Managing Applicants

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Applicant Management


The Vacancy Management folder is used in managing and processing applicants against all vacancies that a Hiring Manager has access to. The Management Folder is divided into functional units, which are described by each section below.

Position Selector

The Position Selector enables you to connect to any other vacancy you have access to. This enables easy switching between vacancies rather than having to look up each vacancy from the Vacancies tab.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR select the Recruitment Module.
  2. Select the Vacancies tab and open the vacancy of interest.
  3. Select the Manage tab.
  4. Select the Vacancy of interest from the drop-down list if you wish to change vacancy. This is shown by selecting the vacancy listed next to the word position.
  5. View the group of applicants that have applied for this Vacancy at the stage you have selected.

Vacancy Steps

The steps in a vacancy are defined by the Recruitment Workflows that have been setup on the system and then selected when then vacancy is created.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR select the Recruitment Module.
  2. Select the Vacancies tab and open the vacancy of interest.
  3. Select the Manage tab.
  4. Select the Step of interest in the Vacancy. The step selector is on the right hand side of the toolbar.
  5. View the group of applicants that relate to this Step.

Show and Hide Rejected Applicants

The applicants that have been removed from the process by any of the rejection actions (unsuccessful, Position Filled and Withdrawn) can be optionally hidden or displayed in the applicant list. These optional buttons will only be available if there are rejected applicants.

  1. Select the Hide button to filter out the rejected applicants.
  2. Select the Show button to display the rejected applicants.

Auto Progress

This option enables the progression of group of applicants based on the criteria selected. These applicants will be shown in the pop-up for you to visually confirm.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR select the Recruitment Module.
  2. Select the Vacancies tab and open the vacancy of interest.
  3. Select the Manage Folder.
  4. Select Based on to determine the method of auto-progression.
  5. Select Auto Score to use this value for auto progress.
  6. Select Manual Score to use this value for auto progress.
  7. Select Both, Average. to use an average value of Auto and Manual Score.
  8. Select Both,Sum. to use the sum of Auto and Manual Score.
  9. Select Next Stepfield and select the step of interest.The set of drop-down options varies here based on the step the application is at.
  10. Select Progress to either progress a certain percentage or Number of applicant.
  11. Select Ok to perform the selected actions.
  12. Select Cancel to not perform auto-progress.

Applicant List Fields

The below Table is an explanation of the fields where applicants are listed.

Field Name Description
Applicant Flag Displays a flag that can indicate a status of the applicant.
Applicant Displays the applicants First name and Surname as a link to expand applicant details.
Applicants CV Link Displays a CV link to download the applicants CV to your browser. You can then open the CV in your downloads.
Score(auto) Displays the Automatic score from filling in the questionaire, can be sorted by selection.
Score(manual) Displays the manually allocated score to the applicant, can be sorted by selection.
Repeat/Undesirable Displays if the applicant is a repeat or has been marked undesirable.
Source Displays the source of the applicant either internal or external and from which Job-Board.

Sorting the Applicants by Scores

Selecting the Score fields allows you to sort the list of applicants by either Auto Score or Manual Score. Low to High, or High to Low. The list will only sort by the last score selected.

  • To sort all Applicants by high score, so all applicants with a high score appear at the top of the list, the arrow beneath the word Score points down.
  • To sort all Applicants by low score, so all applicants with a low score appear at the top of the list, the arrow beneath the word Score points up.

Assigning Flags to an Applicant

Flags are used as follow-ups, reminders or indicators to remind yourself and users of an action that maybe pending. You can use coloured flags to manage applicants by flagging applicants with different kinds of action. For example, use the red flag to mark applicants that you may want to call immediately to confirm they are still interested in applying for the vacancy.

  • To assign a flag to an applicant select the flag outline to the left of the applicant, a drop down of flags will appear allowing you to assign a flag to the vacancy.

Applicant Work Area

Once you have opened the applicant work area you can perform the below actions.

  1. Select the email address to launch an email addressed to the applicant from your local machine.
  2. Select View Resume to display the resume linked to this application.
  3. Select Record Cost to create an applicant cost record. This is for options like Agency, BackGround Checks, Pysch Test and any other applicant costs.
  4. Select Export Summary to download a PDF export of the application.
  5. Select the Activity/Notes Text Box to type notes in the Applicant WorkArea.

The below set of Applicant fields are visible on the WorkArea.

Work Area field Description
Photo Displays the applicant photo, if an option to upload was provided.
Applicant Name Displays the Full applicant name First Name and Surname.
Email and Phone Displays the applicants email and phone details.
Social Media Icons Displays if the applicant has linked applicant details via social media
Activity/Notes Details Displays any notes that have been recorded in the applicant work area.
Applications Displays within brackets how many times the applicant has applied.
Vacancy Displays the last Vacancy the applicant applied for.
Applied Displays the date and time that the applicant applied for the last vacancy.
Stage Displays the current stage that the applicant is at.


