Building Performance Review Canvas

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Reviews and SHaRe Canvases

Performance review canvases are just like standard canvases with additional performance related items. When designing performance review canvases users are able to create merge points for skills, goals, values and behaviours. When performance review form is being completed those items will automatically be merged into those areas. This section will only describe performance related options. You can find more information about building standard canvases here.

Performance Items Overview

There are four additional item types available in performance review canvases: skills, goals, values and behaviours. Each one of those items is managed against individual employees. The options that get merged into performance canvases will change overtime based on goal completion, change of jobs or company strategy. Creating placeholders for performance items ensures that canvases stay dynamic and do not require constant updating by users. Sections below describe each item in more details.


Skills placeholder will merge all skills associated to current performance review. To insert skills placeholder please follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Build tab while editing Canvas. 2. Click Insert button where skills placeholder should be inserted. 3. Who Will Answer The Question field should be set to whoever will be rating skills. 4. Scale field should be set to rating scale you would like to use to rate skills. For more information on how to create rating scales please click here. 5. If you would like to include comments for each skill tick Include Comments. 6. If you would like for comments to be mandatory please tick Comments Are Mandatory. 7. Click Save button.

Question Types

The Items are the building blocks of the canvas. Each item has its own set of features that can be used to create a complete review. When you insert or edit an item you will always have the option to save or cancel the task.

Multiple Choice Item

This Item allows the insertion of a question with a list of choices. Reviewer scores can be linked to each option created with action flow to another question. The options here appear as Radio buttons.

  1. Select Multiple Choice to insert a question with a list of choices. Single options only can be selected.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Enter the Option and Score.
  6. Select Add Option to add more options and scores.
  7. Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
  8. Select Save to set the item on the page.
  9. Select Cancel to abort the addition.

Multiple Select Item

This Item enables the insertion of a question with a list of choices, multiple options can be selected. This allows Reviewers scores to be linked to each option created, with action flow to another question or page.

  1. Select Multiple Select to insert a question with a list of choices. Multiple options can be selected.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Enter the Option and the Score.
  6. Select Add Option to add more options and scores.
  7. Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
  8. Select Save to set the item on the page.
  9. Select Cancel to abort the addition.

Rating Matrix Item

This item allows for a large set of options to be created in a Matrix style with Radio button selectors. Reviewer’s scores are linked to each option created with action flow to another question or page, for one option only. A scale is set that applies for each of the options created. Only one option can be selected by reviewers across the rating scale.

  1. Select Rating Matrix to insert a matrix with a list of choices. Only one rating option can be selected per item.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Enter the Rating Scale and the Scores.
  6. Select Add Option to add more options and scores.
  7. Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
  8. Select Save to set the item on the page.
  9. View the Matrix options are all radio buttons.
  10. Select Cancel to abort the addition.

Rating Matrix (Multiple Select) Item

This item allows for a large set of options to be created in a Matrix style with check box selectors. Multiple options can be selected. Reviewer scores are linked to each option created with action flow to another question or page, for one option only.

  1. Select Matrix (Multiple Select) to insert a matrix with a list of options. Multiple options can be selected.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Enter the Rating Scale and the Score, for the top side of the matrix.
  6. Select Add Option to add more options for the left side of the matrix.
  7. Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.
  8. Select Save to set the item on the page.
  9. Select Cancel to abort the addition.
  10. View the Matrix options are all square check boxes.

Short Answer Item

This item allows for a short text answer to be written into the text box that is inserted. Use this item to get brief answers from Reviewers.

  1. Select Short Answer to insert a question with a single line of free text answer box.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Select Question is Mandatory if required to have an answer.

Long Answer Item

When it is anticipated a larger amount of text answer is required to be entered by your Reviewer, use this item.

  1. Select Long Answer to insert a question with multi-line free text answer box.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered.

Paragraph Item

This item allows you to enter a large formatted text statement onto the page. This can be used to describe a background to questions. This can also be used to give details of the vacancy itself with text pasted from any existing Vacancy descriptions that are held in Word or PDF format.

