Onboarding and Offboarding Dashboard Widgets

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Team Dashboard Onboarding, Crossboarding and Offboarding

How to Navigate to the Onboarding, Crossboarding & Offboarding Dashboard

To Navigate to this Dashboard (and access Onboarding, Crossboarding and Offboarding functionality) Widget follow these steps:

  • Click on Dashboard ---> Home (In the menu on the left-hand side of the system/screen).
  • Click on the "Dashboards Menu" Dropdown (the second dropdown menu from the top of the system/screen).
  • Scroll down and select "Onboarding/Offboarding."
  • When the Onboarding/Offboarding Dashboard opens, scroll down to the Widget you need in order to On, Cross, or Offboard Employees.

This Dashboard contains the following Widgets:
1. 4 Small Information Display Widgets:

  • Need User Group.
  • Onboarding time.
  • Onboarding complete.
  • Crossboarding incomplete.

2. Employee Processing.
3. User Management.

On/Cross/Offboarding - Employee Processing Widget

This Widget allows Users to quickly and easily manage Employees through each of the following processes by clicking on the relevant “Folder”:

  • Onboarding - manage Employee Onboarding and trigger Onboarding Workflows.
  • Crossboarding - manage Employee Crossboarding and trigger Crossboarding Workflows.
  • Offboarding - manage Employee Offboarding and trigger Offboarding Workflows.

In each of these Folders, there are a series of "Tabs" that provide different functionality for managing Employees during the On/Cross/Offboarding process. Within each Tab, there is a table that contains different columns. The Folders, Tabs, and Columns are explained below.

From within the majority of these Folders/Tabs in the Employee Processing Widget there is a "+ Create New" link (top right-hand side of the Widget). Clicking on this link will either trigger the associated Wizard (On/Cross/Offboarding) or a "Create New Employee From Scratch" Wizard, which will enable you to create a New Employee (if required) and then Onboard them immediately thereafter.

Note: When creating an Onboarding Workflow, Users can add a custom logo into each Onboarding Workflow. This logo will be included in the ‘Onboarding Welcome Pack,’ or any other Onboarding workflows that get sent to New Employees. If there is no custom logo added at this step, it defaults to the Company logo created as part of your Free Trial account or your System setup.

These Widgets can be moved around in the Dashboard. They can also be removed from the Dashboard. This can be done in Maintenance --> Groups --> Permissions --> Select a Group and Go to the Widgets.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder

Within the Onboarding Folder, there are a series of “Tabs” where you can manage the Onboarding of Employees. Those Tabs are:

  • Active.
  • Completed.
  • Non-Starter.
  • Cancelled.
  • To Do.
  • No Onboarding.
  • All.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – Active Tab

The Onboarding Active Tab enables you to view and manage Employees with an active Onboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger a "Create New Employee From Scratch" Wizard, which will enable you to create a New Employee and then Onboard them (by triggering the Onboarding Wizard).
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Onboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Onboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Onboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Onboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Onboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • Complete – you can complete the Onboarding Workflow on the Employee’s behalf.
  • Resend – you can resend the Onboarding Workflow to the Employee.
  • Set as Non-Starter – if the Applicant is offered a Job, but doesn’t show up for work, then you can flag them as a Non-Starter and investigate why.
  • Cancel – you can the Onboarding Workflow send to the Employee.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – Completed Tab

The Onboarding Completed Tab enables you to view and manage Employees who have completed the Onboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger a "Create New Employee From Scratch" Wizard, which will enable you to create a New Employee and then Onboard them (by triggering the Onboarding Wizard).
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Onboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Onboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Onboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Onboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Onboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • View Result – you view the result/s of the Onboarding Workflow.
  • Set as Non-Starter – if the Applicant is offered a Job, but doesn’t show up for work, then you can flag them as a Non-Starter and investigate why.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – Non-Starter Tab

The Onboarding Non-Starter Tab enables you to view and manage Employees who were offered a Job, sent an Onboarding Workflow, and either completed the Onboarding Workflow but didn't show up for work, or they didn't complete the Onboarding Workflow, nor did they show up for work. In either/both cases, these Employees are classified as Non-Starters.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger a "Create New Employee From Scratch" Wizard, which will enable you to create a New Employee and then Onboard them (by triggering the Onboarding Wizard).
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Onboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Onboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Onboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Onboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Onboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – Cancelled Tab

The Onboarding Cancelled Tab enables you to view and manage Employees for whom the Onboarding Workflow assigned to them has been Cancelled.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger a "Create New Employee From Scratch" Wizard, which will enable you to create a New Employee and then Onboard them (by triggering the Onboarding Wizard).
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Onboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Onboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Onboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Onboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Onboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Onboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – To Do Tab

The Onboarding To-Do Tab enables you to view and manage any outstanding tasks related to Employees who require Onboarding.

