Creating new values in the Code Library

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What is a Code Library

A Code Library is an object with a set of values. Example: Object: Gender Values: Male, Female

Code Libraries can be linked to a drop down combo box, or multiselect box, the result is that the drop down or multiselect will display the values that are in the Code Library. Code Libraries often have the same name as the drop down that they are associated with making them easy to find.

Most of the Code Libraries in the system can have additional values added and values removed. If you are unsure of the name of the Code Library that you wish to change, try searching for the name of the drop down. In our example we should search for Gender.

How can I tell which Code Libraries I can add and removed values from

Code Libraries that are underlined are locked and the values cannot be changed. This is all for good reason too. If you do need values added to a locked Code Library you should contact Subscribe-HR.
Code library locked.gif

Creating new values to an existing Code Library

  1. Select the Maintenance TAB.
  2. Select the Code Library folder.
  3. You will see a list of Library Codes, locate the desired Code Library and select it.
  4. Select the Codes subfolder from the left menu.
  5. Select the create button.
  6. Enter the value into the Code name field.
  7. Select the Save button.

Fields marked in bold are mandatory and must be filled in before the benefit can be saved

Code Fields Explained

Field Name Description
Selected by Default If you want this value to be the default in the drop down then check this field.
Code System recognised code name.

The code field should be unique and not have any spaces in the name entered.
Example: fulltime <b>NOT</b> Full Time

This field is auto-generated if left blank.
Code name The value you wish to appear in the drop down
Code short name This is the name you can use for searching
Code numeric representation Ordering for Codes
Other name Alternative Name for Codes
Category code Used for Grouping Codes together

Sorting the values in a Code Library

  1. Select the Maintenance TAB.
  2. Select the Code Library folder.
  3. You will see a list of Library Codes, locate the desired Code Library and select it.
  4. Select the Sorting Order from the dropdown under the General TAB.
  5. Select the Save Button.

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