Payroll Integration Tab Setting

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The Payroll System is a Third Party program which processes the sum of all financial records of salaries for an employee, wages, bonuses and deductions.

Payroll on Integration Navigation Tab

The Payroll Integration Section allows you to enable the Payroll Link and Define the type of Output.

Enable Payroll Link

Select Yes to activate the link between Subscribe-HR and your Payroll System.

Payroll Profile

Select from the dropdown the Payroll System you have.

Attache Split Employee Location

This field only shows when Attache has been selected. You can use this to split the code sent from Attache into the Employee Code and Attache Location fields on the Employee record.

Default Company Code

Enter the default Company Code.

Add Prorata Balances

Select Yes to activate the rorata Balances.

Import Exclusions (comma separate Payroll IDs)

Enter your Import Exclusions.

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