  1. Select the Paragraph item.
  2. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  3. Select the text Click here to add some text ...
  4. View the inserted text area.
  5. A simple text editor will open to allow the addition of formatted text. You can paste into the text box from other documents.

Action Plan (Review)

This item allows Reviewers to view existing Action Plans within the review.

  1. Select the Action Plan (Review) item type.
  2. Select who can see this question.
  3. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.

Action Plan (Define)

This item allows the Reviewer to define an Action Plan during their review.

  1. Select the Action Plan (Define) item type.
  2. Select the scale to be used with the Action Plan.
  3. Select who can see this question.
  4. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.

Goals (Review)

This item allows reviewers to rate or fill in goals. These can be seen and edited in the performance goals section of the maintenance module.

  1. Select Goals from the item selection menu.
  2. Select the Selection Type.
  • Any: all goals.
  • Custom: Type in new goal and description.
  • Select the Scale.
  1. Assign a point value.
  2. Fill in Goal Name and Description.
  3. Fill in the Due Date.
  4. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  5. Select if comments included.
  6. Select if confirm Goal Completion.

Goals (Define)

This item allows the reviewer to define a goal during their review.

  1. Select the Goals (Define) item type.
  2. Select the scale to be used with the Action Plan.
  3. Select who can see this question.
  4. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.

Skills (Review)

This item allows reviewers to rate or fill in skills. These can be seen and edited in the performance skills section of the maintenance module.

  1. Select Skills from the item selection menu.
  2. Select the selection type.
  • Any: all skills.
  • From Job Only: Skills associated with job.
  • Pre-defined: Select from a set of skills.
  • Custom: Type in new skill and description.
  1. Select the Scale.
  2. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  3. Select if comments included.

Skills (Define)

Allows the reviewer to define skills during their review.

  1. Select the Skills (Define) item type.
  2. Select the scale to be used with the Action Plan.
  3. Select who can see this question.
  4. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.

Behaviours (Review)

This item allows the reviewer to rate based on existing behaviours.

  1. Select the Behaviours (Define) item type.
  2. Select the scale to be used with the Action Plan.
  3. Select who can see this question.
  4. Select whether to include comments.
  5. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.

Behaviours (Define)

This item allows the reviewer to define behaviours during their review.

  1. Select the Behaviours (Define) item type.
  2. Select the scale to be used with the Action Plan.
  3. Select who can see this question.
  4. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.


This item allows the reviewer to rate the reviewee based on existing Values.

  1. Select the Values item type.
  2. Select the scale to be used with the Action Plan.
  3. Select who can see this question.
  4. Select whether this question only appears when another question is answered.


A page can be assigned a s a feedback page. By using the "Feedback" item, any feedback from within the review period, can be pulled into the review feedback page within the review. Manager and Employees can use feedback in their review. There is also an option to score each feedback end point either using the score that is assigned when feedback is given, or automatically using end point scoring for the whole review. The score can be calculated using formulae such as median,average, sum etc. Your own Pi algorithm can be calculated.

Form Field

This item allows the linking of a data entry field in the canvas, to a field in the Subscribe-HR system. This can be used in either the Human Resources or Recruitment Modules.
Please Note, any value already in the field will be over-written when the question is answered.

  1. Select Form Field to add the item.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Select the Linked Object in the drop-down list.
  6. Select the Linked Field in the drop-down list.
  7. Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered.

File Item

This item allows the upload of files of the file types that are shown listed. An example usage of this is for Reviewers to upload specific documents/pictures or examples of work.

  1. Select File to add the option to upload files.
  2. Select the Stage.
  3. Select Who Can See This Question. Options are Everyone, Managers, Peers, Employees and Managers, Managers and Peers, Employees and Peers.
  4. Enter the Question Name.
  5. Select the file types allowed to be uploaded.
  6. Select Question is Mandatory if the question must be answered.

Scheduling a Review

In order to deploy a Review, it will need to be scheduled. Scheduling is done through the Mission Tab, via the strategy/announcement object.

To schedule a Review, you will need to create a Mission. Only one Mission can be active at a time.

After the Mission is created, you can create multiple Announcements for the Mission. These announcements also act as platforms to deploy reviews.

Click here to learn more about creating Missions and Announcements