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Employee Expenses

The Employee Expenses area

Creating Work Expenses Records

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Human Resources TAB.
  2. Select the Employee folder.
  3. Select the desired employee.
  4. Select the Expenses sub-folder.
  5. Select the create button.
  6. Fill in the fields.
  7. Select the Save button.

Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Address fields explained

Field Name Description
Claim Date The date the claim was made by the employee
Authorised Has the claim been authorised
Expense Type The expense type that is being claimed
Payment Type How this was paid
Sub Total The subtotal amount on the receipt
GST Amount GST amount on the receipt
Total Total amount on the receipt
Description Description of the expense
Payment Made Has the payment been made to the employee
Payment Date Date the payment was made to the employee

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