Creating New CPD Settings

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Creating New CPD Settings

You can Configure CPD Settings here and then assign them to Jobs. Based on this, when an Employee is linked with a Job, and you enter training records, the system will show you what the annual requirement is from a CPD perspective. It will also track the actual CPD hours that have currently be taken, when you record Training Type as CPD. You can show this information in a Users Dashboard. The CPD Hours Settings allow you to record the requirement for a period and this period will be used for the current required calculations e.g. Taken v Required.

Field Name Description
Job Name Mandatory Field. Select the Job the CPD Setting applies to
CPD Start Mandatory Field. Select the Date the CPD Setting should start from (Calculations)
CPD End Mandatory Field. Select the date the CPD Settings End
CPD hour Target Mandatory Field. Type in what the annual requirement is for this Job. This will be shown in training records, and can also be shown in a users Dashboard

Please also refer to these links for details relating to CPD Setting and their relationships to other parts of the system:

Applicant Skills

Vacancy Skills


Searching for Skills

Employee Skills

Job Skills

Employee Training Records

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