Team Dashboards

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<b>NOTE:</b> all Widgets on the above Dashboards default to 'Minimised' as Standard so that all Widgets on the Dashboard can be displayed easily. To open the Widget/s to Standard or Maximised sizes, follow the instructions above.  
<b>NOTE:</b> all Widgets on the above Dashboards default to 'Minimised' as Standard so that all Widgets on the Dashboard can be displayed easily. To open the Widget/s to Standard or Maximised sizes, follow the instructions above.  
This features is not available for the following Dashboards - where all Widgets are displayed as Standard):
This features is not available for the following Dashboards - where all Widgets are displayed as Standard:
*Standard Reports.
*Standard Reports.
*Advanced Reports & Metrics.
*Advanced Reports & Metrics.
*Activation Hub.
Widgets on the Activation Hub can only be maximised (not minimised) and display a maximum of 10 menu items only. If there are more than 10 menu items in a Widget, 'More Available....' will be displayed on the top right of the Widget, next to the 'small square (with rounded corners). To view the full list of menu items, click the small square to maximise the Widget and this will display all menu items.

Revision as of 00:14, 23 February 2022

Team Dashboards Widgets and Wizards

Dashboards, Widget, and Wizards Colours - Themes

It is possible to change the colours of several elements in the Subscribe-HR system. You can change the default colours of the following:

  • Dashboard menu and navigation.
  • Dashboard Widget headings.
  • Two of the four small 'Stat' Dashboard Widgets (which appear at the top of all Dashboards except Standard Reporting and Advanced Reporting & Metrics).
  • Wizard START button.
  • Wizard menu icons.

Free Trial Activation Wizard

Free Trial Activation Wizard – Colour Settings

The first time you log into a Free Trial, you will be given the option to use a “Colour Picker” palette to change the colour of the main system elements. If you choose to change the colour at this stage, the colour you choose will over-ride the system defaults. If you change the colour during setup, that colour change will be applied to the following:

  • Dashboard menu and navigation.
  • Dashboard Widget Headings.
  • Top four Dashboard Widgets.
  • Wizard START button.
  • Wizard Menu icons.

The colour you select will also be set as the default colour in Core-HR and the Jobs Board created as part of your Free Trial.

If you choose to change the colour during this process, and you decide (upon seeing this colour applied to the system) that you don’t like it, you can go back and “Reset” to the default.

Free Trial Activation Wizard – Logo Settings

The first time you log into a Free Trial, you will also be required to upload your Company Logo and a photo (which is used to create your User Account profile). The Company logo will be displayed as the default logo in the following places:

  • Throughout the Free Trial System, including the Jobs Board and Recruitment careers page.
  • Email header/footer.

Free Trial Activation Wizard – Activation Hub

Once Users have completed the the Free Trial Activation Wizard, they are redirected to the Activation Hub. The Activation Hub is Subscribe-HR's one-of-a-kind feature that enables Users to configure and activate the main features of Subscribe-HR's Codeless Cloud HR Software. The self-activating and self-configuring nature of the Activation Hub means it can be used by you, the User, or the Subscribe-HR set-up Team to set your system up quickly.

User Navigation Menu – Colour Settings

If you choose not to use the colour picker during the Free Trial activation process/your first login, you can still change the system colours. To do this following this process:

  1. Go to your name at the top right-hand corner of the screen and click on the black dropdown arrow.
  2. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Go to the “Theme” section and update the colours of the individual system elements that you want to change.
  4. Click on the green “Save” button (at the top right-hand side of the screen) to save your settings.
  5. To navigate back to the main Dashboards page (Advanced Metrics & Reports), click on “Home,” which is located towards to top left-hand side of the screen (under your photo and name).

Changing the default colour settings will not affect the following:

  1. Beta – any “Beta” features in the system, including those in Team Dashboards, will be identified with the label “Beta” in red.
  2. Pinned Dashboard – the default Dashboard you see when you log into the system is “Advanced Reporting & Metrics.” If you have changed the default by “Pinning” a different Dashboard as the default view, this Pinned Dashboard will be identified with a green label in the Dashboards menu.
  3. Green defaults – any features that are green or red within the system (some buttons and fields) to highlight them for specific purposes will remain as the default colours and cannot be changed.

Team Dashboard Standard Types

The Dashboard types available in Subscribe-HR Team Dashboards include:

  1. Recruitment - For Recruiters who need to manage the Recruitment Process.
  2. Onboarding - For Onboarding New People.
  3. My Info - Personal Information for Employees with Self-Service access.
  4. Manager - Team Information for Managers based on their Team. Managers will have this Tab + My Info Tab.
  5. People and Culture - HR Manager and HR Team can use this Tab to Manage the organisation. People and Culture will have this Tab + Manager Tab + My Info Tab.
  6. Standard Reports - Contains Standard Reports + HR Metrics based information.
  7. Advanced Reports & Metrics - Contains Standard Reports + HR Metrics based information.
  8. System Info - Contains system usage and system configuration including billing information.
  9. Activation Hub - fast, efficient START to set yourself up in the Subscribe-HR system - coming soon.
  10. Apps - fast, efficient configuration of self-installing Apps in the Subscribe-HR system - coming soon.

