Managing Leave

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Managing Leave with the Employee Leave Application Option

Managing Employee Leave is an easy process. Featuring a single interface for Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Maternity/Paternity Leave, LSL and more.


  • Configure Entitlement options in settings
  • Create Entitlement records
  • Ensure Entitlement is assigned to the Employee

Entitlement Settings

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select the Settings on the top right of the screen.
  2. Select Human Resources from the left navigation menu.
  3. Tick use imported balance in calculations if you are importing balance from a payroll system and would only like projections to happen from the last time the balance was updated.
  4. Select the Save button.


Entitlements folder in HR module is where entitlements are configured. There is no limit on the amount of entitlements that can be created.
The benefits of Entitlements is seen when you have such scenarios as:
Management, or particular employees accruing Annual or Sick Leave Days at a higher rate than other employees.

Creating an Entitlement

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HR" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Entitlements folder.
  3. Select the Create New button.
  4. Enter the fields as described in the table below.
  5. Select the Save button.

Field Name Description
Leave Type Type of leave e.g. Annual Leave
Name The name that will be assigned to the entitlement
Basis of Calculation How entitlements are to be calculated e.g. percentage of gross hours
Percentage Value Percentage to use for calculations
Enable Scheduler Enable scheduler to run the process on predefined interval
Carry Balance Forward If set to no then unused balance will go back to 0 on employment anniversary date
Leave Exemptions Entitlement will not be accrued while employee is away on the selected leave types

Assigning Entitlement to an Employee

After Entitlements have been setup we will have to assign them to each employee.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HUMAN RESOURCES" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Employee Folder.
  3. Select the desired employee.
  4. Select the Entitlements sub-folder.
  5. Select the Create New button.
  6. Select the Name from the drop down.
  7. Select the Start Date from the date picker.
  8. Enter Starting Balance This is often used if you are transitioning from an old system, where the employee may have had already accrued amounts.
  9. Select the Save button.

Employee Applying for Leave

There are multiple ways leave can be recorded against an employee

  • Recorded Absence on the Employee File
  • Employee Request for Absence

We will look at both:

Recording an Absence on the Employee File

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HUMAN RESOURCES" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Employee folder.
  3. Select the desired employee.
  4. Select the Absence sub-folder.
  5. Select the Create New button.
  6. Select the Reason for the Absence. Selecting Annual Leave or Sick Leave will deduct the appropriate amount.
  7. Select the From Date (Start date) of the Absence.
  8. Select the Until Date (Finish Date) of the Absence.
  9. Select the Unpaid Leave option if this leave is to not deduct any leave hours.
  10. If required, enter any Notes, this is for internal viewing.
  11. Select the Save button.

Note: Any attachments and Absence Status will be able to be added/selected after the Absence record has been saved.

Employee Request for Absence

  1. After the Employee logs into the Self Service module of Subscribe-HR, the employee can select Request Leave from the Dashboard
  2. The employee is directed to the Request Leave screen
  3. Select the Reason for leave.
  4. Select the From Date using the date picker.
  5. Select the Until Date using the date picker.
  6. Select the Part Day check box if it is a request to leave for part of the day.
  7. Enter any notes regarding the leave request.
  8. Select the Save button.

Note: After the employee has requested leave, the leave record is created in the Employees Absence folder, and the manager notified of the request.

Viewing the Leave Balances screen

The Leave balance screen is an always current balance sheet for the employee. You will be able to see the Total balance available for each type of Leave.
Note: Leave Balances are first calculated on the first day of the accrual cycle. It is not unusual to see an empty Leave Balances sheet if the accrual cycle has not occurred yet.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Human Resources TAB.
  2. Select the Employee folder
  3. Select the desired employee
  4. Select the Leave Balances sub-folder

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