System Administrator Dashboard (SA)

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System Administrator Dashboard

This User Tab Contains Widgets:

  1. SA Solution Summary
  2. SA System Summary
  3. SA Billing Summary

These widgets can be moved around in the Dashboard. They can also be removed from the Dashboard. This can be done in Maintenance --> Groups --> Permissions --> Select a Group and Go to Widgets.

Solution Summary

  1. Total Applicants
  2. Total Vacancies
  3. Total Onboarding
  4. Total Crossboarding
  5. Total Offboarding
  6. Total Employees
  7. Total SHaRe Canvases
  8. Total Performance Reviews
  9. Total Leavers

System Summary

  1. Standard Workflows
  2. Custom Workflows
  3. Total Workflows
  4. Customer Reports
  5. Standard Reports
  6. Total Workflows Sent
  7. Total Logins
  8. Total Custom Fields
  9. Total Custom Objects

Billing Summary

  1. ID
  2. Period
  3. Active Employee Total
  4. Inactive Employee Total
  5. Excess Data
  6. No. Of SA Users
  7. Action - View

SA Solution Summary

This widget allows System Administrator Users to see key information based on the amount of data being processed by Subscribe-HR. E.g. Vacancies, Applicants, Employee etc.

Total Applicants Total Number of Applicants managed. Since System Implementation
Total Vacancies Total Number of Vacanices managed. Since System Implementation.
Total Onboarding Total Number of people Onboarded. Since System Implementation.
Total Crossboarding Total Number of people Crossboarded. Since System Implementation.
Total Offboarding Total Number of people Offboarded. Since System Implementation.
Total Employees Total Number of Employees including Leavers. Since System Implementation.
Total SHaRe Canvases Total Number of SHaRe Canvses - Surveys in the system. Regardless of type.
Total Performance Reviews Total Number of Performance Reviews Conducted.
Total Leavers Total number of people who have left the business but are in the system marked as "Leavers".

SA System Summary

The SA System Summary widget shows key System stats to to with over usage of other key part of the system including: Number of user Logins. Number of Workflows Sent etc.

Field Name Description
Incomplete Shows Policies for the User that are no yet Opened and Read
Completed Show Policies that are Opened and Read
Filter Allows for Filter to be formed based on: Opened, Unopened, Read, Unread
Select A Policy Allows User to Select the Policy they want to see details on
Policy Name The name of the Policy entered by the creator of the Policy
Opened Tick showing if the person has Opened the Policy. This will automatically tick if this is done
Read This will automatically tick once the Person has Agreed to the Policy after opening
Type This show where the Policy relates to E.g. Onboarding, Existing Employee New Policy Update, New Employee, Auto Renew
Created Date when the Policy was created for the Employee to Read and Agree too

My Info Widget - Announcements and Acknowledgements

This widget allows for Employees to receive and view their relevant Announcements and Acknowledgements. Recipients can view relevant announcements, complete Surveys and view people who have been linked to their related Announcements and Acknowledgements..

Field Name Description
Announcement Tab This tab displays all active and expired announcements posted by users.
Acknowledgement Tab Clicking this tab will display all acknowledgements posted by users.
Active (Under Announcement Tab) Displays all announcements that have not exceeded their expiry date. Number in brackets displays the total number of active announcements
Expired (Under Announcement Tab) Displays all announcements that have exceeded their expiry date. Number in brackets displays the total number of expired announcements.
Search Title (Under Announcement Tab) This is a free text field that you can use to filter down the list to specific wording you enter here.
Title (Under Announcement Tab) This is the title of the created announcement.
Type (Under Announcement Tab) This is the type of the announcement. E.g. Business Object, Highlight, People Related, Innovation, Policy.
Create Date (Under Announcement Tab) This is the date and time the announcement was created.
Expire Date (Under Announcement Tab) The announcement's expiry date. Once this date has come, the announcement will move over to the Expired section.
Acknowledgement (Under Announcement Tab) Acknowledgements made to employees and/or locations and/or departments will display here.
Survey (Under Announcement Tab) If a survey has been linked, you can click "Check Answers" to view the status of answered surveys. If no survey linked, "N/A" will display.
Create Acknowledgement (Under Acknowledgement Tab) Top Right of the Widget. Starts the New Acknowledgement Wizard, for you to be able to create a new acknowledgement. This is also available from the "START" options
Search Keyword (Under Acknowledgement Tab) This is a free text field which allows you to filter acknowledgement list down to specific keywords you enter here.
Create Date (Under Acknowledgement Tab) This is the date and time the acknowledgement was created.
Keyword (Under Acknowledgement Tab) Keywords entered upon creation of acknowledgement will display here as hashtags.
Likes (Under Acknowledgement Tab) Clicking the "thumbs up" icon will Like the acknowledgement. The number beside it displays the total number of likes the acknowledgement has received.
Comments (Under Acknowledgement Tab) Clicking the speech bubble icon will allow you to enter in comments related to the acknowledgement. The number beside it will display the total number of comments made against the acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement (Under Acknowledgement Tab) Employees, locations and/or departments that have been acknowledged will display here.
Action (Under Acknowledgement Tab) Use this dropdown to edit or delete acknowledgements. When you click Edit, you are able to edit the keywords of acknowledgement, the content and the acknowledged employees.

Performance Management

This widget display information regarding performance reviews related to the logged in user.

