on that day.
  9. Select the Target Completion Date from the date picker. When this is known.
  10. Select the "Attachment" you would like to attach to the record.
  11. Select the Save button.

Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Safety fields explained

Field Name Description
First Aider Has the employee completed a first aid course
Employee Mentor Select from the Dropdown. Who is the person doing the mentoring. Mandatory.
Reason Select from the Dropdown. Is this because of a Skills Gap, PDP, Project
Start Date Start Date of the mentoring. Mandatory.
End Date Actual End Date of the Mentoring
Target Completion Date When is the Mentoring going to stop
Link to Job Which Job will the Mentoring be for. Current or Future Job will show based on the selection.
Mentor Days Best Day/s for mentoring
Hours Mentoring Hours on the day
Attachments Any Documents that need to be attached
Notes Notes Field

Dashboard Talent Profile widget is available: One of the options here is to show Mentors for the Employee / Team Member - depending of which Dashboard is being used.
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