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Dashboard Widgets and Wizards

Dashboard Widget Colours - Themes

You can change the Rounding of the Edges of the Widgets in the Dashboard Interface by selecting the Left Menu Active Colour option from System Settings --> Themes --> Colours ---> Dashboard Widget --> Dashboard Widget Corners. You can also change the Colours of the Dashboard by updating the Font Colour in Themes. Team Dashboards will start to be released in 2020. Towards the end of the year.

Team Dashboard Widget Standard Types

The Types Dashboard Tabs that are available in Subscribe-HR:

  1. My Info - Personal Information.
  2. Manager - Team Information for Managers based on their Team. Managers will have this Tab + My Info Tab.
  3. People and Culture - HR Manager and HR Team can use this Tab to Manage the organisation. People and Culture will have this Tab + Manager Tab + My Info Tab.
  4. Performance Management - Allows Employees, Manager and People and Culture to manage Reviews, Catch-ups, PDP's and Goals. Access to information will be based on the User Role. Employees see their own information. Managers see their team + their own information and People and Culture see everything + their team + their own information.
  5. Recruitment - For Recruiters who need to manage the Recruitment Process.
  6. Onboarding - For Onboarding New People.
  7. Reporting and Metrics - Contains Standard Reports + HR Metrics based information.
  8. SA - Contains system usage and system configuration including billing information.
  9. Please note that you can create any type of widget that is needed. This can be done using the Widget Building which is located in the Developer Solution. You can set-up Widget permissions in Groups / Permissions.

There is a restriction of 10 Widgets Per Dashboard Tav. Dashboard Tabs can be created by you are required. Standard Dashboard Widgets are for: Employees, Managers, People and Culture, Recruiters, HR Metrics Reporting, Onboarding and Offboarding and System Admins Stats.

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