This is the set of Standard tasks that can be performed on applicants for every Vacancy in the system. Where there are emails that are selected, pre-configured workflow correspodence will apply to emails that are sent. The content of these emails can be found in the applicant vacancies folder, then opening the contact summary records.

  1. Select the applicants either one or many to perform the action on.
  2. Select one of the following options Unsuccessful, Position Filled, Withdrawn, Hired, Forward, Create Employee, Send Email and Interview.
  3. View the Action of interest defined below.

Unsuccessful Applicant

This action will mark the application status as unsuccessful. Once complete a line will be drawn through the applicants name and the words Unsuccessful shown in brackets. After Selecting Unsuccessful there are three options that can be chosen. Unsuccessful + Email; Unsuccessful + Email in 24 hours; UnSuccessful + no Email.

  1. View a pop-up to fill the following fields. Don't send the Email, Type of Rejection and Reason.
  2. Select Reject to send the Rejection email to the applicant.
  3. Select Cancel to abort the action.

Position Filled

This action will mark the application status marked as positionfilled. Once complete a line will be drawn through the applicants name and the words positionfilled shown in brackets. After Selecting Position Filled there are three options that can be chosen. Position Filled + Email; Position Filled + Email in 24 hours; Position Filled + no Email.

  1. A pop-up will request to confirm to mark the applicant as Position Filled.
  2. Select Ok to complete the action.
  3. Select Cancel to abort the action.


This action will mark the application status marked as withdrawn. Once complete a line will be drawn through the applicants name and the words withdrawn shown in brackets.

  1. A pop-up will request to confirm to mark the applicant as Withdrawn.
  2. Select Ok. This will mark the Application Status as Withdrawn.
  3. Select Cancel to abort the action.


This action will mark the application status marked as withdrawn. Once complete a line will be drawn through the applicants name and the words withdrawn shown in brackets.

  1. A pop-up will request to confirm to mark the applicant as Hired.
  2. Select Ok. This will mark the Application Status as Hired.
  3. Select Cancel to abort the action.


If it is required to send the applicants details to another Hiring Manager or interested party then use this option. By default the subject will mail-merge with the applicants name. The Resume from the application will be automatically attached.

  1. A pop-up will request the To Address, Subject and Short Message.
  2. Select Ok. This will send the email to the Recipient.
  3. The email content is stored in Applicant Vacancy Contact Summary.
  4. Select Cancel to abort the Forward action.

Create Employee

Once you have finally Hired your Applicant you can use this to create the applicant on the Human Resources system.

  1. A pop-up will request to confirm to create the employee
  2. Select Cancel to abort the action.
  3. Select Ok then the New Employee Wizard will load.
  4. Fill out the fields on the page, mandatory fields are shown with a Asterix.
  5. Select Save to create the Employee Record.
  6. Select Cancel to abort the action.

Send General Email

To send an email to any number of selected applicants use this action.

  1. A pop-up will request the To Address, Subject, Attachment and Short Message. You can select to send in 24 hours if required.
  2. Select Ok. This will send the email that was created.
  3. The email content is stored in Applicant Vacancy Contact Summary.
  4. Select Cancel to abort the action.


If you wish to schedule the applicant for interview select this option. This action will open the Schedule an Interview Tool with the Applicant(s) populated onto the form. See the documentation in the wiki Recruitment Module, Tools, Schedule an Interview, for all options in this tool.

  1. Select the Applicant(s) of interest.
  2. Select the Action button.
  3. Select the Interview action.
  4. Fill out the interview form details.
  5. Select ok to create the interview record.
  6. Select close to Abort the Action.

Move To

This action will allow you to move applicants from their current step to the next step of the recruitment process. The Recruitment Workflows define the steps and their order as displayed on the Move To Drop Down.

  1. Select the applicants to move.
  2. Select the Move To Button.
  3. Select the Step of interest to move the applicant(s) to.
  4. Notice there are many options for each step that is selected, the options vary dependant on the type of step Selected. There are two sets of options that will apply for each type of step. Interview and Email options or Email only options.
  5. Notice the Email options are: Step + Email; Step + Email in 24 hours; Step + No Email.
  6. Notice the Interview options are: Step + Schedule Interview; Step + Schedule Interview + no Email.

Progress Button

The progress button is a green button, that allows the moving of an applicant instantly to the next stpe once selected.

  1. Locate the applicant of interest to Progress.
  2. Select the Progress button to move the applicant to the next stage of the Recruitment Process.
  3. This will move the applicant to the next stage based on the Recruitment Workflow that has been assigned to the vacancy.
  4. Notice you arrive at the next step along with the applicant(s) moved.

Reject Button

The Reject button is a red button, that allows the moving of an applicant instantly to the next stpe once selected.

  1. Locate the applicant of interest to Reject.
  2. Select the Reject button.
  3. This will marked the applicant as rejected.