Interview Scheduler

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Interview Scheduler


The Interview Scheduler Tool allows Hiring Managers to setup interview times for the Vacancies that they manage. The applicant can then select these interview times when applying for a vacancy. Interviews can also be scheduled on an as required basis. Please also refer to Interview Timeslots in the Job Board for Applicants and Vacancy Manage Tool for other information about Applicant Interview Scheduling.

Open Vacancy Scheduler

The Vacancy interview scheduler allows the management of interview timeslots

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR select the Recruitment Module.
  2. From the Tools Menu select Interview Scheduler.
  3. This displays a weekly diary calendar with Timeslots to select.

At the top of this page is a dropdown which allows the user to select which Vacancy this calendar is currently viewing. This is sorted by Vacancy ID by default. The sorting options are Sort by ID and Sort by Title.

Interview Timeslot Creation

  1. Select the Vacancy of interest from the Vacancy Interview Selector.
  2. Select a Timeslot on the Scheduler.
  3. View a New Time-Slot pop-up with fields to populate in the below Table.
  4. Select OK to create an Interview.
  5. Select Close to abort the Interview creation.

Vacancy Timeslot Fields

The table below shows the fields that are used to setup and manage an interview timeslot. All timeslots have the same common set of fields.

Field Name Description
Start Time The Time the Interview is scheduled to Begin.
End Time The Time the interview is scheduled to End.
Date The date the interview has been scheduled for.
Vacancy Name Pre-populated from the Vacancy Selected.
Room The room the interview is to occur in.
Log type The way the Interview was logged.
Interview Type The method used to conduct the interview.
Multiple Applicants Dropdown that chooses whether to allow multiple applicants in the same interview timeslot. Only visible if Multiple Applicants is set to Yes in the Recruitment Tab in System Settings.
Limit of Applicants Number field that will allow you to limit how many applicants can be added to this timeslot. Only visible if Multiple Applicants is set to Yes.
Available to Applicants Dropdown that selects whether applicants can add themselves to a timeslot, or if they can only be added through the scheduler tool.
Interviewer Use the Selector to chose an Interviewer. Select Add to fill the field, multiple interviewers allowed.
An employee must be a Manager to be an Interviewer.
Interview Contact Details 1 Links to Interview Contact Details Code Library. Dropdown that allows to select contact details. These will be available as correspondence merge fields. Code Library will need to be populated.
Interview Contact Details 2 Links to Interview Contact Details Code Library. Dropdown that allows to select contact details. These will be available as correspondence merge fields. Code Library will need to be populated.
Further Interview Instructions Type in Specific Instructions for this Interview, for the Attendee/s.
Applicant Use the Selector to chose an Applicant. Select Add to fill the field, multiples applicants allowed. Applicants must be in an Interview stage of the Recruitment Workflow of the vacancy.

Vacancy Interview Update

To update the fields listed in a Vacancy timeslot, for example to change the time of an interview, follow the below steps.

  1. Select the Vacancy of interest from the Vacancy Interview Selector.
  2. Select an Interview on the Scheduler.
  3. View a Time-Slot pop-up with fields to update from the above Table.
  4. Select OK to Update Interview Details
  5. Select Close to abort the Interview update.

Vacancy Interview Delete

To remove a Vacancy timeslot, example usage is if the interview was cancelled, follow these steps.

  1. Select the Vacancy of interest from the Vacancy Interview Selector.
  2. Select an Interview on the Scheduler.
  3. View a Time-Slot pop-up.
  4. Select Delete to remove the Timeslot.
  5. View a confirmation Pop-up.
  6. Select OK to confirm the Deletion.
  7. Select Close to abort the Deletion.

Please also refer to Schedule and Interview and Interview Timeslots in the Job Board for Applicants and Vacancy Manage Tool for other information about Applicant Interview Scheduling.

Setup Weekly Timeslots

Weekly timeslots are useful to manage your availability for interviews. If you have known time-frames when you will be available to interview, you can use this function to setup groups of timeslots to interview applicants. These timeslot groups can then used in the

  1. Select the Button Duplicate Weekly Interviews.
  2. View the pop-up with the title Copy timeslots from a group.
  3. Select the text group of timeslots.
  4. View the Interview Scheduling record holder.
  5. Select Add new record.
  6. Enter name for the Timeslot Group.
  7. View a one week Monday to Sunday Scheduler.
  8. Select all the timeslots that you want to make available.
  9. View that each time slot is created with a 30 minute interval.The timeslots cannot be opened to set more details they are only placemarkers for interview times.
  10. Select Save.

Duplicate weekly interviews

This option allows the duplication of previously Setup weekly interview timeslots.

  1. Select the Button Duplicate Weekly Interviews.
  2. Select the Group of Timeslots to copy from in the selector.
  3. Select OK to carry out the Duplication.
  4. View the timeslots created on the scheduler.
  5. Select Cancel to abort the Duplication.

Email Applicants for Free Timeslots

Once your time-slots have been Setup and Duplicated, they are allocated as free, rather than listing the vacancy name. You can then

email applicants to accept these timeslots for interview.

  1. Select the Button Email applicants for Free Timeslots.
  2. View a pop-up with the free time-slots.
  3. View the pending applicants that will be emailed to accept a timeslot.
  4. Select Send Email to email to the applicants as listed.
  5. Select Close to Abort the Email.

Scheduler Date Selectors

The interview scheduler will hold a record of all

  1. Select the Today Icon to change the focus of the Scheduler to the current week.
  2. Select the less than sign < to move the whole schedule backwards one week at a time.
  3. Select the greater than sign > to move the whole schedule forwards one week at a time.

Interview Workflows and Correspondence

Interview Workflows and Correspondence items have been put onto the system to send back to the applicant and the interviewer, once the Interview timeslot has been accepted. Check the below notification correspondence items to check the emails that are sent.

  • Interview Notification to Applicant
  • Interview Alter Notification to Applicant
  • Interview Notification to Interviewers
  • Interview Alter Notification to Interviewers

To see the configuration of the conditions that send the emails to the Applicant and Interviewer, check the Workflows in the following Objects.

  • Interview Timeslot
  • Interview Timeslot Applicant
  • Interview Timeslot Interviewer.

All my Interviews


The All my Interviews option in the vacancy selector allows Hiring Managers to view all interview times for the Vacancies that they manage.

Open All my Interviews

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR select the Recruitment Module.
  2. From the Tools Menu select Interview Scheduler.
  3. Select My Interviews from the dropdown at the top of the tool.
  4. This displays a weekly diary calendar with Timeslots to view.

Email Applicants for Free Timeslots

Once your time-slots have been Setup and Duplicated, they are allocated as free, rather than listing the vacancy name. You can then

email applicants to accept these timeslots for interview.

  1. Select the Button Email applicants for Free Timeslots.
  2. View a pop-up with the free time-slots.
  3. View the pending applicants that will be emailed to accept a timeslot.
  4. Select Send Email to email to the applicants as listed.
  5. Select Close to Abort the Email.

Duplicate weekly interviews

This option allows the duplication of previously Setup weekly interview timeslots.

  1. Select the Button Duplicate Weekly Interviews.
  2. Select the Group of Timeslots to copy from in the selector.
  3. Select OK to carry out the Duplication.
  4. View the timeslots created on the scheduler.
  5. Select Cancel to abort the Duplication.

Please also refer to Applicant Job Board Interview Selection and Interview Face to Face Manage Tool Interview and Vacancy Manage Tool for other information about Applicant Interview Scheduling.

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