Performance Company Objectives

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Performance Company/Business Objectives

There are two types of functionality available under Company/Business Objectives:
1. Company/Business Objective.
2. Objective Announcement.

These Company Objectives can then also be related to individual Employee Goals (by the Employee or Manager) and incorporated in the Performance Review process. Company Objectives and Goals can be tracked based on completion from the Dashboard. Goals can be linked to PDP/Interventions if required. This has to be done through a Performance Review (Cycles including step PDP).

Creating And Editing Company/Business Objectives

1. Select the Performance option in the Subscribe-HR Cloud HCM Platform from the left-hand navigation.
2. Select the Company/Business Objectives Folder.
3. Select "Create New" to create a new Objective or select the desired Company Objective to edit it. Add or edit the following fields:

  • Name - name or update the name of the Company/Business Objective.
  • Active - specify if the Company/Business Objective is active or not.
  • Start on - specify the start date for the Company/Business Objective.
  • Ends on - specify the end date for the Company/Business Objective.

4. Click "Save."

Mandatory fields are marked with a Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Company Objectives will be available to select when the relevant person is completing their review along with Goals, Skills, Behaviours.

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