Performance Skills
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Performance Skills
Performance Skills are Skills that can be created to use in performance review canvases.
Creating Performance Skills
- Select the Maintenance TAB.
- Select the Performance Skills Folder.
- You should see a list of skills, if this list is empty then no skills has been added at this point in time.
- Select the [Add new record] button.
- Select the Skill Type from the drop down box.
- Enter the Skill Name, this is a description of the Skill.
- Enter the Skill Description.
- Enter the points for weighting of the skill.
- Select the [Save] button.
- Skills Type. Enter these selections into the relevant code library.
- Skill Name. Type in the relevant skill name here.
- Skill Description. Type in the skill description here.
Please also refer to these links for details relating to Performance Skills and their relationships to other parts of the system: