Standard Questions

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Standard Questions

This is where you set-up standard questions lists in order to either select within a Vacancy or Assign to a Questionnaire. These questions wil then be answered by Applicants when they apply via the Recruitment Portal

  1. Question Name. Type in the question name here
  2. Questions Type. Select, Yes / No, Free Text, Multiple Choice
  3. Mandatory. Is yes, the applicant will have to answer the question
  4. If Yes / No Questions. What is the Yes answer Score and if No, What is the no answer score
  5. If Free Text, do you want to display a short text box, meaning the reponse box with be smaller
  6. If Multiple Choice Type question. You can add the options, and give the options scores. You can also enter a Rejection Message. To do this, click the "Reject" Check Box
  7. Carry Forward. Do you Carry Leave Balance forward. If yes, tick this box
  8. Allow Selecting Multiple Options. This allows applicants to select miltiple options when they answer the question
  9. Add option (Multiple Choice. This allows you to add another multiple choice option

Please also refer to these links for details relating to Standard Question and their relationships to other parts of the system:

Assigning Standard Questions

Creating New Vacancies and Assigning to On-Line Portal

Adding New Questionnaires

Setting up On-line Portal

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