Creating Tasks and Reminders

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Tasks & Reminders

My Tasks & Reminders is a Object Workflow driven system designed to make the delegating of HR Tasks easier. Employee's who are 'responsible' for the carrying out of tasks are the people who see the tasks on their My Tasks & Reminders list.
When creating a Task & Reminder this must be created under the relevant Object.
For Example: A Task for 'New Employee Checklist' would be created under the Employee Object, where as a Task to update 'Employee Shares' would be created under the Employee Shares Object.

Setting up Tasks Overview

Setting up tasks involves setting up a Workflow first.
In our example we want to create a New Employee Checklist, due on the Employee Start Date and has the following tasks:

  • Prepare employee contract
  • Setup new workstation
  • Prepare budget for a welcome party.

Of course we are not going to be performing all these tasks by ourselves, but this is where we delegate these tasks to the appropriate person.

  1. Create a Template for this Task, if you don't have one already created.
  2. Create a workflow called New Employee Checklist
    Set the Workflow Type
    Create Task should be Yes
    Make the Workflow Task Type a Checklist.
  3. Set conditions to trigger the Workflow.
  4. Set our Due Date Field to Start Date (Employee).
  5. Select the Checklist Tab and create a field for each task to be performed, enter the names of the tasks and select the employee responsible.
  6. Select Save and we are done.

Creating a Template

Template DADA goes here

Creating a Workflow with Tasks & Reminders

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select Development
  2. Select the Objects folder.
  3. Select the Object that you wish to create your Workflow and Task & Reminder for.
  4. Select Workflow Tasks.
  5. Select the Create button.
  6. Enter the Name of the Workflow.
  7. Select the Workflow Type.
  8. Select the Workflow Mode as Standard. (unless you have had a customised workflow created for you)
  9. Select the Create Task as Yes.
  10. Select the Task Type as Checklist.
  11. Select the Save button.


  1. Select the Condition Tab.
  2. Setup the condition that must be met for the Workflow to be triggered. (Example: Start Date of Employee Is less Than 3 Days)
  3. Select the Save button.


  1. Select the Reminder Tab
  2. Select the Due Date Field this is the Due Date of the Task and will appeear on the Task List
  3. Select the Send To Employee as Yes if you wish for the Employee involved to see the Task and receive a reminder in the Inbox.

If detailed information is needed on creating a workflow please see How to create a Workflow for an Object

  1. In the Enter Keywords text box enter a word or words that you are looking for.
  2. Select a Vacancy if you wish to narrow your search even further.