Applicant Path

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Applicant Path

Applicant Path, records information related to the Applicant to do with, TalentCube History for the Applicant. TalentCube History as well as records of e-mails sent via the Workflow Engine related to the Applicant Vacancy Contact Summary. E-mails sent to the Applicant via the TalentCube Actions. Job Alert Communication is also Recorded in her as well as Vacancy Notes and Applicant Notes). This information is stored in a Chronological order.

To view information about the Applicant Path, follow these steps:

  1. Recruitment - under the "General" menu (left-hand side of the screen) then select "Recruitment."
  2. Then select "Applicant" from the menu (left-hand side of the screen).
  3. Click on an Applicant from the list that appears to open that Applicant's record.
  4. Then select "Path" from the menu (left-hand side of the screen).

The Applicant Path will contain information relevant to the Recruitment process. The types of information recorded against an Applicant record can include are:

  • Email correspondence.
  • Interviews.
  • Talent Cubes they're assigned to.
  • Documents.
  • Notes.

Each "Path" record shows the date, action and description related to that record in the Applicant's history. The Path essentially acts as an audit record for the entire history of that User's contact with your organisation across their entire applicant/employee lifecycle.

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