Using IQ Search

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IQ Search


IQ Search is used to find People from a HR and Recruitment perspective. Search results can be found from on any fields or documents in the system. The IQ search can load default values to search from a Vacancy or Talent Pool.

Open an existing IQ Search

  1. After Logging into Subscribe-HR, select the Recruitment Module.
  2. Select the More Tab.
  3. Use the Search Field if Required to filter searchs by Name.
  4. Select ID AND/OR IQ Search Name to sort the existing searches.
  5. Select an IQ Search from the list.

Create an IQ Search

After opening the IQ Search from the More menu.

  1. Select the Add new Record Button.
  2. Select the Save button with the Green plus + symbol.
  3. View a dialog box pop-up.
  4. Type a Name for the IQ Search
  5. Select Ok to Save the Search.
  6. Select Cancel to Abort the Save.

Copy Criterias from Vacancy

You can default the values in an IQ search from an Active Vacancy, to make it easier to setup an IQ Search.

  1. Select the Copy Criterias from Vacancy link.
  2. Select the Vacancy of interest, only active vacancies will show.
  3. Select Remove buttons to drop any search fields that are not required.
  4. Select Add to put extra search on.
  5. Select Save to hold the search fields.
  6. Select Run to activate the Search.

Copy Criterias from Talent Pool

You can default the values in an IQ search from an Talent Pool Definition, to make it easier to setup an IQ Search.

  1. Select the Copy Criterias from Talent Pool link.
  2. Select the Talent Pool of interest.
  3. Select Remove buttons to drop any search fields that are not required.
  4. Select Add to put extra search on.
  5. Select Save to hold the search fields.
  6. Select Run to activate the Search.

Copy to Talent Pools Action

This action allows the applicants of interest to be copied from the IQ Search to a Talent Pool.

  1. Select the applicant(s) of interest. Use the Select All icon if required.
  2. Select the Actions Drop Down, above the Name Field.
  3. Select Copy to Talent Pools action.
  4. View the Pop-up Copy to Talent Pool.
  5. Select the Talent Pool of interest in the Drop Down.
  6. Select Ok to perform the copy.

Legend Explained

There are three types of People records that can be searched with IQ Search.

  1. Applicant: These records are displayed with a green colour.
  2. Employee: These records are displayed with a blue colour.
  3. Job Alert: These records are displayed with a pink colour.

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