Please note that you can create any type of Widget that is needed. This can be done using the Widget Builder which is located in the Developer Solution. You can set up Widget permissions in Groups / Permissions.

There is a restriction of 13 large (half or full-width) Widgets and 4 small 'Stat' Widgets per standard for My Info and Manager Dashboard Tab. For People & Culture Users the restriction is 14 large (half or full-width) Widgets and 4 small 'Stat' Widgets. If the number of Widgets you want to display don't all fit on one Dashboard, you can add an extra Dashboard as required. Extra Dashboards only hold large Widgets (not Stat Widgets) per the numbers previously mentioned for different Dashboard types.

The standard Dashboard Widgets types that are available for display across these Dashboards are:

  • Onboarding.
  • Recruitment.
  • Core-HR.
  • Performance.
  • System Summary.
  • Activation Hub.
  • Apps.

These Widget types can only be added to the associated/corresponding Dashboard. For Example, Recruitment Widgets can only be added to the Recruitment Dashboard (and will not appear/can't be added to the Onboarding Dashboard.

Team Dashboards - Configuration

Team Dashboards - Dashboard Options (Including 'Create New')

The following options are available for Dashboards:

  • PDF - Users can save the Dashboard as a .pdf.
  • Pin/Unpin Dashboard - Users can 'Pin' their preferred Dashboard (it will be the one the System defaults to), and 'Unpin' if/when their preference changes. Unless another Dasboard is 'Pinned' as a preference, the System defaults to the Standard Reports Dashboard.
  • Create New Dashboard - Users can create a New Dashboard, give it a custom name, and then add Widgets to it based on preference.
  • Update Dashboard - Users can change the name and/or delete any New Dashboards they've added.
  • Reset Dashboard - Users can Reset their Dashboard/s.
    • Resetting a Standard/included Dashboard will reset the Widgets and Widget order to the Standard configuration.
    • Resetting a New Dashboard will remove all Widgets and restore it to a blank Dashboard.

Users can add a New/Extra Dashboard to hold extra Widgets, or to customise and order which Widgets are displayed on which Dashboards. The 'New' Dashboard created will be of the same type as the Dashboard type you are on when you '+Create New Dashboard.' New Dashboards and the Widget available to place on the Dashboards depend on the permission/User Group of the User.

Users can create the following types of 'New' Dashboards (depending on Permissions):

  • Recruitment.
  • Onboarding/Offboarding.
  • My Info.
  • Manager.
  • People & Culture.
  • Standard Reports.
  • Advanced Metrics & Reports.

Team Dashboards - Adding and Removing Widgets

Standard Dashboards can be reconfigured in the following ways:
1. The 4 small Stat Widgets at the top of the Dashboard (if present) can be moved around and ordered to suit your preference (they can't be deleted or replaced).
2. The large Standard Widgets can be moved/reordered or deleted/replaced with other Widgets.

To move/reorder Widgets, simply click on the Widget you want to move then drag it into a new position and then release it.

To add, delete and replace large Widgets, follow these steps:
1. To delete a Widget, click on the 'X' on the top left of the widget - this will remove it from the Dashboard.
2. In its place, a 'Plus' sign (+) will appear in the middle of the space/empty container left after the removal of the Widget.
3. Click on the 'Plus' sign and a 'Choose Widget' Wizard will open:

  • Select a Widget from the dropdown menu.
  • Specify if you want the Widget to be full or half-width.
  • Click 'Confirm.'

4. The Widget selected will then appear in the empty container left by the removal of the previous Widget.

NOTES: Dashboards only hold a total of 13 large Widgets on My Info & Manager Dashboards, and 14 on People & Culture Dashboards. If all Widget containers are full, it is not possible to add more Widgets and you will instead need to create a new Dashboard. If there are vacant Widget containers (because that Dashboard is not yet full) you will see an empty Widget container at the bottom of the Dashboard with a 'Plus' sign in it. If there are no empty Widget containers at the bottom of a Dashboard that means one of two things:

  • All the Widget containers are full.
  • There are no more Widgets for that Dashboard type available.

Dashboards can only hold Widgets that are relative to the Dashboard type (for example, you can't add an 'Onboarding' Widget to the Recruitment Dashboard, and you can't add the Performance Management Widget to the Onboarding Dashboard). If you try to add the wrong type of Widget to the wrong type of Dashboard, it will not work.

