Online Recruitment Basics

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The Recruitment Portal

The Recruitment Portal is designed for applicants to register their interest, and apply for advertised jobs.

Registering as an Applicant

  1. Follow the link provided to you to access the Microsite.
  2. Select the Register link
  3. Select the Applicant option and select Continue
    Microsite regis.gif
  4. Fill in the registration form.
  5. Select the Save button.

Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the registration will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Register app.gif

Your registration is created immediately, you are logged in and directed to the List of Vacancies

Register Applicant fields explained

Field Name Description
Title Applicants Title
First Name First name of the applicant.
Surname Surname of the applicant.
E-mail E-mail address of the applicant.
Password Provide a password for your login. Your password

should be at least 6 characters long and include alpha and

Confirm Password Repeat the password in this field.
Address 1 Is for street number, street name, or maybe PO Box.
Address 2 Is for apartment, floor, suite, building # or more specific information within Address 1
Suburb Is for the suburb the applicant lives in
State Is for the state the applicant lives in
Post Code Is for the post code of the area the applicant lives in
Country Is for the country the applicant lives in
Phone Number Applicants home number
Mobile Applicants mobile number
Referred by Name of person who referred you to this site
Receive Newsletter Check if you wish to receive a newsletter via email
Receive Vacancy Updates Check if you wish to receive vacancy information by email

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