Job Benefits
From Subscribe-HR Wiki Help
Assigning Benefits to a Job
When assigning benefits to a job, you are simply indicating that these are the potential benefits available to the job holder. You are not assigning a benefit to all Job Holders.
Assigning Benefits
- After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, navigate to the ‘Human Resources’ TAB.
- Select the Jobs folder.
- Select the Job you wish to assign benefits to.
- Select the Benefits sub-folder.
- You should see a list of benefits that have already been assigned to this job, if this list is empty then no benefits are assigned at this point in time.
- Select the Create button.
- Select the Start Date by selecting inside the Start Date field.
- Select the End Date by selecting inside the End Date field.
- Select the Benefits Type from the drop down.
- Enter any Benefits Notes.
- Select the Save button.
Fields marked in bold are mandatory and must be filled in before the benefit can be saved