Field Name Description
+ Start Onboarding This link will trigger the Onboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Onboard any New Employees for whom an Employee Record has been created, but they have not yet been Onboarded.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – No Onboarding Tab

The No Onboarding Tab enables you to view and manage New Employees to whom an Onboarding Workflow has not yet been assigned.

Field Name Description
+ Start Onboarding This link will trigger the Onboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Onboard any New Employees for whom an Employee Record has been created, but they have not yet been Onboarded.
+ Move to To Do To use this link to move any of the Employees in the "No Onboarding" Tab to the "To Do" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Move to To Do."
+ Remove From list To use this link to remove any of the Employees from the "No Onboarding" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Move to To Do."
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • Start Onboarding – if you change your mind, you choose to Onboard the Employee from here by triggering the Onboarding process, which will open the Onboarding Wizard.
  • Move to To Do – if there is something else you need to do to Onboard this Employee, you can move them to the To Do Tab.
  • Remove From List – if there is nothing else you need to do in relation to this Employee, you can remove them from the list.

Employee Processing Widget – Onboarding Folder – All Tab

The All Tab enables you to view and manage all Onboarding tasks and Employees to whom Onboarding Workflows have been assigned.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger a "Create New Employee From Scratch" Wizard, which will enable you to create a New Employee and then Onboard them (by triggering the Onboarding Wizard).
+ Send New/Deploy New This link will trigger the Onboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Onboard any New Employees for whom an Employee Record has been created, but they have not yet been Onboarded.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Onboarding Workflow.
Created This column specifies the date and time that the Onboarding Workflow was created.
Schedule This column indicates when the Onboarding Workflow was/is scheduled to be sent.
Deployed This column indicates when the Onboarding Workflow was actually to be sent.
Name This column contains the name of the Employee that Onboarding Workflow was sent to.
Name This column contains the name of the Onboarding Workflow was sent to the Employee named in the previous column.
Employees This column indicates the number of Employees that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • Cancel Deployment – enables you to cancel sending the Onboarding Workflow, or to stop the Onboarding Workflow at its current step.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder

Within the Crossboarding Folder, there are a series of “Tabs” where you can manage the Crossboarding of Employees. Those Tabs are:

  • Active.
  • Completed.
  • Cancelled.
  • To Do.
  • No Crossboarding.
  • All.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder – Active Tab

The Crossboarding Active Tab enables you to view and manage Employees with an active Crossboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger the Crossboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Crossboard the selected Employee.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Crossboarding Workflow.
Crossboarding Name This column contains the name of the Crossboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Crossboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Crossboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Crossboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Crossboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Crossboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Crossboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder – Completed Tab

The Crossboarding Completed Tab enables you to view and manage Employees who have completed the Crossboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger the Crossboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Crossboard the selected Employee.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Crossboarding Workflow.
Crossboarding Name This column contains the name of the Crossboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Crossboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Crossboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Crossboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Crossboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Crossboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Crossboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder – Cancelled Tab

The Crossboarding Cancelled Tab enables you to view and manage Employees for whom a Crossboarding Workflow assigned to them has been Cancelled.

ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Crossboarding Workflow.
+ Create New This link will trigger the Crossboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Crossboard the selected Employee.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
Crossboarding Name This column contains the name of the Crossboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Crossboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Crossboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Crossboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Crossboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Crossboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Crossboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Crossboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder – To Do Tab

The Crossboarding To-Do Tab enables you to view and manage any outstanding tasks related to Employees who require Crossboarding.

Field Name Description
+ Start Crossboarding To use this link to Crossboard any of the Employees in the "No Crossboarding" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Start Crossboarding." This link will trigger the Crossboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Crossboard existing Employees.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Crossboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Crossboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Action This enables you to “Start Crossboarding.”.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder – No Crossboarding Tab

The No Crossboarding Tab enables you to view and manage Employees to whom a Crossboarding Workflow has not yet been assigned.

