Performance Workbench - For users without Team Dashboards - List View

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Performance workbench (For us used by Customers who don't have Team Dashboards) list view provides an overview of all reviews processed for relevant users. It's divided into sections which can be accessed through the tabs on top of the page. Each section is described in details below.

My Performance

My performance view displays a list of reviews (active or completed) that are related to currently logged in employee. In this view employees can filter the results by using search parameters on top of the form. A number of actions can also be performed for each review in the list depending on user's permissions.

My Performance Fields

Field Name Description
Id Unique identifier for the review process.
Created Date Date review was created.
Current Step Name of current step. Employee can Click on this URL see the overall steps involved in the Review including the current step. They can click "Summary" on the individual step and see a "Summary" of the information they included in the step. They can only view steps related to them. Managers can see all steps and all information.
Step Due Date Date the step needs to be completed by.
Next Step Start Date Date when next step will start after current step is completed.
Step Assigned To Who the step is assigned to e.g. Employee.
Completion % Percentage completion of an entire review.
Actions Actions available to be applied against performance review record.

My Performance Actions

Please note that not all actions may be visible at all times. Some actions may only be available when certain conditions are met within review process e.g. step must be opened to current user. Some actions may be disabled in workbench permissions.

Action Name Description
Open Review Opens performance review tool if the step is open to current employee.
Results Display Review results. Will only show when Review is completed. Will show all information based on whoever has participated in the Review. If you don't want the Employee to see compete Results, you can remove their access to "Results" in Permissions - Workbench.

My Team's Performance

My team's performance view displays a list of reviews (active or completed) that require input of currently logged in user. The user is either a manager or a peer and is assigned to one or multiple steps. In this view users can filter the results by using search parameters on top of the form. A number of actions can also be performed for each review in the list depending on user's permissions.

My Team's Performance Fields

Field Name Description
Id Unique identifier for the review process.
Employee Id Id of the employee who is the subject of the review.
Employee Name Name of the employee who is the subject of the review.
My Role What my role is in the review e.g. manager or peer.
Created Date Date review was created.
Current Step Name of current step. Manager can Click on this URL see the overall steps involved in the Review including the current step. They can click "Summary" on the individual step and see a "Summary" of the information they included in this step. Unlike the Employee, they can view all information in all COMPLETED steps.
Step Due Date Date the step needs to be completed by.
Next Step Start Date Date when next step will start after current step is completed.
Step Assigned To Who the step is assigned to e.g. Employee.
Completion % Percentage completion of an entire review.
Actions Actions available to be applied against performance review record.

My Team's Performance Actions

Please note that not all actions may be visible at all times. Some actions may only be available when certain conditions are met within review process e.g. step must be opened to current user. Some actions may be disabled in workbench permissions.

Action Name Description
Open Review Opens performance review tool if the step is open to current employee.
Reopen Step If step has been submitted it can be unlocked using this action.
Force Start Next Step Bypass delayed start option and open next step earlier.
Results Display Review results. Will only show when Review is completed. Will show all information based on whoever has participated in the Review. If you don't want the Manager to see compete Results, you can remove their access to "Results" in Permissions - Workbench.
Delete Delete the review and all data associated with it.

All Performance

All performance view displays a full list of reviews (active or completed). Usually this view would be assigned to system administrators to provide complete overview of all performance review records. In this view users can filter the results by using search parameters on top of the form. A number of actions can also be performed for each review in the list depending on user's permissions.

All Performance Fields

Field Name Description
Id Unique identifier for the review process.
Employee Id Id of the employee who is the subject of the review.
Employee Name Name of the employee who is the subject of the review.
My Role What my role is in the review e.g. manager or peer.
Created Date Date review was created.
Current Step Name of current step. If the user has access to "All Performance", they can see ALL STEPS and ALL SUMMARY information.
Step Due Date Date the step needs to be completed by.
Next Step Start Date Date when next step will start after current step is completed.
Step Assigned To Who the step is assigned to e.g. Employee.
Completion % Percentage completion of an entire review.
Actions Actions available to be applied against performance review record.

All Performance Actions

Please note that not all actions may be visible at all times. Some actions may only be available when certain conditions are met within review process e.g. step must be opened to current user. Some actions may be disabled in workbench permissions. This is usually HR Managers view.

Action Name Description
Open Review Opens performance review tool if the step is open to current employee.
Reopen Step If step has been submitted it can be unlocked using this action.
Force Start Next Step Bypass delayed start option and open next step earlier.
Results Display survey results. HR Manager will have no Permission Restriction on Results. So they can see all Results for the Review.
Delete Delete the review and all data associated with it.


Deployments view displays a full list of all deployments either pending or deployed. This view can be used by system administrators to track deployments. In this view users can filter the results by using search parameters on top of the form.

Deployments Fields

Field Name Description
Id Unique identifier for the deployment record.
Created On Date deployment was created.
Name Deployment name.
Workflow Name Name of the workflow used in the deployment.
Scheduled Date Date reviews should be deployed.
Status Deployed or Pending.
Actions Actions available to be applied against deployment record.

Deployments Actions

Please note that not all actions may be visible at all times. Some actions may be disabled in workbench permissions.

Action Name Description
Cancel Cancels deployment process. Can only be performed if Status = Pending. If reviews were already deployed they would need to be deleted manually through all performance or my team's performance views.

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