Standard Reports Dashboard Widgets
From Subscribe-HR Wiki Help
Standard Reports
To Navigate to this Dashboard and the Widgets (and access Stanrard Reporting) follow these steps:
- Click on Dashboard ---> Home (In the menu on the left-hand side of the system/screen).
- Click on the "Dashboards Menu" Dropdown (the second dropdown menu from the top of the system/screen).
- Scroll down and select "Standard Reports."
- When the Standard Reports Dashboard opens, scroll down to the Widget you need in order to view all the Standard Reports available in the System.
- 10 Reports Max can be included in each Dashboard. You can Remove Reports using the remove button on the Report. This will then show a placeholder, which can then be used to add a new report. Click the + button to add Report.
- Reports can be moved around. They pin to the Dashboard position.
- Reports can be written using the Standard Reporting Tool and Advanced Reports & Metrics Tool. Once Written they can be added in to the respective Dashboard.
- Advanced Reports have filters available. Filters are able to be updated in the Advanced Reports & Metrics Dashboard via the Icon on top right of the Screen. Please to Yang about the Filters so the Filter Types can be documented.
- Advanced Reports can be scheduled and sent out to people. This will be done next week.