Onboarding Wizard

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Onboarding Wizard

The Onboarding Wizard enables you to create Onboarding Workflows for New Employees. The Onboarding Wizard works in two ways:
1. Either by creating a "New Employee" (using the New Employee Wizard) and then immediately thereafter creating an Onboarding Workflow for this newly created Employee using the Onboarding Wizard, or
2. By Onboarding a New Employee that has already been created in the system, but has not yet been Onboarded (that is, sent an Onboarding Workflow). Creating/triggering an Onboarding Workflow for a New Employee whose Employee record has been created but has not yet been Onboarded is done via the "Employee Processing" Widget in the On/Offboarding Dashboard. To Navigate to this Widget follow these steps:

  • Click on Dashboard ---> Home (In the menu on the left-hand side of the system/screen).
  • Click on the "Dashboards Menu" Dropdown (the second dropdown menu from the top of the system/screen).
  • Scroll down and select "Onboarding/Offboarding."
  • In the "Employee Processing" Widget, click on the Folder called 'Onboarding.'
  • Then click on the Tab called 'No Onboarding' (this is where New Employees that have been created (but not yet Onboarded will appear).
  • Find the Employee you want to Onboard, then click on "Action" (on the far right) and select "Start Onboarding." This will trigger the Onboarding Wizard for that Employee.

Onboarding Wizard Navigation Functionality

There are multiple navigation options available to you throughout the Onboarding Wizard. These navigation options are outlined below.

  1. START - the "START" button at the top right-hand side of the Dashboard [The top right of your screen] is how you launch all Wizards. Click "Start" and this will launch a Wizard popup window containing a navigation menu. This is where all your Wizard interaction options exist. The Wizards available to you in this menu are based on your Permissions.
  2. View - to View a particular Wizard click on the downward pointing arrow on the right-hand side of the menu. Scroll down, choose the Wizard you want to View, then click 'Select.'
  3. Select - select enables you to choose (and move into) your chosen Wizard (from the main Wizard dropdown menu).
  4. Create New - allows you to create a New Record within a particular Wizard (where relevant).
  5. Create - allows you to 'save' a New Record you've created.
  6. Edit - allows you to Edit a Record.
  7. Save - allows you to Save a Record.
  8. Delete - allows you to Delete a Record.
  9. Previous - allows you to go back one step.
  10. Clear - allows you to clear content from the form fields in a Wizard. Note: clicking clear will remove the content from ALL the fields in that Wizard.
  11. Submit - allows you to Submit the data or Record/s you've added into a Wizard.
  12. Close - allows you to Close the Wizard you've been working in. Note: Closing a Wizard before completing it will result in a loss of the data you've input into data fields. You will be shown a popup window with a warning asking you to confirm your action before the data is lost.
  13. Search - a Search window will appear in the top right corner of the Wizard popup if relevant (E.G. Where there is a list of Folders within a Wizard). Search enables you to search for a specific Folder within a Wizard.
  14. Next - to navigate through items in a drop-down menu, click on the downward pointing arrow on the right-hand side of the menu. Scroll down, choose the item you want, then click 'Next' to progress to the next window.
  15. Breadcrumbs - on the bottom left of the Wizard popup window, you will see a 'Breadcrumb' (for example 'Start > My Info'). This Breadcumb enables you to go back to previous steps in the process by clicking on your preferred choice. Breadcrumbs give you more flexibility about which stage of the Wizard you want to 'go bacc' to (E.G. it is more flexible than just choosing 'Previous' which limits you to going back only one step in the process).

NOTE: There is a 6MB file limit on all files that are uploaded into Subscribe-HR's Team Dashboards System. Please ensure that large files are compressed/reduced and that the file size is less than 6MB (the smaller the file size, the better).

How to Trigger the Onboarding Wizard

You can trigger the Onboarding Wizard from the Wizard popup menu:

  1. Select "START" at the top right-hand side of the Dashboard [The top right of your screen].
  2. Click on the downwards pointing arrow (right-hand side of the popup window) to open the dropdown list.
  3. Scroll down and click on the " Onboarding" option then click "Select."

Onboarding Wizard – Workflow Steps

Users who are only using the FREE Onboarding Solution (and haven't subscribed to Core-HR) can create Employee records via '+Create New' on the Onboarding Folder in the Employee Processing Widget on the On/Offboarding Dashboard. Once an Employee Record has been created those Employees can be Onboarded.

