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Locations Defined

Locations will be linked to Jobs, when you set Jobs up. It is important to link locations to Jobs so that when you link employees to jobs, the reporting structure is accurate.

Creating New Locations

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select Maintenance on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. If Modifying an existing Location, you will see a list of the Locations you can select.
  3. If Creating a new Location, then select the Create New button.
  4. Provide details for all the fields listed below in the table.
  5. Select the Save button.

Location Fields Explained

Field Name Description
Location Name Mandatory Field where you can enter the Location Name. Example: Sydney Head Office
Branch Put Alternate Location information here (Branch Name). Example: Head Office
Location Manager You can select a Location Manager which will be from Employees that you have recorded as Managers. This field will be able to be used in Workflow and Security set-up if you need cascading access to employee records based on the location manager instead of the actual reporting line manager
Address 1 Address Line 1 of this location
Address 2 Address Line 2 of this location
City / Suburb Suburb the location resides in
Country Country the location resides in
State / Province / Region Area the location resides in
Zip / Postal Code Post Code of Location
Phone Main phone number for the location

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Please also refer to Creating Workflow Tasks in Subscribe-HR for details about Location Manager Workflow Set-up.

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