Address Details

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Employee Address

The Employee Address area allows for recording of the employee's address, and acts as a history. The address can be used for correspondence with the employee
Integration with payroll could potentially allow the sending of the employee address from Subscribe-HR into the Employee Payroll data file.

Creating a Work History Record

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HUMAN RESOURCES" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Employee folder.
  3. Select the desired employee.
  4. Select the Address sub-folder from the left side menu.
  5. Select the [Add New Record] button.
  6. Fill in the fields.
  7. Select the Save button.

Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Address fields explained

Field Name Description
Occupancy Start Date Date when the employee first occupied this address.
Occupancy End Date Date when the employee moved from this address.
Address 1 Address the applicant occupies
Address 2 Address the applicant occupies
Suburb Suburb the applicants address occupies
State State the applicants address occupies
Post Code Post Code the applicants address occupies
Country Country the applicants address occupies
Home Phone The home phone line for the employee
Home E-mail A private email address for the employee

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