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Assigning Bonus to an Employee

When assigning a Bonus to an employee you are assigning a Bonus to their Employee / Bonus Sub Folder.

Assigning Benefits

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "HUMAN RESOURCES" on the left hand side from the navigation area.
  2. Select the Employee folder.
  3. Select the Employee you wish to assign the Bonus to.
  4. Select the Bonus sub-folder from the left side menu.
  5. Select the [Add New Record] button.
  6. Select the Payment Date from the Payment Date Date selector.
  7. Select the Type from the drop down. E.g. Bonus based on Performance Review. Generated from the Remuneration Modelling Tool. You can create your own Bonus Types in the Code Library area: Bonus Type option. Bonus Type can also be created from the Remuneration Modelling Tool.
  8. Enter the Bonus Amount. This is a numeric value only Example: $900.00
  9. Select the Save button.

Fields marked in bold are mandatory and must be filled in before the benefit can be saved

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