Note: When creating an Onboarding Workflow, Users can add a custom logo into each Onboarding Workflow. This logo will be included in the ‘Onboarding Welcome Pack,’ or any other Onboarding workflows that get sent to New Employees. If there is no custom logo added at this step, it defaults to the Company logo created as part of your Free Trial account or your System setup.

1. Name – give the Onboarding Workflow a name (it is helpful to include the name of the Employee you’re going to use this workflow to Onboard). window) to open the dropdown list. Choose between deploying ‘now’ or ‘Later.’
2. Onboarding Welcome Pack/Workflow – click on the downwards pointing arrow (right-hand side of the popup window) to open the dropdown list. Select the Onboarding Workflow you want to use to create this Onboarding Welcome Pack. Onboarding Welcome Packs are fully customisable and can include (but are not limited to) the following steps:

  • Letter of Offer.
  • Contract.
  • Tax Declaration Form.
  • Super Preference Form
  • Company Policies.
  • Job Description.
  • e-Learning - including Onboarding, Induction and/or mandatory training.

NOTE: Most steps in the Onboarding Welcome Pack are mandatory (TFN, Super, contract etc), but the e-Learning step (which may contain multiple videos) doesn't have to be mandatory. If the e-Learning videos included in the Onboarding Welcome Pack aren't completed as part of this process, they will be available for the Employee to complete in the Training Widget when their User Account is created.
3. Employees – specify the Employee/s you want to Onboard using this Onboarding Workflow. Click “Next.”
4. Merge Fields – the content in the Merge Fields will be used throughout the Onboarding Workflow. Check the information in each of the Merge Fields and correct where necessary. Click “Next.”
NOTE: The Onboarding Welcome Packs produced as a result of completing the Onboarding Wizard can now also include the Job Description for the Job Type that the new Employee will fill and/or e-Learning related to the Job Type. To do this, Users will need to include a 'Job Description' and an 'e-Learning' step in the Onboarding Welcome Pack.

Data saved in the following two fields of the Employee Job Description object will be included in the 'Job Description' step of the Onboarding Welcome Pack:

  • Notes: which contains the written Job Description.
  • Attachments: which contains a file attachment of the Job Description (this file should be saved as a .PDF document under 6MB). If there is more than one version of the Job Description attached, the most recently dated/added one will be used.
  • Only the Job Description that appears in the 'Notes' field will also carry through/appear in the PDF download that the Employee receives after they've completed their Onboarding Welcome Pack. If the Job Description object only has an attachment (and no data in the 'Notes' field) then the Job Description will not be included in the PDF download. However, it will appear in the onboarding Welcome Pack that the New Employee receives/needs to complete.

If there is no Job Description data in the System at all (in neither the 'Notes' nor the 'Attachments' fields) and the Job Description step is included in the Onboarding Workflow used, then the 'Job Description' Step will be automatically omitted.

Data saved in the Training subfolder of the Employee 'Job' object will be available for inclusion in the 'e-learning' step of the Onboarding Welcome Pack:

  • e-Learning content for each Job is classified in from 'Groups':
    • Onboarding.
    • Induction.
    • Mandatory Training.
    • Job training.
  • The content shown to the New Employee within the Onboarding Welcome Pack is defined in the 'Training' step of the New Employee Wizard.

If there are no Training Groups assigned to a 'Job' in the System and/or the 'e-Learning' step is not included in the Onboarding Workflow used, then the 'e-Learning' Step will be automatically omitted.

The Onboarding Wizard will then show you through each step of the “Workflow” you selected, showing you an example of the standard content contained in that Workflow Template. For example:

