Performance Workbench - Review Tool

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Review tool can be accessed by clicking on Open Review action in list all views. It allows users to complete steps in the performance management workflow.

Define Step Type

Define step type will be rendered according to the settings in the workflow. A section for each definition item will be created. If step settings contain only one item, only one section will be rendered. To add an item please follow the steps below:

  1. Clicking on Open Review action against the performance review record in the Performance Workbench List All view.
  2. One or multiple sections will be rendered for each definition item. For example if definition item is goals, section for goals will be rendered.
  3. To define a goal click on Create New in the goals section.
  4. A dialog box will show up with new goal form. The form will be based on the template specified in the workflow configuration.
  5. Fill in all the mandatory fields and other relevant information.
  6. Click the [Create] button to create new goal.
  7. New goal will be displayed in the list all view in the goals section.
  8. At this point you can edit goal by clicking on Edit button that appears before goal record or delete it by clicking Delete button.

Step 1 - Select Canvas

Field Name Description
Name Deployment name.
Template Performance review template.
Copy From Previous Review Specify items to bring from previous review into current one. For example selecting skills will copy all skills defined in the last performance review and auto-create them in the current review.
Employees Once or more employees to send the review to.
Groups One or more groups to send the review to.
Departments One or more departments to send the review to.

Step 2 - Review and Edit

This step allows users to preview their performance review canvas and make any last minute changes to the paragraphs. A role drop down field allows switching between different views. User can preview what employee or manager or peer will see when completing the review form. To edit paragraphs simply click on text in paragraphs to enable the editor.

Step 3 - Timing

Field Name Description
When to Deploy Two options available. Now or Later.
Deploy Date (If When to Deploy = Later) Specify actual date of deployment.

Step 3 - Summary

Displays summary information of all fields entered in previous steps. At this point you can still go back and make changes. Once Submit button is pressed the deployment task will be placed into scheduling queue. If deployment has not yet been deployed you can still cancel it using Cancel action in deployment list all view.

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