Recruitment Dashboard Widgets

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Line 17: Line 17:
*Average open time.
*Average open time.
*Active vacancies.
*Active vacancies.
*Active questions.
*Active requisitions.
*Total applicants.
*Total applicants.
	2. Vacancy Requisiton Management.
	2. Vacancy Requisition Management.
&#9;3.  Applicant Management.
&#9;3.  Applicant Management.

Revision as of 05:18, 30 July 2021

Recruitment Dashboard Options

To Navigate to this Dashboard and the Widgets (and access Recruitment functionality) follow these steps:

  • Click on Dashboard ---> Home (In the menu on the left-hand side of the system/screen).
  • Click on the "Dashboards Menu" Dropdown (the second dropdown menu from the top of the system/screen).
  • Scroll down and select "Recruitment."
  • When the Recruitment Dashboard opens, scroll down to the Widget you need in order to manage the Recruitment process.

This Dashboard contains the following Widgets:
1. 4 Small Information Display Widgets:

  • Average open time.
  • Active vacancies.
  • Active requisitions.
  • Total applicants.

2. Vacancy Requisition Management.
3. Applicant Management.
4. Vacancy Management.
5. Recruitment Surveys.

These widgets can be moved around in the Dashboard. They can also be removed from the Dashboard. This can be done in Maintenance --> Groups --> Permissions --> Select a Group and Go to the Widgets.

Recruitment - Vacancy Requisition Management Widget

This Widget allows People and Culture Users and Hiring Managers to process Vacancy Requisitions based on Active Vacancies. New Vacancies can also be created from the Vacancy Requisition Wizard which is available via the Wizards "START" menu.

Field Name Description
Active Tab This Tab displays all the Active Vacancy Requisitions currently in the System.
Authorised Tab This Tab displays all the Vacancy Requisitions that have been Authorised.
Rejected Tab This Tab displays all the Vacancy Requisitions that have been Rejected.
+ New Requisition Allows the User to create a new Vacancy Requisition using the “Vacancy Requisition” Wizard.
Search Vacancy Name This is a free text field that you can use to search Vacancy Requisitions based on keywords you enter in the search field.
Reference Number This is the Reference Number assigned to the Vacancy Requisition when it was created.
Vacancy Name This is the name given to the Vacancy when the Vacancy Requisition was created.
Work Type This is the type of Work the Vacancy Requisition specifies, e.g. full time, part time, casual etc.
Number of Hires This is the Number of Hires the Vacancy Requisition requests approval for.
Target Date This is the Target Date for completion of the hire of the Vacancies specified in the Requisition.
Hiring Manager This is the Hiring Manager that the Vacancy Requisition has been submitted for.
Action This dropdown allows the User to select any/all of the following:
Authorise - authorise the Vacancy Requisition.
Reject - reject the Vacancy Requisition.
Create Vacancy - create a New Vacancy using the New Vacancy Wizard.
View - allows the User to View the authorised Vacancy Requisition Form.

The information that is available via "View" includes:

  • Created Date.
  • Job Name.
  • Department.
  • Division.
  • Location.
  • Reference number.
  • Approval status.
  • Hiring Manager.
  • Authoriser.
  • Authorisation date.
  • Target date.
  • Work type.
  • General notes.
  • Number to hire.
  • Rejected date (if relevant).
  • Total salary cost.
  • Equipment notes.
  • Equipment notes recipient.
  • Send equipment notes.
  • Attachment.

The information required to complete the Vacancy Wizard includes:

  • Hiring Manager.
  • Recruitment Workflow (you will be given a set of Standard Workflows to choose from, or you can create your own).
  • Vacancy close date.
  • Interview commencing date.
  • Shortlist date.
  • Target date.
  • Date filled.
  • Location.
  • Department.
  • Division.
  • Business Area.
  • Work type.
  • Hours.
  • Pay structure.
  • Number of hire/s.
  • Salary cost.
  • Total salary cost.
  • Salary min.
  • Salary max.
  • Selling points.
  • Job description.
  • Talent search keywords.
  • Certificates & licences.
  • Skills.
  • Attributes.
  • Vacancy publication.

To create a “New Vacancy from Scratch,” use the New Vacancy Wizard.

Recruitment - Applicant Management Widget

This Widget allows People and Culture Users and Hiring Managers to search, access, view and manage all Applicants. You can search for Applicants and then view a Vacancy Summary for the Applicant. You can also add Adhoc Notes to the Applicant record. New Applicants can also be created from the New Applicant Wizard which is available via the Wizards "START" menu.

Applicants can also be transitioned to a New Employee from the Applicant Management Widget. To see instructions for this process, go to the "Applicant" section of the New Employee Wizard.

Field Name Description
+ New Applicant This allows the user to create a new applicant through the "New Applicant" Wizard. This is also available through the "START" options.
Search field Allows the User to filter a list of Applicants based on specific keywords.
Surname Applicant's Surname.
First Name Applicant's First Name.
Email Applicant's email address.
Mobile Applicant's mobile number.
Current Stage The current stage the applicant is at. E.g. 1st Interview, Interview 2 Face to Face, Contract Sign Off etc.
Vacancy The Vacancy the applicant is related to.
Action Applicant “Notes” can be viewed and entered via the Action dropdown. Selecting Notes via this pathway triggers a popup that includes Applicant details, plus links to resume, Applicant summary export, applications submitted and a link to their profile. Applicant Notes created here, via the Applicant Management Widget are recorded in the "Notes" Tab of the Vacancy that Applicant has applied for. To navigate to this Notes Tab, the pathway is: General Menu (left-hand side of screen) --> Recruitment --> Applicant --> Select an Applicant --> Select Vacancies (left-hand side of screen) --> Select the Vacancy against which you created the note --> Select the Notes Tab. Notes created this way are saved against the Vacancy for which that Applicant applied. All Notes are recorded in the Applicant Path.

