Standard Reports Dashboard Widgets
From Subscribe-HR Wiki Help
Standard Reports
To Navigate to this Dashboard and the Widgets (and access Standard Reporting) follow these steps:
- Click on Home (In the menu on the left-hand side of the system/screen).
- Click on the "Dashboards Menu" Dropdown (the second dropdown menu from the top of the system/screen, just next to the left-hand side menu containing the company logo and your name/image).
- Scroll down and select "Standard Reports."
- When the Standard Reports Dashboard opens, it will display a set of Standard Reports.
- 14 Reports Max can be included in each Dashboard - to display more Reports, create a 'New Standard Reporting Dashboard' by clicking on the '+' dropdown arrow (next to the Dashboards menu). You can remove Reports from the Dashboard by clicking on the 'X' on the top right of each Report Widget. This will then display a placeholder, into which you can add a new Report. Click the '+' button (that appears in the centre of the empty Report Widget container) to add a new Report and then select the desired Report from the dropdown menu (specifying if you want to display a full-width or half-width Report).
- Reports can be moved around and repositioned - meaning that Users can display Reports in a custom arrangement.
- Reports can be written using the Standard Reporting Tool. Once written they can be added to the Standard Reporting Dashboard.
To find out more about how to create and edit Advanced Reports, go to Creating Reports using the Standard Report Writer.