New Recruiters

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Adding New Recruiters

By creating recruiters in the system you are able to assign these recruiters as your default interview panel for the vacancy.

Creating Recruiters

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Recruitment TAB.
  2. Select the Recruiter folder.
  3. You will see a list of Recruiters, if you do not then no recruiters have been setup in the system yet.
  4. Select the [Add New Record] button.
  5. Fill in the fields.
  6. Select the Save button.

Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the question will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Recruiter fields explained

Field Name Description
Type Select the recruiter type.
First Name Recruiters first name
Surname Recruiters surname
Email Recruiters email address
Phone Recruiters phone number
Mobile Recruiters mobile
Recruitment Agency Select the recruitment agency name. This field only appears if the Type is set to Agency.

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