Course Providers

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Setting up Providers

Setting up and utilising Providers allows you to link Providers to Events. The provider and be an Internal Provider or and External Provider.

Adding Training Providers

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select Human Resources on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select Providers.
  3. You will see a list of Training Provider, if this list is empty then no Providers have been setup at this point in time.
  4. Select the Create New button on left.
  5. Enter the Provider Name.
  6. Select if the Provider is Internal or External.
  7. If the Provider is internal, a Room field will show so you can provide information on which room is to be used.
  8. Enter the Provider Description e.g. what courses do they run.
  9. Enter the Provider Contact First Name and Surname.
  10. Enter the Provider E-mail and Phone Number.
  11. Enter the Providers website.
  12. Enter Provider Notes, like which Room is going to be used. Directions etc.
  13. Click Save
  14. Select the Events Tab to see of the "Event" that the Provider is schedule in for.

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