Alternatively, you can create Notes directly into the Applicant record. To navigate to this Notes Tab, the pathway is: General Menu (left-hand side of screen) --> Recruitment --> Applicant --> Select an Applicant --> Notes (left-hand side of screen) --> Select "+ Create New" --> Create and save (green button on the top right) a Note. Notes created in this way are saved against the Applicant record only. All Notes are recorded in the Applicant Path.

Recruitment - Vacancy Management Widget

This Widget allows People and Culture Users and Hiring Managers to view, manage and process Vacancies. All the functionality needed to manage active Vacancies is available in this Widget. New Vacancies can also be created from the New Vacancy Wizard which is available via the Wizards "START" menu.

Field Name Description
+ New Vacancy This Allows the User to create a New Vacancy using the ”New Vacancy”Wizard.
Search Application Name (Under Employees Tab) This is a free text field that you can use to search Applications/Applicants based on keywords you enter in the search field.
Action (Dropdown Menu) This dropdown allows the User to manage, process and communicate with Applicants.
Move To (Dropdown Menu) This dropdown allows the User to Move the Applicant to the next stage of the Recruitment Workflow.
Location (Dropdown Menu) This dropdown allows the User to view, manage and process Applicants for different Business locations (if you have different locations set up in your System).
Position (Dropdown Menu) This dropdown allows the User to view, manage and process Applicants for all the different Positions with active Vacancies.
Step (Dropdown Menu) This dropdown allows the User to view which Vacancies are at which step in the Recruitment Workflows.
Manage Tool The Manage Tool allows Users to view, manage and process Applicants based on the options selected in the “Position” and “Step” dropdowns.
Applicant Name The name of the Applicant who has applied for one of your Vacancies.
File All files attached by an Applicant during their application process are available/accessible here.
Action This dropdown allows the User to take Action to progress the Applicant through the Recruitment Workflow.
Score (Auto) This Auto Score for the Applicant is based on the parameters you added when creating the Vacancy.
Score (Manual) This Manual Score for the Applicant is based on the parameters you added manually to score the Applicant’s suitability for the Vacancy.
Source This is the Source via which the Applicant saw and applied for the Vacancy.

Recruitment - Recruitment Surveys Widget

This Widget allows People and Culture Users and Hiring Managers to View and Action Recruitment Surveys that have been assigned to Applicants, Referees, Recruitment etc. New Recruitment Surveys can also be created from the Recruitment Surveys Wizard which is available via the Wizards "START" menu.

Field Name Description
Applicants Tab This tab displays all Active and Completed Recruitment Surveys.
Active (under Applicants Tab) Displays all Recruitment Surveys that are currently Active within the System.
Filter Allows the user to "Filter" items by Tag or Filter: E.g. Recruitment, Referee, Hiring Manager, Active Vacancies, etc.
Date dropdown Allows the user to specify a date range that will then list only HR Surveys that match that date range: E.g. 1 day, 1 week, fortnight, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, custom (a date picker will open if you select this option) etc.
+ Create New Allows the user to create a new Recruitment Survey using the Recruitment Survey Wizard.
Search (Under Applicants Tab) This is a free text field that you can use to search Recruitment Surveys based on keywords you enter in the search field.
Survey (Under Active Tab) This lists the Recruitment Survey ID number.
Created On (Under Active Tab) This specifies the date on which that Recruitment Survey type was created.
Canvas Name (Under Active Tab) This specifies the type of Canvas/Survey that this particular Recruitment Survey is.
Type (Under Active Tab) This specifies what Type of Recruitment Surveys it is.
Relates To (Under Active Tab) This specifies which Applicant the Recruitment Survey relates to.
Date Started (Under Active Tab) This specifies the date on which that Recruitment Survey was started by the Employee listed in the previous column.
Date Completed (Under Active Tab) This specifies the date on which that Recruitment Survey was completed.
Action (Under Active Tab) This dropdown allows user to perform any/all of the following:
Open Canvas - view the Canvas/Survey
Results - View the results of the Canvas/Survey
Resend Link - Resend the Employee a link to that Canvas/Survey
Completed (under Applicants Tab) Displays all Recruitment Surveys that have been completed.
Survey (Under Completed Tab) This lists the Recruitment Survey ID number.
Created On (Under Completed Tab) This specifies the date on which that Recruitment Survey type was created.
Canvas Name (Under Completed Tab) This specifies the type of Canvas/Survey that this particular Recruitment Survey is.
Type (Under Completed Tab) This specifies what Type of Recruitment Surveys it is.
Relates To (Under Completed Tab) This specifies which Applicant the Recruitment Survey relates to.
Date Started (Under Completed Tab) This specifies the date on which that Recruitment Survey was started by the Employee listed in the previous column.
Date Completed (Under Completed Tab) This specifies the date on which that Recruitment Survey was completed by the Employee.
Action (Under Completed Tab) This dropdown allows user to perform any/all of the following:
Open Canvas - view the Canvas/Survey
Results - View the results of the Canvas/Survey
All (under Applicants Tab) Displays all Recruitment Surveys (Active and Completed) that are currently Active within the System.

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