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Using the Orgchart

About Orgchart

The 'Orgchart' is a collaborative workforce management tool designed to quickly and efficiently show the structure of your organisation. The Orgchart allows 'Person to Person' views and 'Job to Job' views. Person to Person: Defined by the manager that is recorded against the Employee in the Employee Masterfile form in Subscribe-HR. Job to Job: Defined by which Job Reports to which Job. This is set-up on the Job Record in the Jobs Folder. The Orgchart will load Top Job / Top Person and the second row of Peopl/Jobs in the structure. When you Click on Orgchart from the Left Hand Navigation under "Tools", the first view that loads for the Employee and Job is: Top Person in the Business and Top Job in the Business. These two options MUST be set-up in Settings which are available from the Top Right Navigation under your Name. Under details, select HR. Scroll down and you will find Orgchart Settings. Choose the Top Person for the Person to Person Orgchart. Select Top Job for the Job to Job Orgchart. To expand the following rows, you can use the expand and mininize options. NOTE: Only one Person can be marked as Top Person in Orgchart and only one Job can be Top Job in Orgchart. Please note. If you are using Team Dashboards. The Settings for the OrgChart, in Team Dashboards are available through the Activation Hub - Core-HR option, OrgChart Settings. Or you can go into the Employee Masterfile Record for the person you want to make Top Person in OrgChart and tick the relevant Check Box. This is also relevant to Top Job in OrgChart. For Team Dashboards, updating Top Job, you can do this either through the Core-HR Item in the Core-HR option in the Activation Hub or by going into the "Job Record" and selecting Top Job in OrgChart.

Key Navigation

1. Employee Chart. Person to Person Reporting.
2. Job Chart. Job to Job Reporting.
3. Search. Type Employee First Name and Surname into search if Employee Chart is being used. Type the Job Title in Search if the Job Chart is being used.
4. Refresh. Will Refresh to Chart and Return it back to Top Person or Top Job View showing top item and next row.
5. Show Complete Chart. Will show the whole chart fully expanded. You can then use the Minimize and Maximize options to expand and contract the chart.
6. Minimize and Maximize (- , + within the boxes). You can use these option to show new row or person or not show.
7. To move right an left to see more parts of the Orgchart, if its extends past your normal screen view, use your mouse and drap the chart from right to left and left to right. AC3 Customers, use the scroll bar to go up and down. Click on the Screen and hold to go right and left. For Team Dashboard Customers. Use the Scroll Bars to go right and left and up and down.
8. Text will show in the Orgchart boxes when the user see's their record or their Job. The GREEN Text is: "#THIS IS YOU" based on your "Person to Person" Orgchart view or "#THIS IS YOUR JOB", for the "Job to Job" Orgchart.

Important Note: Please note that for the Orgchart functionality to work properly, you need to make sure your Person to Person and Job to Job reporting lines are in place in the system and that the Top Persona and Top Job are chosen in Settings. If the person does not have any reporting lines, no results will follow underneath, which is fine is they are an Employee and not a Manager. If a line manager does not return reports underneath them, it means that Employees have not been linked to this manager. Link Employees to their Manager by going into their main Employee Masterfile Record, and using the "Manager Reference" field to link the Employee to their Manager. You can also do this through the Workforce Manager. You can use the Workforce Manager to easily assign First Manager or New Manager to Employee/s. The Orgchart does not adhere to security groups and will display the complete charts for all users.

Parameters for Leavers and Jobs Not In use

On the Leaver Tab against the Employee Masterfile Record there are three fields which will impact in the Orgchart. Last Day at work, Date Left and Leaver.

1. Leaver. If this is ticked and "last day at work" is entered, the person will show up in "RED" in the Orgchart. They will appear if the date is less than or equal too 4 weeks. Once this date is passed they will be removed from the Orgchart.
2. Date Left. If this date is entered, the person will remain in the Orgchart for 1 week following this date. At which time, the Person will be removed when the date is greater than 1 week. If this date is not entered, the "Last Day at Work" date will be used - Greater than 1 Week from this date.
3. If "Job not in use" is ticket in the main Job Masterfile form, this Job will not appear in the Job Chart.

Job Holders in Job Chart

The Job Holders number which can be seen against the Job Chart, displays the number of people that have that Job. Leavers will be excluded from this number. If a Job has "No Job Holders", the Job will have a "RED" Boarder.

How to use Orgchart

1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR Cloud HCM Platform, navigate to the "Tools" section which is located on the left hand side of the main navigation.
2. Click on the 'Orgchart' option on the left under "Tools".
3. This will load the Top Person and the next row of people in the Org structure. Please see below for Orgchart settings - Top Person in Orgchart and Top Job in Orgchart.
4. You can expand the next rows by using the expand option.
5. Job Chart works in the same way.
6. Use "Search" and "Refresh" and "Show Whole Chart" options to display information accordingly.
7. To Print anything in the Orgchart, use Print Screen CNTRL P.
8. To Zoom in and out use the Zoom option which is located top right on the OrgChart. Only Team Dashboard Customer.
9. Red Coloured Boxes means, Person is about to Leave. Or Job has no Job Holders.

To set-up Orgchart Top person and Top Job Settings, Click Here.

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