Field Name Description
Reviews Tab Clicking this tab will display all reviews related to the logged in user.
Active Clicking this will display all currently active performance reviews. The number in brackets displays the total number of active reviews.
Completed Clicking this will display all completed performance reviews. The number in brackets displays the total number of completed reviews.
Overdue Clicking this will display all performance reviews that are incomplete and is past their due date. The number in brackets displays the total number of overdue performance reviews.
Not Started Clicking this will display all reviews that have not been started by the employee.
Search This is a free text field that allows user to filter down the list to specific keywords entered here.
ID This is the ID of the deployed performance review.
Review Name The name of the review will display here.
Employee The step assignee will appear here. This will either be the logged in user or the other party.
Status The current step of the review will appear highlighting the assignees to complete. A green tick will appear next to the assignees that have completed their task. The current step and step due date will also appear.
Due Date The due date of the performance review will appear here
Progress The percentage bar here represents the progress of the review starting from 0% (not started) to 100% (complete)
Action Open Review - allow user to open and complete current performance step
Reopen Step - allow user to reopen completed task on a completed step. This will display a popup with responder names. Simply tick the relevant step for the relevant responder.
Force Start Next Step - allow user to force start the next step.
Goals Tab Clicking into this tab will display all Goals and Performance Development Plans relating to the logged in employee.
+ Create Goal Clicking this will allow users to create goals for themselves. Goals will be created through the New Performance Goal wizard.
Active Clicking this will display Goals that are set to an active status. The number in brackets displays the total number of Active Goals/PDP.
Completed Clicking this will display all Goals that have been completed. The number in brackets displays the total number of Completed Goals/PDP.
Overdue Clicking this will display all Goals that have not been completed and have passed their Due Date. The number in brackets displays the total number of Overdue Goals/PDP.
Not Started Clicking this will display all Goals that have a Not Started status. The number in brackets displays the total number of Goals/PDP that have yet to be started.
Cancelled Clicking this will display all Goals that have been cancelled. The number in brackets displays the total number of cancelled Goals.
Search Topic This is a free text field that allows the user to filter down the list of Goals/PDP to specific keywords entered here.
Employee Relevant employee's name will appear under here.
Related PDP The related Performance Development plan will display here.
Goal Name The name of the goal will display here.
Training Related training record will be linked under here.
Status The status of the goal will display here. This can be Incomplete, Complete or Cancelled.
Due Date The goal's due date will appear here.
Action This dropdown will allow user to edit their goals.
Catch-ups Tab Clicking this will display all catch ups relating to the logged in employee that have been organised within the system.
+ Catch Up Clicking this will allow the user to create a catch-up. Clicking this takes the user through the New Catch Up wizard.
Active Clicking this will display all catch-ups with an active status.
Upcoming Clicking this will display all catch-ups that are yet to occur at a future date.
Completed Clicking this will display all catch-ups that have been completed.
Search Topic This is a free text field which allows users to filter down the list of catch-ups to keywords entered here.
Topic The relevant topic of the catch up will display under this column.
Employee The employee's name will display under this column.
Catch Up Date The date of the catch-up will display under this columnn.
Action Start Conversation - Use this to Start the conversation for the Catch-up.
Reply - Use this to reply to the conversation
Complete Catch Up - Set status on a catch up as "Complete"
Create Next Catch Up - Use this to create a following catch up.

Timesheets Management

This widget display information regarding all timesheets related to the logged in employee.

Field Name Description
In Progress Tab Displays all saved but not submitted timesheets. Number in brackets outline the total number of "In Progress" timesheets.
Requested Tab Displays all timesheets that have been submitted but are have yet to be authorised/rejected. Number in brackets outline the total number of pending timesheets.
Authorised Tab Displays all timesheets that have been authorised by the authoriser. Number in brackets outline the total number of Authorised timesheets.
Rejected Tab Displays all timesheets that have been rejected by the authoriser. Number in brackets outline the total number of Rejected timesheets.
Cancelled Tab Displays all timesheets that have been cancelled. Number in brackets outline the total number of cancelled timesheets.
+ Create Timesheet Clicking this button will allow users to quickly create a timesheet through the New Timesheet Wizard.
Search by name This is a free text field which allows you to specifically search for timesheets by employee name.
Name Employee name will appear under here.
Period Duration of timesheet will display here in DD/MM/YYY - DD/MM/YYYY format.
Submitted Date The date the timesheet was submitted will appear under here.
Total Hours Total number of hours recorded within the timesheet will appear under here.
Time Off Total number of hours employee was away will appear here.
Authoriser The name of the timesheet's authoriser will appear here.
Action This dropdown allows user to perform either of the following:
Cancel (only in "In Progress tab") - Cancel the timesheet
View - View the timesheet

Time Off Management

This widget displays information regarding absence requests related to the logged in employee.

Field Name Description
+ Create Time Off Logged in employee will be able to create an absence request. Clicking this will take them through the Time Off Wizard..
Requested Tab Displays all absence requests that have been submitted but are have yet to be authorised/rejected. Number in brackets outline the total number of pending requests.
Authorised Tab Displays all absences requests that have been authorised by the authoriser. Number in brackets outline the total number of Authorised absence requests.
Rejected Tab Displays all absence requests that have been rejected by the authoriser. Number in brackets outline the total number of Rejected absence requests.
Cancelled Tab Displays all absences requests that have been cancelled. Number in brackets outline the total number of cancelled absence requests.
Search Team Member This is a free text field which allows you to specifically search for absence requested by employee name.
Employee Name Employee's full name will appear under here.
Requested Date Date the request was made will display here in DD/MM/YYYY format.
From Date The date the absence begins will display here in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Until Date The date the absence ends will display here in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Days/Hours This will outline whether the employee has taken the whole day off or part of the day off.
Authoriser The name of the absence request's authoriser will appear here.
Action This dropdown allows user to perform either of the following:
View - view the request
Cancel - Cancel the request
Reject - Decline the request
Authorise - Accept the request
View accruals - view the accrual levels of the related employee
View Team Leaver Planner - access the team leaver planner functionality

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