Widgets are displayed in three ways:

  • Minimised - in which you only see the Widget heading/s. Click the ' + ' (plus sign) on the far right of the Widget heading to expand it to the Standard size.
  • Standard - in which the Widget fills one of the Widget containers on a Dashboard (full or half width). Click the 'small square (with rounded corners)' on the far right of the Widget heading to expand it to the Maximum/Maximised size.
  • Maximised - in which a new browser tab is created and on which the Widget is maximised so that the User can see more information (more rows in the Widget tables etc) and work in a single Widget at a time.

Only Widgets on the following Dashboards can be minimised/maximised:

  • Recruitment.
  • On/Cross/Offboarding.
  • My Info.
  • Manager.
  • People & Culture.
  • System Summary.

NOTE: all Widgets on the above Dashboards default to 'Minimised' as Standard so that all Widgets on the Dashboard can be displayed easily. To open the Widget/s to Standard or Maximised sizes, follow the instructions above.

This features is not available for the following Dashboards - where all Widgets are displayed as Standard:

  • Standard Reports.
  • Advanced Reports & Metrics.
  • Apps.

Widgets on the Activation Hub can only be maximised (not minimised) and display a maximum of 10 menu items only. If there are more than 10 menu items in a Widget, 'More Available....' will be displayed on the top right of the Widget, next to the 'small square (with rounded corners). To view the full list of menu items, click the small square to maximise the Widget and this will display all menu items.

The Standard Team Dashboards Inbox

The Inbox is your personal mailbox, where you will receive notifications, reminders and requests as a result of workflows being carried out.

The Inbox is accessible via the envelope icon, which is next to your User Name menu in the top right-hand corner of the System. This will display the most recent notification as well as the 'See All Alerts' option. To view all notifications and and reminders, click on the envelope icon and then click on 'See All Alerts.'

The Inbox allows "Team Dashboards" Users to receive, send and interact with "Quick Tasks" as well as Tasks, Notifications and Reminders related to automatically triggered workflows. "Quick Tasks" can also be sent from the Quick Tasks Wizard, or from the Tasks and Notifications Widget. If an Employee has Delegated their Tasks and Notifications to someone else, those Tasks and Notifications will appear in this Widget.

Because the number of notifications can be quite high (especially for Managers and System Administrators/People & Culture Users).

NOTES: Tasks & Notifications will appear in the Inbox in the following manner:

  • My Info Users - Users see Tasks & Notifications that relate to them as an Employee only.
  • Managers - Users see Tasks & Notifications that relate to their role as a Manager. Therefore only Tasks & Notifications for actions the Manager needs to take in relation to their Team Members appear in the Widget on this Dashboard.
  • People & Culture Users - Users see Tasks & Notifications that relate to them as a People & Culture User. Therefore Tasks & Notifications related to their management of all Employees appear in the Inbox.

The easiest indication that you have unread emails in your Inbox is to look for a number next to the Inbox (envelope icon).

Team Dashboards Search

Team Dashboards Users can use the Search field (located in the top right-hand corner of the System interface, next to the Inbox mail icon) to search the entire System for Employees and Applicants. For all other search types, Users should go the relevant Widget for that data type and use the Search option for that Widget.

Team Dashboards Inbox & Inbox Tabs

There are multiple Tabs in the Inbox, which filter Tasks & Notifications in a logical order. These Tabs are explained below.

+ Quick Task Select this to create a new task. The new task widget will pop up allowing you to enter the task name, assign employees, apply filters, enter in a due date/time and/or attach documents.
Delegation Task delegations can be selected here.
Search This is a text field which you can use to enter keywords to search for. The list below will display tasks and notification relating to the keywords enterred.
Today Select this to view current tasks and notifications.
Upcoming Select this to view tasks with a future due date.
General Select this to view tasks the combined overdue and current tasks.
Overdue Select this to view tasks that are past their due date.
Completed Select this to view tasks that have been completed.
My Sent Tasks Tasks that the User has sent (either to themselves or someone else) will appear here.
WIP Displays a list of all the tasks and notifications currently in progress.
Filter You can select filters to apply so that specific tasks and notifications will be displayed. You can filter the list by Solution (HR, Recruitment, Onboarding etc.) and/or delegated tasks.
Task Name The subject of the task will appear under here.
Assigned To The Employee the task or reminder was assigned to will appear here.
Relates To The Employee the task or reminder relates to will appear here.
Due Date Task due date will appear here. This determines if the task should appear in the today, upcoming or overdue section.
Filter (Column) Filters selected against the task will appear under here.
Actions Different Tasks and Notifications have different actions associated with them. The options are:
  • View Message: Allows the User to view the notification/reminder message.
  • Authorise/Reject/Forward: Allows the User to Authorise, Reject or Forward the Authorisation request. Note: when an Authorisation is forwarded, it is assumed that the individual is Authorising the request and forwarding it to other Employees for further Authorisation. The request is not considered complete/fully Authorised until the final individual clicks the 'Authorise' button.

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