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Resume Search

The Resume Search allows you to search for any keywords that were used in any applicants resume, this can be further filtered by selecting the vacancy the applicant may have applied for.

By entering a Keyword such as 'Melbourne' will return all applicants that have used the word Melbourne in their resume.
You can enter more than one word at a time but when doing this separate each word with a space. There is no need to use a comma. Example: Melbourne Business Monash

By selecting a vacancy you are now narrowing down your search to only applicants who applied for a particular position.

The Keyword search is not case sensitive. Searching for 'Melbourne' or 'melbourne' will result in the same output.

This option is only visible if the permission is turned on for your group.

IQ Search

  1. After logging into Subscribe-HR, on the left hand side under tools, select IQ Search.
  2. Create New IQ Search.
  3. Type Search Term in.
  4. Select: Applicant. Employees or All. This will search on the selected groups.
  5. If you want to search on a key word. Click Advanced Search. Use Everywhere and type the key word in. To add other options, select ADD on the right hand side. This will allow you to search other part of the system, e.g. Training Records or SHaRe Canvas Questions.
  6. Click "Run" to run the search.
  7. If you want to Copy criteria from a TalentCube select the option.
  8. Select Save to save the search option. Type the name of the search in and save.

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