Training Request

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==Training Request Wizard ==
==Training Request Wizard ==
The Training Request Wizard enables Employees, Managers and People and Culture users to Wait List / Enroll into Face to Face and E-Learning (If Go1 is installed). Once created, Training Course and Training Event enrollments can be managed via the Training Widget - which are available through Manager and People & Culture Dashboards.
The Training Request Wizard enables Employees, Managers and People and Culture users to Wait List / Enroll into Face to Face and E-Learning (If Go1 is installed). Once created, Training Course (From the Training Catalogue) and Training Event enrollments can be managed via the Training Widget - which are available through Manager and People & Culture Dashboards.
== Training Request Wizard Navigation Functionality ==
== Training Request Wizard Navigation Functionality ==

Revision as of 00:55, 12 December 2022

Training Request Wizard

The Training Request Wizard enables Employees, Managers and People and Culture users to Wait List / Enroll into Face to Face and E-Learning (If Go1 is installed). Once created, Training Course (From the Training Catalogue) and Training Event enrollments can be managed via the Training Widget - which are available through Manager and People & Culture Dashboards.

Training Request Wizard Navigation Functionality

There are multiple navigation options available to you throughout the Training Request Wizard. These navigation options are outlined below.

  1. START - the "START" button at the top right-hand side of the Dashboard [The top right of your screen] is how you launch all Wizards. Click "Start" and this will launch a Wizard popup window containing a navigation menu. This is where all your Wizard interaction options exist. The Wizards available to you in this menu are based on your Permissions.
  2. View - to View a particular Wizard click on the downward pointing arrow on the right-hand side of the menu. Scroll down, choose the Wizard you want to View, then click 'Select.'
  3. Select - select enables you to choose (and move into) your chosen Wizard (from the main Wizard dropdown menu).
  4. Create New - allows you to create a New Record within a particular Wizard (where relevant).
  5. Create - allows you to 'save' a New Record you've created.
  6. Edit - allows you to Edit a Record.
  7. Save - allows you to Save a Record.
  8. Delete - allows you to Delete a Record.
  9. Previous - allows you to go back one step.
  10. Clear - allows you to clear content from the form fields in a Wizard. Note: clicking clear will remove the content from ALL the fields in that Wizard.
  11. Submit - allows you to Submit the data or Record/s you've added into a Wizard.
  12. Close - allows you to Close the Wizard you've been working in. Note: Closing a Wizard before completing it will result in a loss of the data you've input into data fields. You will be shown a popup window with a warning asking you to confirm your action before the data is lost.
  13. Search - a Search window will appear in the top right corner of the Wizard popup if relevant (E.G. Where there is a list of Folders within a Wizard). Search enables you to search for a specific Folder within a Wizard.
  14. Next - to navigate through items in a drop-down menu, click on the downward pointing arrow on the right-hand side of the menu. Scroll down, choose the item you want, then click 'Next' to progress to the next window.
  15. Breadcrumbs - on the bottom left of the Wizard popup window, you will see a 'Breadcrumb' (for example 'Start > My Info'). This Breadcumb enables you to go back to previous steps in the process by clicking on your preferred choice. Breadcrumbs give you more flexibility about which stage of the Wizard you want to 'go bacc' to (E.G. it is more flexible than just choosing 'Previous' which limits you to going back only one step in the process).

NOTE: There is a 6MB file limit on all files that are uploaded into Subscribe-HR's Team Dashboards System. Please ensure that large files are compressed/reduced and that the file size is less than 6MB (the smaller the file size, the better).

How to Trigger the Training Request Wizard

You can trigger the Training Request Wizard from the Wizard popup menu:

1. Select "START" at the top right-hand side of the Dashboard [The top right of your screen].
2. Scroll down and click on the "Training Request" option from the menu, then click "Select."

Training Request Wizard – Steps


This steps show instructions for the user and what the options for selection in the next step mean.

  • Course (From Training Catalogue) - Select Add to Course Waiting List to be placed into the Waiting List for the selected Course from the Training Catalogue. Once this Course reaches its preferred attendee amount it will be run as an Event. Your HR Team will communicate with you when this occurs. If you are Employee Self-Service - My Info you will be adding yourself to Courses Wait List/s. If you are Manager or People and Culture you will be adding Team Members or any Employee to Course Wait List/s.
  • Training Events - Select Add to Event Waiting List to be placed onto the Waiting List for that Event. An Event has an actual Start Date and End Date. There may be rules in place around how many days prior to the Event you can do this. Once you have been added to the Event Attendee List you will be notified. If you are Employee Self-Service - My Info you will be adding yourself to Event Wait List/s. If you are Manager or People and Culture you will be adding Team Members or any Employee to Event Wait List/s.
  • Enrol in E-Learning Course - If this is selected you can choose e-Learning courses from the Catalogue to participate in. If you are Employee Self-Service - My Info you will be adding yourself to Complete E-Learning. If you are Manager or People and Culture you will be adding Team Members or any Employee to complete E-Learning.

Training Request Wizard – New Training Request - Add to Course / Event Waiting List or Enroll in E-Learning (if Go1 Installed)

1. Training Request Type – specify which type of Training Request to create. The options are:

  • Add to Course Waiting List from Training Catalogue - add Self - Employee/s to a Course waiting list (Courses are not actual 'scheduled' events, they are Course types which reach desired level of interest which can then be run as an event with optimal number of attendees).
  • Add to Training Event Waiting List - add Self - Employee/s to a scheduled Face-to-Face Course/Event.
  • Enrol in E-Learning (if Go1 Installed) - add Self - Employee/s to do an E-Learning Course from the Go1 Course Catalogue (Check your Go1 Subscription regarding access to the Go1 Catalogue).