NOTE: Employees who have had their Employee record updated (that is, their New Employee Profile (including Job, Salary etc) has been created/assigned via the "Holding Table" but who are not Crossboarded "Now" via the Crossboaring Wizard, will be saved under the "No Crossboarding" tab. To complete the Crossboarding process (and send these Employees a Crossboarding Pack), follow these steps:

  1. Go to the No Crossboarding tab of the Crossboarding folder.
  2. Click the "Action" dropdown next to the Employee you want to Crossboard.
  3. Select "Move to To Do" (do not select "Start Crossboarding" if you have already/previously completed part of the process by creating a New Employee Record) - otherwise, you will create two new entries on their Employee record - both for the same New Job).
  4. Go to the "To Do" tab.
  5. Click the "Action" dropdown next to the Employee you want to Crossboard.
  6. Select "Start Crossboarding."
  7. Complete the Crossboarding Wizard.

Field Name Description
+ Start Crossboarding To use this link to Crossboard any of the Employees in the "No Crossboarding" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Start Crossboarding." This link will trigger the Crossboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Crossboard existing Employees.
+ Move to To Do To use this link to move any of the Employees in the "No Onboarding" Tab to the "To Do" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Move to To Do."
+ Remove From list To use this link to remove any of the Employees from the "No Onboarding" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Move to To Do."
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Crossboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Crossboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Onboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • Start Crossboarding – if you change your mind, you choose to Crossboard the Employee from here by triggering the Crossboarding process, which will open the Crossboarding Wizard.
  • Move to To Do – if there is something else you need to do to Crossboard this Employee, you can move them to the To Do Tab.
  • Remove From List – if there is nothing else you need to do in relation to this Employee, you can remove them from the list.

Employee Processing Widget – Crossboarding Folder – All Tab

The All Tab enables you to view and manage all Crossboarding tasks and Employees to whom Crossboarding Workflows have been assigned.

Field Name Description
+ Send New/Deploy New This link will trigger the Crossboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Crossboard Existing Employees into their new Job.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Crossboarding Workflow.
Created This column specifies the date and time that the Crossboarding Workflow was created.
Schedule This column indicates when the Crossboarding Workflow was/is scheduled to be sent.
Deployed This column indicates when the Crossboarding Workflow was actually to be sent.
Name This column contains the name of the Employee that Crossboarding Workflow was sent to.
Name This column contains the name of the Crossboarding Workflow was sent to the Employee named in the previous column.
Employees This column indicates the number of Employees that the Crossboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Crossboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder

Within the Offboarding Folder, there are a series of “Tabs” where you can manage the Offboarding of Employees. Those Tabs are:

  • Active.
  • Completed.
  • Cancelled.
  • To Do.
  • Active Employees.
  • Completed.
  • All.

NOTE: The optimal process for Offboarding Employees is:

  1. Return Company Property.
  2. Specify the departing Employee as a 'Leaver.'
  3. Offboard the Employee Via the Offboarding Wizard.

However, it is also possible to change nominate / specify an Employee as a leaver and start the Offboarding process without first having return Company Property.

For an explanation of the Offboarding process, go to the Offboarding Wizard.

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – Active Tab

The Offboarding Active Tab enables you to view and manage Employees with an active Offboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger the Offboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Offboard the selected Employee.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Offboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Offboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Offboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Offboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Offboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Offboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • Complete – you can complete the Offboarding Workflow on the Employee’s behalf.
  • Resend – you can resend the Offboarding Workflow to the Employee.
  • Set as Non-Starter – if the Applicant is offered a Job, but doesn’t show up for work, then you can flag them as a Non-Starter and investigate why.
  • Cancel – you can the Offboarding Workflow send to the Employee.

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – Completed (W) Tab

The Offboarding Completed Tab enables you to view and manage Employees who have or are in the process of completing the Offboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Offboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Offboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Offboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Offboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Offboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Headcount This columns specifies the total Headcount for that Job Type approved within the organisation Vs the number of actual Employess holding that Job Type within the organisation (after the Employee was set to 'Leaver' and then Offboarded.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Offboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • View Result – you view the result/s of the Offboarding Workflow.
  • Set as Non-Starter – if the Applicant is offered a Job, but doesn’t show up for work, then you can flag them as a Non-Starter and investigate why.
  • Vacancy Requisition - allows Users to trigger the Vacancy Requisition Wizard and create a New Vacancy Requisition (to replace the Employee which has just left/been Offboarded).
  • New Vacancy - allows Users to trigger the New Vacancy Wizard and create a New Vacancy (to replace the Employee which has just left/been Offboarded).

