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Employee Superannuation

The Employee Superannuation area allows the recording of employee superannuation data, such as the policy number, date started and finished and any contributions made by the employee.

Creating Superannuation Records

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HUMAN RESOURCES" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Employee folder.
  3. Select the desired employee.
  4. Select the Superannuation sub-folder from the left side menu.
  5. Select the [Add New Record] button.
  6. Select Current
    If this superannuation record is the most recent then check the Current box.
  7. Select the Start Date from the date picker.
    This is the date that the employee started to use this superannuation fund.
  8. Select the End Date from the date picker.
    This is the date that the employee ceased using this superannuation fund.
  9. Select the Superannuation Fund Name from the drop down.
    If you do not find the Superannuation Fund you are looking for you will have to add this to the Superannuation Funds folder.
    To do this select the Human Resources Tab, select the Superannuation Funds folder, select Create
  10. Enter the Policy Number.
  11. Enter the Employee Contribution Percentage.
    This is if the employee is contributing towards the Superannuation.
  12. Enter the Employer Contribution Percentage.
  13. Select the Save button.

Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

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