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Employee Absence

The Employee Absence area is where all employee absences are recorded. Generally all absence requests are created by the employee using the Dashboard Request Leave function. See the relevant section under Tools for this.
Workplace Incidents can be linked to absences, and reports can be run for absence patterns to get a full picture. Please note that if an Employee has Multiple Jobs, and You Select Part Day, you will be able to Select the Job, the Absence Relates to.

Creating an Employee Absence Record for an Employee

The below is a method to directly create an Absence Record for an Employee as a System Administrator.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HUMAN RESOURCES" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Employee Folder.
  3. Select the desired employee.
  4. Select the Absence SubFolder from the left side menu.
    Before creating an Absence record for the employee, ensure that the employee has working hours assigned!
  5. Select the [Add new record] button.
  6. Select the Start Date of the Absence.
  7. Select the Finish Date of the Absence.
    If the finish date of the absence is not exactly known then enter the Absence for the day only and add additional absence records later.
  8. Select the Absence Reason. This will cause the Absence to be deducted from the appropriate leave balances.
  9. If Absence Reason is Maternity Leave or Parental Leave, you then also get the option Dependant Related to Absence.
  10. If Absence Reason is a type of Sick Leave, you then also get the options Dependant Related to Absence, Doctors Certificate, Illness Type, Self Certified.
  11. Select Unpaid Leave. If Yes is selected then no leave is deducted from the balance.
  12. Enter any Comments
  13. Select the Absence Status. Example: Request, Decline, Authorised, Cancelled
  14. Select the [Save] button.

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

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