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – Cancelled Tab

The Offboarding Cancelled Tab enables you to view and manage Employees for whom an Offboarding Workflow assigned to them has been Cancelled.

Field Name Description
+ Create New This link will trigger the Offboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Offboard the selected Employee.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Onboarding Name This column contains the name of the Offboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Offboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Current Step This column indicates the step of the Offboarding Workflow that the Employee is currently at.
Status This column specifies the status of the Offboarding Workflow.
Date Sent This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was sent.
Date Started This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was started by the Employee.
Date Completed This column lists the date that the Offboarding Workflow was completed by the Employee (if completed), otherwise it displays “Not Completed.”
Authorisation This columns specifies if authorisation is required for the Offboarding Workflow to be shared with the Employee, and if that authorisation has been granted.
Progress This column displays the percentage of the Offboarding Workflow that has been completed by the Employee.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – To Do Tab

The Offboarding To-Do Tab enables you to view and manage any outstanding tasks related to Employees who require Offboarding.

Field Name Description
+ Start Offboarding To use this link to Offboard any of the Employees in the "To Do" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Start Offboarding." This link will trigger the Offboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Offboard Leavers.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Offboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow.

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – Active Employees Tab

The Crossboarding Active Employees Tab enables you to view and manage all currently Active Employees in the System for the purpose of marking them as a "Leaver" and then managing the return of Company Property and assigning them an Offboarding Workflow.

Field Name Description
+ Create Leavers To use this link to Offboard any of the Employees in the "Active Employees" Tab, first tick the checkbox for that Employee, then click on "Create Leavers." This link will trigger the Offboarding Wizard, which will first enable you to mark the Employee/User as a "Leaver" and then Offboard that Employee by completing the Offboarding Wizard.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Property This column enables you to start the “Return Property” Wizard, which enables you to ensure that the Employee returns all Company Property prior to departure.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow, which involves setting the Employee’s status to “Leaver.”

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – Completed Tab

The Offboarding Completed Tab enables you to view and manage Employees who have completed Offboarding and did not have an Offboarding Workflow assigned to them.

Field Name Description
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Employee This column contains the Employee that the Onboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Department This column contains the Department that the Employee will be working in.
Start Date This column specifies the Employee’s Start Date.
Property This column enables you to start the “Return Property” Wizard, which enables you to ensure that the Employee returns all Company Property prior to departure.
Headcount This columns specifies the total Headcount for that Job Type approved within the organisation Vs the number of actual Employess holding that Job Type within the organisation (after the Employee was set to 'Leaver' and then Offboarded.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • View Result – you view the result/s of the Offboarding Workflow.
  • Set as Non-Starter – if the Applicant is offered a Job, but doesn’t show up for work, then you can flag them as a Non-Starter and investigate why.
  • Vacancy Requisition - allows Users to trigger the Vacancy Requisition Wizard and create a New Vacancy Requisition (to replace the Employee which has just left/been Offboarded).
  • New Vacancy - allows Users to trigger the New Vacancy Wizard and create a New Vacancy (to replace the Employee which has just left/been Offboarded).

Employee Processing Widget – Offboarding Folder – All Tab

The All Tab enables you to view and manage all Offboarding tasks related to the Offboarding of Employees.

Field Name Description
+ Send New/Deploy New This link will trigger the Offboarding Wizard, which will enable you to Offboard Leavers using the Offboarding Workflow of your choice.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
ID This column contains the ID assigned to that Offboarding Workflow.
Created This column specifies the date and time that the Offboarding Workflow was created.
Schedule This column indicates when the Offboarding Workflow was/is scheduled to be sent.
Deployed This column indicates when the Offboarding Workflow was actually to be sent.
Name This column contains the name of the Employee that Offboarding Workflow was sent to.
Name This column contains the name of the Offboarding Workflow was sent to the Employee named in the previous column.
Employees This column indicates the number of Employees that the Offboarding Workflow has been assigned to.
Action This column provides you with a list of “Actions” that can be taken in related to the Offboarding Workflow. The options are:
  • Cancel Deployment – enables you to cancel sending the Offboarding Workflow, or to stop the Offboarding Workflow at its current step.