2. Requesting For – specify who the Training Request is for: -Myself. (My Info) -Team Member: (Manager and People and Culture users)
3. Employees – if Team Member is selected at the previous step, specify the Employee/s you want to make the Training Request for. Click “Next.” My Info - You request for yourself. Managers can Request for Team Member. People and Culture and Request for any Employee.

NOTE: System e-mails will send to the Employee, Manager and People and Culture Users, to notify them that they have been placed onto the Wait List for the relevant Course.

Training Request Wizard – Select Which Course/s Waiting Lists to add Self or Employees To - Add To Course Waiting List from the Training Catalogue

If Course Wait List is Selected:

1. Self or Selected People – If Employee Self-Service you will be only putting yourself onto the Wait List for Courses from the Training Catalogue. If Manager or P&C User, you will be able to select single or multiple teams members/people. Click “Next.”
2. Training Guide for Self or Selected People – The Training Guide will include information like: Name of Employee/s, Review Score (Shows the Review Score - if there is no Review Score text will be N/A), Courses Match (Shows Match of Courses to Skills Gaps), Skills (Shows the Skills the person has), Skills Gaps (Shows Skills Gaps for the Person), View Guide (Shows Training inProgress, Complete for the Person). View Training Summary information Click “Next.”
3. Training Catalogue – Specify which Course Waiting Lists to add Self - Employee/s to. Multiple Courses can be selected. Click “Next.” Options for you here are, Suggested and All. Suggested Courses will be based on any Skills Gaps, that the Self-Service Employee or Team Member/Employee has. If you hover over the Skills Gap - Skills you can see who they belong to, if you are a Manager or People and Culture user doing this for Team Members or Employees. Suggested courses will automatically appear in the "Courses" field. For all Courses, you will be able to select single or multiple courses to place people onto the Waiting List for.
4. Summary – the final screen for the Training Request Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to complete your ‘Training Request’ for the nominated Employee/s. Click “Submit.”
4. Success – if your Training Request has been created correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.

NOTE: System e-mails will send to the Employee, Manager and People and Culture Users, to notify them that they have been placed onto the Wait List for the relevant Course.

Training Request Wizard – Select Which Event/s to add Self or Employees To - Add To Training Event/s Waiting List

If Event/s Wait List is Selected:

1. Self or Selected People – If Employee Self-Service you will be only putting yourself onto the Wait List for Courses. If Manager or P&C User, you will be able to select single or multiple teams members/people. Click “Next.”
2. Training Guide for Self or Selected People – The Training Guide will include information like: Name of Employee/s, Review Score (Shows the Review Score - if there is no Review Score text will be N/A), Courses Match (Shows Match of Courses to Skills Gaps), Skills (Shows the Skills the person has), Skills Gaps (Shows Skills Gaps for the Person), View Guide (Shows Training inProgress, Complete for the Person). View Training Summary information Click “Next.”
2. Training Events Selection – You will see a Calendar option for Events to place yourself/Team Members/People into. You can expand the Calendar View by clicking the Maximise text on the upper right side of the screen. You can close this view to return to the original view in the Wizard. Select the Event Name from the Calendar View. You will then see Event Details. Select Add to Event Wait List from the options below the Event Details. If you are an Employee, you will see only your name. If you are a Manager you will see the people you have selected to be put into the Event. If you don't Add Self or Team Member/Person to the Event by clicking the ADD to Event Wait List option, you/people will not be added. They will now show in the next Screen. If you add someone and then want to remove them, use the Remove from Wait List option.
4. Summary – the final screen for the Training Request Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to complete your ‘Training Request’ for the nominated Employee/s. Click “Submit.”
4. Success – if your Training Request has been created correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.

NOTE: System e-mails will send to the Employee, Manager and People and Culture Users, to notify them that they have been placed onto the Wait List for the relevant Event.

Training Request Wizard – New Training Request (BETA) - Select Enrol in e-Learning Course

1. Training Request Type – specify which type of Training Request to create. The option to select here is:

  • Enrol in e-Learning Course - select this option to enrol Employee/s in e-Learning. Click “Next.”

Note: this option is only available if a third-party e-Learning App has been installed/integrated.

Training Request Wizard – Search e-Learning Catalogue - Enrol in e-Learning

These steps only appear if a third-party e-Learning App is installed. 1. Search the Catalogue and enrol Employees in e-Learning Courses that meet their Training needs. To enrol an Employee in a course, use the 'Action' menu associated with each Course. The options are:

  • Enrol Users - enrol Employee/s in the selected e-Learning.
  • Enrol Myself - enrol yourself in the selected e-Learning.

2. Summary – the final screen for the Training Request Wizard is a summary of all your choices throughout the Wizard. Check and confirm that all the correct information has been captured. If you need to make changes, use “Previous” (bottom right of Wizard) to trace your steps back through the Wizard, and then use “Next” (bottom right of Wizard) to return to the final summary page once all changes have been made. When you’re ready to complete your ‘Training Request’ for the nominated Employee/s. Click “Submit.”
3. Success – if your Training Request has been created correctly, you will see a success message. If not, you will see an error message. If you see an error message, please retrace your steps back through the Wizard and correct any issues. Otherwise, please contact support.

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