  • Letter of Offer, Contract etc. The number of steps/amount of content that you are shown at this stage will depend on the Workflow type you have selected.
  • For Letters of Offer and Contracts, you will be shown (and need to verify) the content in the “Merge Fields” that will be added to those documents. Check each Merge Field carefully to ensure that they contain the correct information. You will also be shown a draft of each document – which uses a Standard System Template. If you want to change any of the content in the template, you can do so using the wysiwyg editor.
    • Note: Contracts or Letters of Offer may need Authorisation. If Users can include multiple Employees in the Authorisation process. The original recipient of the Authorisation request has the option to 'Authorise,' Reject' or 'Forward' the Authorisation. If Authorised, the request is completed. If forwarded, it is assumed that the forwarding Employee has given their Authorisation for that request and is forwarding the request on to the next Authoriser. This process can be done multiple times. When forwarded, the request isn't completed/full Authorised until the an Employee (the most senior or final in the process) selects 'Authorise.' This completes the Authorisation process. A history of all Employees with a date and time stamps is added to the Authorisation request each time it is forwarded, so that all previous Authorisations can be seen by the subsequent Employee.
  • If you have a Company Policies step in your Welcome Pack/Workflow, the Company Policy/ies you assigned to the Workflow will be included and the Employee will be asked to read and agree to the Policies as part of completing their Onboarding Welcome Pack. If the Workflow doesn't include a Company Policy/ies step, you can still send new Employees Company Policies to read and agree to from the Company Policies Widget.

Click “Next” to move through each step of the Workflow and thoroughly check through every field in each screen to ensure that the correct information has been added to all relevant fields.
5. When to Send – click on the downwards pointing arrow (right-hand side of the popup window) to open the dropdown list. Choose between sending ‘Now’ or ‘Later.’
6. Welcome Pack Expiry Date – click on the calendar on the far right and specify the date and time you want this Onboarding Workflow (which will contain the "Welcome Pack" for the new Employee) to expire. If not completed by this date/time, all the steps/content in that Welcome Pack will no longer work/be available to the User. You can amend this date/time via the "Employee Processing" Widget in the On/Offboarding Dashboard.

NOTE: Once the Expiry Date is selected and the Onboarding Workflow is sent, the date can't be changed. If there are any reasons your New Employee might not be able to complete the Onboarding Workflows in the specified time (e.g. if you're waiting on a Visa approval), then select an Expiry Date far into the future so that the Workflow remains active/available for the New Employee to complete when they can.

Specify which of the following options apply by ticking the checkboxes:

  • Requires Letter of Offer Approval.
  • Requires Contract Approval.
  • Send Workflow Checklist:
    • Send Workflow Checklist – if you want to send a checklist outlining all the steps in the Onboarding Workflow to the Employee’s Manager, tick the checkbox. If you tick the checkbox, a new field appears – “Checklist.”
    • Checklist – specify which Onboarding Checklist you want to send to the Employee’s Manager. Click “Next.”

NOTE: these checkboxes are not mandatory and not always used in the System (Checklist will not appear in the Onboarding Wizard activated via the Employee Processing Widget in the On/Offboarding Dashboard. If you want to Onboard a New Employee and include sending a Checklist as part of that Workflow, you will need to use the Onboarding Wizard. If needed, however, you can tick these checkboxes and the New Employee's Manager will be sent an approval request via email. To approve, the Manager will need to log into the System and go to the "Inbox," (the envelope icon located in the top right-hand corner, next to the User Name and image), and follow these steps:

  • Click on the envelope.
  • Scroll down and click 'See All Alerts.'
  • Depending on the Onboarding date of the New Employee, the approval request will either be under the Today, Upcoming or Overdue Tab.

Click "Next."
7. Summary – the final screen for the Onboarding Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to send your “Onboarding” Workflow to the nominated Employee/s click “Submit.”
NOTE: Once you click Submit, the User/New Employee will receive an email containing a URL that enables them to access and complete the "Welcome Pack." They do not have to finish everything in one sitting. All the content in the Welcome Pack will remain live and available to them until the Expiry Date. To return to the Onboarding Workflow (to continue to completion) all the User/New Employee has to do is return to the email and click on the URL again. If the Welcome Pack date has passed, they will receive a message that the offer has expired. You can amend this date/time via the Onboarding Folder in the "Employee Processing" Widget in the On/Offboarding Dashboard.
8. Success – if your Onboarding Workflow has been submitted correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.

NOTES: Once the New Employee has completed their Onboarding process, they will appear under the "Completed" Tab in the User Management Widget. To complete the process for creating the New Employee's account, go to the User Management Widget / Onboarding Completed Tab and "Activate" their account / complete the New Employee creation process. The New Employee Record will not be created / completed without this step.

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