On/Cross/Offboarding - User Management Widget

This Widget allows Users to quickly configure User access to new and existing Employees, as well as providing System access to Users that are not Employees. Users can also quickly review Employees who have/do not have access and Users with access but no employee profile linked.

Users can be classified in the following ways:

  1. Users that are Employees.
  2. Users that are not Employees.
  3. Users that are external parties (for example Recruitment Agencies/Consultants etc).

These widgets can be moved around in the Dashboard. They can also be removed from the Dashboard. This can be done in Maintenance --> Groups --> Permissions --> Select a Group and Go to the Widget/s.

User Management - User Group Assigned Tab

Selecting this Tab will display all Employees who have been assigned a "User Group" (which relates to the type/s of System Permissions the User is assigned). Further Actions can be made as detailed in the table below.

Field Name Description
+Create User The "Create User" Wizard allows System Administrators and HR/People & Culture Managers to create new Users. The Create User Wizard contains the following fields:
  • First Name - add the First name of the User.
  • Last Name - add the Last name of the User.
  • Email - add the email address of the User.
  • User Group - specify/select the User Group/s that User should be part of. User Group/s have different permissions and those permissions will be applied to that User based on the User Groups assigned at this step.
  • Timezone - specify which timezone the User is in.
  • Currency - specify the currency for that User.
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
Employee Name The name of the employee. The number in brackets represents employees ID number within the system.
User Group Assigned group permissions will display under here. Number in brackets represent the Group ID number.
Action You can use this dropdown to deactivate user access, update employee's assigned group permissions, change username/email address, reset password, update timezone and update currency details.
Action: De-Activate User Select this action to de-activate an employee's user account.
Action: Update User Group Select this action to update an employee's user group permission.
Action: Change User Name / Email Address Select this action to update a User's username i.e. the email address the employee enters to log into the system.
Action: Send Reset Password Select this action to send a password reset link to the employee's email address..
Action: Update Timezone Select this action to update the timezone the employee is based in.
Action: Update Currency Select this action to update the currency the employee is based in.

User Management - No User Group Tab

Selecting this Tab will display all Employees who have not been assigned a User Group.

Field Name Description
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
Employee Name The name of the Employee. The number in brackets represents employees ID number within the system.
Action You can use this dropdown to assign a user group, Change User Name / Email Address, Update Timezone details and Update Currency details.
Action: Assign User Group and Profile Select this action to assign a user group to this employee and update their currency/timezone details.

User Management - User Group Only Tab

Selecting this Tab will display all Users in the system who do not have an Employee profile linked.

Field Name Description
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
User Name The name of the user. The number in brackets represents user's ID number within the system.
User Group Assigned group permissions will display under here. Number in brackets represent the Group ID number.
Email The User's email address will display under this column. This is the email address they enter in to log into the system.
Action You can use this dropdown to de-activate a user, update a user's group permissions, change user name / email address, send reset password link and create employee record.
Action: De-Activate User Select this action to de-activate a user account.
Action: Update User Group Select this action to update the user's assigned group permissions.
Action: Change User Name / Email Address Select this action to update the user's username/email address used to log into the system.
Action: Send Reset Password Select this action to send the user a password reset link.
Action: Create Employee Record Select this action to create an employee record in the system and link to the selected user.

User Management - De-Activated User Tab

Selecting this Tab will display all Users who have been deactivated from your system.

Field Name Description
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
Name The name of the user. The number in brackets represents user's ID number within the system.
User Group Assigned group permissions will display under here. Number in brackets represent the Group ID number.
De-Activated Date The date the user account was de-activated.
De-Activated User The User that de-activated the account will display here.
Action You can use this dropdown to reactivate a User account and also to update the User Group.

User Management – Onboarding Completed Tab

Selecting this Tab will display all Users who have completed Onboarding within your system.

Field Name Description
Search The Search field allows you to search all the records in this Tab.
User Name The name of the user who has completed Onboarding. The number in brackets represents user's ID number within the system.
User Group Assigned group permissions will display under here. Number in brackets represent the Group ID number.
Email The email address associated with the User’s Onboarding process.
Action Use this dropdown to "Activate" Onboarded Employees and complete the setup of their Employee Record in the System.

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